The Best TV Series Quotes Of 2020


Best Series Quotes 2020

Do you invest your entire weekend watching TV shows? Do you love your favourite characters so much that you try to deliver their dialogues and phrases in the same swag in your day-to-day conversations? Then the best TV series quotes listed here can make your day.

Whether you’re trying to impress your girlfriend or your boss or just looking for a heavy dose of motivation to get through your messed up life or just want to make some of the dialogues from the best TV shows a part of your personal lexicon, I think I have covered it.

Here’re some of the best TV series quotes, that you’ll never forget and will always make you miss your favorite shows.

1. The Queenโ€™s Gambit

โ€œAnger is a potent spice. A pinch wakes you up. Too much dulls your senses.โ€ – Harry Beltik

Best TV Series Quotes Of 2020
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

2. The Haunting Of Bly Mano

โ€œFunerals Are For The Living. It’s Up To The Living To Decide What They Can And Cannot Bear.โ€ – Hannah Grose (The Haunting Of Bly Manor)

Best TV Series Quotes Of 2020
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

3. Into The Night

โ€œYou will do anything to survive , That doesnโ€™t mean you are a bad personโ€   – Zara (Into The Night)

you will do anything
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

4. Cursed

โ€œAny fool can die. Living takes imagination.โ€ – Merlin (Cursed)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

5. Dark

โ€œYou and I are made for each other, never believe anything else.โ€ โ€“ Jonas & Martha (Dark)

you and I are made for each other
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

6. The Crown

Anytime either of us feels like weโ€™re not getting what we need we simply need to give that very thing to the other. โ€“ Princess Diana (The Crown)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

7. Locke & Key

โ€œThe past is always with us. You can try and run away, but it’s always there.โ€ – Randall (Locke & Key)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

8. Ratched

“I believe there are some things that are worse to feel than simply feeling nothing.” – Mildred (Ratched)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

9. Money Heist

โ€œThe most important moments are the ones that make you realize thereโ€™s no turning back. Youโ€™ve crossed a line, and youโ€™re stuck on the other side now.โ€ – Tokyo (Money Heist)

Best TV Series Quotes Of 2020
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

10. Westworld

โ€œThere is ugliness in this world. Disarray. I choose to see the beauty,โ€ – Dolores (Westworld)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

11. Utopia

“There are no sides, just people who help you and people who don’t.” – OG Jessica Hyde (Utopia)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

12. Hunters

โ€œSee no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. But the evil still exists, doesn’t it? Right before your closed eyes and your sealed ears and your muted tongue.โ€ – Meyer Offerman (Hunters)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

13. Star Trek: Picard

โ€œTo say you have no choice is a failure of imagination.โ€ – Picard (Star Trek: Picard)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

14. White Lines

Blame is a bucket of shit that mediocre men throw around. Real men carry blame on their shoulders. – Andreu Calafat (White Lines)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

15. Little Fires Everywhere

โ€œSometimes you need to scorch everything to the ground, and start over. After the burning the soil is richer, and new things can grow.โ€ – Mia Warren (Little Fires Everywhere)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

16. Away

โ€œThe further away I get, I am actually getting closer to being back to you.โ€ – Emma Green (Away)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

17. The Outsider

โ€œA human being cannot exist in two realities at the same timeโ€ – Holly Gibney (The Outsider)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

18. Killing On Carnival Row

โ€œChaos is the great hope of those in the shadows.โ€ – Sophie Longerbane (Killing On Carnival Row)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

 19. Messiah

โ€œIf you look for truth, you may find comfort. If you look for comfort, you will never find truth.โ€ – Messiah (Messiah)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

20. Absentia

โ€œNever fear to deliberately walk through dark places for that is how we reach the light on the other side.โ€ – Cal (Absentia)

TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

21. Dracula

โ€œDreams are a haven where we sin without consequence.โ€ – Sister Agatha Van Helsing (Dracula)

Best TV Series Quotes Of 2020
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

Which one are your most favorite TV series quotes? Or would you like to add more?

Feel free to share them in comments.

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The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020
TV Series
The Best Tv Series Quotes Of 2020

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