6 Ways to Build a Strong Relationship When Struggling With Depression


Build Strong Relationship Struggling With Depression

6 Ways to Build a Strong Relationship

Relationships can be difficult when one or both partners are struggling with depression. Here are a few tips to help you.

My boyfriend and I are as happy together as two depressed people can be. Friends of mine have marveled at how this can work and I am nothing short of surprised myself. Though five years apart in age, neither of us is where we were hoping to be in life right now. One day, if weโ€™re ever rich and famous, this will be the part of our relationship that people will romanticize. They will wax poetic about how we stuck together through a bad economy, depression, and creative projects that never went as far as we had hoped they would. Sadly, love alone isnโ€™t enough to sustain a five-year relationship through all of that.

It also takes the least romantic thing of all: hard work.

A person struggling with depression is far from an ideal romantic partner. When you feel like youโ€™re drowning in a black hole itโ€™s hard to think outside yourself enough to be considerate in a relationship. I even briefly considered ending things when I thought it was unfair to give my boyfriend the worst version of myself, but reconsidered. If youโ€™ve found something that works at the core, you shouldnโ€™t have to lose it to a bout of bad timing. Here are some of the techniques that sustain us through the bad times.

6 ways to build a strong relationship when struggling with depression:

1. Communicate

This may be the most important thing to do in any relationship but is especially important when dealing with depression and anxiety. If you are in a bad mood or need alone time, explain this to your partner. Failure to do so can make the person feel like they are somehow at fault. If you make it a habit to discuss your feelings, your partner may even pick up on patterns you didnโ€™t notice. They can help you realize that these feelings will pass because they have before.

Patience isnโ€™t really something that comes naturally to me, but Iโ€™ve really tried to work on that for the sake of my relationship. I know that my boyfriend is not in my head, and there might be things he wonโ€™t understand right away. As long as I see that heโ€™s trying I cut him some slack.

Effective communication is the key to build a strong relationship when dealing with depression.

Related: Escaping the Matrix of Depression: The Hidden Antidote That Will Set You Free

2. Laugh Often

If you see your partner lost behind a dark cloud, find something to take their mind off it. My boyfriend and I love to snuggle on the couch and watch Itโ€™s Always Sunny In Philadelphia or Jontron. Doing something fun that doesnโ€™t involve the pressure of a social situation is a good way to wind down and move a step towards a strong relationship.

3. Remember Your Partner Isnโ€™t The Enemy

When youโ€™re already feeling low, itโ€™s sometimes hard to share space with someone. Every little thing may start to rub you the wrong way. Remind yourself that your partner did not make you miss your train, lose your wallet, or tell your boss to chew you out. They are there to support you through tough times, not make it worse. Let your partner be a source of comfort and a safe place to end your day.

Related: 12 Step Guide To Expand Your Relationship Intelligence

4. Be Encouraging

Unless your partner did something unforgivably awful, be on their side. This doesnโ€™t mean to never call them out on anything, you can and should, just donโ€™t make them feel trapped. If they messed something up, focus on what they can do to prevent doing that in the future. Let them know that you donโ€™t think less of them.

Related: 10 Best Ways You Can Support A Loved One with Depression

5. Give Each Other Gifts

If times are financially tough, this can be something tiny or handmade. The key is to make the other person feel thought of, not to spend a ton of money. Bring them their favorite candy, draw them a little picture, or write a note. You would be surprised how that can change the cadence of their day and there you go one step closer to a strong relationship.

Related: 8 Things You Can Do If You Want To Stop Feeling Depressed And Lonely

6. Give Each Other Space

Being close to your partner can make them feel loved during difficult times, but people need well-rounded lives. Encourage them to spend time with friends, read, or work on something creative. A relationship isnโ€™t enough to make you happy.

Above all, no two people are alike. No two people experience depression in exactly the same way either. If you are ever in doubt about what your partner needs, just ask. Let them know in a nonconfrontational way that you realize they are going through a rough time right now. Reassure your partner that you are there for them and you want to minimize their discomfort. Depression is awful, but I feel closer to my boyfriend than ever. I know that whatever happens, we will continue to support each other.

Are you ready to build a strong relationship with your loved one while dealing with depression? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in comment below.

Related video:

Originally appeared on: The Good Men Project

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6 Ways To Build A Strong Relationship When Struggling With Depression

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