What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign


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What You Want In Your Partner Zodiac

Are you searching for your ideal partner but unsure what qualities to look for? Discover the hidden cosmic insights that reveal what do you want in your partner.

Weโ€™re all looking for that one person who understands us and complements us. We look for partners who fulfill our needs.

But often enough, we donโ€™t even fully know what we really need, and figuring out what your significant other needs is definitely not easier.

Did you know you can discover what do you want from your partner based on the Zodiac sign?

We all have certain attributes and features that are pre-determined by the zodiac sign we are born under.

In the same way, our signs also determine our needs. Keep reading to find out more about the different zodiac love.

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What Do You Want In Your Partner Or What They Want From You According To The Zodiac Sign

Find out what you want in your partner or what your partner wants from you according to astrology below.

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

What do you need in your partner aries
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Aries

Aries can be blunt and harsh sometimes and they need someone who always puts the truth first.

If you’re an Aries, you probably have a good idea of what you want from a partner. But if you are dating an Aries, youโ€™ll need to prepare yourself to be able to communicate in an open and straightforward manner.

The sign of the ram indicates boldness and transparency. They prefer people who put things bluntly, even in an unpleasant situation.  

Theyโ€™ll put all their cards on the table and expect others to do the same. Aries will also want someone adventurous and inspiring who will keep them entertained. 

Related: 50 Side-Splitting Aries Memes That Every Arian Will Relate To

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

What do you want in your partner taurus
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Taurus

They are extremely viable and grounded, they need someone who is willing to help them open up

If you are dating a Taurean or a Taurean yourself you are well aware of the fact that Taureans are extremely loyal in a relationship and want the same in return. They usually have a high set of standards for their partners.

A Taurus will usually put on a brave face and pretend they are doing just fine no matter how much pain they are in.

Itโ€™s difficult for them to open up about their emotions so they need partners who will help them express themselves.

They need a lover who can make them feel comfortable while gently nudging them into talking about their issues.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Gemini
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Gemini

Geminis are known for their inquisitive and free-flowing nature, they need someone to anchor them.

Gemini likes to be everywhere at once. They have short attention spans but are interested in so many things that they are constantly flying around from one thing to another.

They also tend to get bored easily so it is essential that you keep things interesting for them while maintaining a cheery and positive vibe.

Sometimes they overwhelm themselves with all their interests so they need a partner who can help them stay focused and calm.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Cancer
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Cancer

Something a Cancerian honestly expects is to know that their partner cares for them the same way as they do and they need someone who can meet their expectations

Naturally loving and nurturing, Cancers are very generous and will give their lover the very shirt of their backs if it will make them smile.

They do whatever they can to show their partners how much they care for them but they are also idealistic so in return, they expect the same and more.

Cancerians have a lot of hope from others, of course, it is not easy to live up to those ideals so Cancers often find themselves deeply disappointed when their partners fall short. Since they give it their all, they need someone who is willing to do the same.

Related The Lovable Zodiac Signs: Top 8 Zodiac Signs Who Are Easy To Love

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Leo
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Leo

Leos are confident and excitable, they need someone who is serious but light-hearted.

Talking about the zodiac couple, We have Leos who breeze through life with all the self-assurance of an actual lion.

And it is only natural for them to want a partner with the same attitude towards life. They can be very happy-go-lucky at times but they donโ€™t like people who pull them down and they donโ€™t like complications.

Hence, they look for partners who are in it for the long run. Donโ€™t try to fool them because they are extremely intuitive when it comes to sensing any trickery or doubt.

This charming sign can only be charmed by the one who can play it cool and be smart at the same time.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Virgo
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Virgo

Virgos are prone to get anxious because of their perfectionist nature, they need someone to help them find balance.

Talking about the zodiac partner, her is Virgo, who are extremely analytical and critical of themselves as well as of others. They are rational by nature but hidden deep within their hearts, they have a sentimental side that they keep carefully out of sight. 

They prefer to look at everything practically but at times they let their feelings guide them.  

For a Virgo, their partner should be in touch with his/her feelings but not completely controlled by them. They also look for truthfulness and dependability.

They like to be in charge and what they seek in their partner is unconditional support and can keep them calm and relaxed.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign libra
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Libra

Libras have a fairy tale view of love and togetherness, they need someone who has found serenity.

Talking about what you want in your partner, let’s not forget about Libra, Those born under this sign are usually calm and collected no matter what and they will quickly leave any relationship that shows signs of turbulence.

They admire beauty, balance, and peace. A Libra wonโ€™t even consider a partner who disturbs the peace and positivity they surround themselves with.

They are all into traditional courtship and boldly expressive. Librans tend to be intellectual and got a penchant for socializing with family and friends.

They want from their partner a fair partnership between equals so never treat them like theyโ€™re inferior to you.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Scorpio
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign- Scorpio

Scorpio has a habit of being wary of emotional commitment, they need someone who deserves their trust.

Loyalty is a key trait for Scorpios, and if you’re born under this sign, you probably value it above all else in a relationship.

However, if you’re interested in pursuing a Scorpio, be prepared to exercise patience, as it may take some time for them to let their guard down. But once they do, you’ll have a fiercely loyal partner by your side.

They are incredibly selective, and wonโ€™t settle for just anyone. Scorpios have known pain and heartbreak before and even if they havenโ€™t, they are by nature guarded and cautious when it comes to people.

So first and foremost, you need to prove to them that they can place their trust in you, and only then will they let themselves confide in you. They need a partner who is willing to be completely transparent with them.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Sagittarius
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the most optimistic and adventurous sign, they need someone who is equally adventurous, witty, and intellectual.

A Sagittarius needs someone they can look up to, not only for their wit and wisdom but also for their dependability.

They are more often than not feeling a little bit lost so they need to be given comfort and assurance.

The sign has an affinity for the fire which makes them seem quick-tempered and rough but they are in reality soft-hearted.

Their partners will have to help them find stability and balance while keeping things interesting.

Sagittarius loves adventure, passion, and freedom, and hence, they want from their partner the most supportiveness and space.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Capricorn
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Capricorn

Capricorn has a reputation for being practical and self-disciplined, they need someone industrious but fun-loving.

Capricorns are a little old-fashioned in the sense that they really look up to those who are determined and do hard work.

They look for partners who have a good work ethic but who can also help them break away from their addiction to work.

As their partner, youโ€™ll need to get them to relax and have fun every now and then. They also tend to be a little closed off and need help expressing their feelings.

They want someone who values their words and gestures and also provides them with a sense of security.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Aquarius
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Aquarius

Aquarius is more than a little eccentric and unconventional, they need someone who can capture their interest.

Talking about the Zodiac love, we have Aquarius, who is usually a very quirky mixture of different characteristics and can be quite hard to figure out.

They’re attracted to profound discussions but arenโ€™t very willing to open up. They are adventurous and always hunting for their next adrenaline rush.

Aquarius is big-hearted and has much to offer by way of affection and care but it is hard for them to show this to others.

They dislike having to settle down so if they are willing to do this for you, you know youโ€™re the one. They want a partner who is spontaneous and has a quirky side of them.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

What do you want in your partner based on your zodiac sign Pisces
What Do You Want From Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Pisces

Persons who belong to this sign have dreamy personalities and they need someone who can give them romance

Pisces is the sign which will fall head over heels for you if you turn up outside their window at midnight with a boombox playing some ultra-romantic song.

They love old-fashioned romantic gestures and love partners who can come up with creative ways of showing them they care.

They will also look at a partner who can help them reach their goals, and who is willing to be vulnerable with them.

Pisces look for the one who is able to keep up with their emotions and wild imaginations.

Related: 9 Reasons Why Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Figure Out

Discovering what do you want in your partner is a journey that can be both exciting and challenging. It requires a deep understanding of your own desires and a willingness to explore the unknown.

But once you tap into the cosmic secrets that shape your romantic nature, you’ll be amazed at how effortlessly you attract the perfect partner.

So whether you’re seeking adventure, or commitment embrace the unique qualities that make you who you are and use them to unlock the love story of a lifetime.

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The One Thing That Your Partner Absolutely NEEDS From You According To Their Zodiac Sign
What Each Zodiac Sign Absolutely Wantsย & Needsย In A Partner
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What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign
what do you want from your partner
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign
what you want in your partner
What Do You Want In Your Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Jilli Avatar

    You never show Scorpio in such titless…

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