How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Deeply: 10 Easy Steps


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How Make Guy Fall In Love You Deeply

If you are wondering how to make a guy fall in love with you forever, then you are at the right place. Try these easy ways to make him fall head over heels for you.

If you have stumbled upon this article, I assume you must already be falling hard and fast in love with a man. Am I right? If you are, then you might also be fervently praying for your love to get reciprocated. But wait! How do you go about that?

Is it possible to make a man fall in love with you? You would be thrilled to know, but yes, you absolutely can.

You donโ€™t have to be a psychology graduate to apply these psychological tricks in which you will basically put the idea of love into the subconscious mind of the person (yes! The one you are thinking of right now). Donโ€™t get too excited already.

Patience; we will get to it but remember being original is the key. Donโ€™t push things off the cliff. Apply these practical strategies, but do not overdo it or you might come off as a trickster. And you definitely donโ€™t want these tips to backfire. Butts, boobs and all that is sexy, but thereโ€™s nothing that beats authenticity.

Related: When We Fall In Love, This Is What Actually Happens

how to make a guy fall in love with you
How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Deeply? 10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love

Once you get a grip on how the law of attraction works (and it doesn’t always work according to rules), you will be able to use it to your advantage.

Okay, letโ€™s start.

How to make a man fall in love with you?

Hereโ€™s a 10 cheat-sheet on how to make a man catch feelings for you.

How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You? Here Are 10 Ways

1. Eye contact

No doubt, you are transfixed by his charming smile and his wholesome face. You canโ€™t have enough of him. And now you must be jumping with joy as all you have to do is eye-gaze at him. Itโ€™s not as easy and thrilling as it sounds as people often admit to finding it overwhelming to make eye contact with their love object.

Eye contact is a powerful way to stimulate love and affection. When two people look deeply, passionately into the eyes of each other their body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine that has been found to multiply the chances of making you fall in love.

Take about incredible scientific facts.

How does it work?

I am not asking you to sit across him and blankly stare into his eyes.

One of the ways to make a man fall in love with you is when, you both are conversing, holding his gaze, for a few seconds. Bring about the empathetic look in your eyes like you are consciously present in the moment, completely engrossed in the conversation, and are giving him the undivided attention he deserves. Give him the โ€˜thoughtful lookโ€™. Convey with your eyes that you care and are there for him.

This art is best applied with several other body languages (which we will discuss in the next point.)

2. Make use of body language to express yourself.

Our bodies have the incredible power to subconsciously pick up very subtle stimuli from our surroundings which we are completely unaware of. These signs from your body convey and communicate messages with another personโ€™s body. Visualize two bodies conveying secret messages without you having any clue.

How does it work?

When you are within his physical proximity, try to strike a conversation. While doing so, slightly lean forward if you are sitting across the table. Avoid stooping too low or behaving overtly seductively. Some people find it offending.

Gather your hair and set it to one side, exposing the tenderness of your neck. Pull back your sleeves and expose that wrist.

If you happen to sit beside him, make sure you slightly turn your body, pointing your feet towards his direction. Sit physically close to him, but take care not to make it look desperate.

This way you are intentionally displaying signs of attraction to instigate his brain to pick up the signal that you are genuinely interested in.

Related: 5 Things He Needs To Feel Before He Can Fall In Love With You

3. Reveal intimate details about yourself.

Small talks are brief, easy, and fun but a tad too superficial. Save those for casual flings at the bar. If you want your object of love to connect with you at a profoundly deep level (leading to love) you are to let the mess out.

Talk about your failures, your hurdles, and how you overcame them. Talk about topics that are of utmost significance to you and to him. Talk of loss and hope. Talk of pain and darkness. Do not fear to open those chambers of your hearts that have held the secret to your resilience and strength.

While there could be numerous topics of conversation, why choose to talk about our scarred parts?

How does it work?

It works on various degrees:

  • Talking to him about your intimate life experiences will reveal crucial details about your personality, how you handle problems, what your value system is, your attitudes, about your weaknesses and strengths.
  • It helps enhance trust between you both.
  • It opens up grounds for him to reveal his share of life experiences and this helps you both to connect better, foster understanding, and create moments to cherish.
  • Doing so, you come off as a simple-minded, genuine person because you are sharing vulnerable details about yourself.
How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You? Here Are 10 Ways
How To Make Him Fall In Love With You: 10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love

4. Actively listen to him when he speaks.

There is nothing sexier than a person who actually devotes her undivided attention to you when you are talking about something close to your heart. On the contrary, there is no better turn-off than someone who interrupts you every time you speak, distracting you and setting you off the track. Hijacking conversation is utterly disrespectful.

How does it work?

Active listening involves a listener to acutely focus on the speakers changing behavior and body language which in turn greatly enhances the quality of communication.

Nod slightly in agreement with what he says. Hold brief eye contact when required (comfort through your eyes โ€œI am here to understand and your words will be safe with meโ€.).
This technique not only involves listening skills but also the skill to express your emotions aligned to the other personโ€™s. When you listen with your body, when you listen to understand, you are actually making this point home that you genuinely care to receive whatever he is confiding in you. This provides a sense of being understood.

Practice this technique and see how it works wonders.

5. Hold his hand.

Yes, definitely as a romantic gesture and sometimes in a platonic sense of care. Touch (not the ones that kindle lust) can portray feelings in a very subtle manner without overbearing him.

How does it work?

Hold his hand in a manner that covers his entire palm, keeping the pressure moderate. It should illustrate the fact that you are taking the responsibility to care, protect and stick to him through thick and thin alike. Hold his hand, look into his eyes and send across a smile of reassurance and witness him melt like a popsicle.

Related: 5 Phrases Thatโ€™ll Make Him Fall In Love With You Instantly

6. Let him miss you.

Oh! The pangs of separation. Making a man fall in love also involves making him realize your value. Always clinging on to him, giving the best of yourself, and making him the center of your world might spoil things. Such actions show you are desperate to have him in your life and that you are emotionally dependent.

He will tend to take you for granted unless you balance between your availability and unavailability.

How does it work?

Make yourself scarce. Show up, but not always and not immediately. Let him miss you before you reach out to him. If he texts you, do not reply to him right away. Let him dial your number. Do not pick up even if you are dying to talk to him. Let it ring for a while.

If he wants to meet you, do so but not by adjusting your schedule. Let him wait for the exclusively amazing person that you are.

7. Cook for him.

This is a major turn-on for boys; something that he might carry in his heart for the rest of his life.

Andrea Miller, the CEO of Yourtango has to say, “We were thrilled to discover that almost 80% of people felt preparing a meal for someone is a significant act of love!” Every single word of the saying ‘A way to a manโ€™s heart is through his stomach’ is true.

Donโ€™t believe me? See it for yourself.

How does it work?

By now you must be knowing what the foodie in him craves. If it happens to be your favorite food too, what are you waiting for? Make the meal and share it with him. Donโ€™t forget to have fun while you both relish the dish. Also, donโ€™t miss out on the look of appreciation in his eyes.

You are almost in!

8. Be humorous.

Have your funny side up. Being too serious all the time might get him into the shell. Frequently take things lightly and have a good laugh with him. Make him laugh. Men love women who have a funny bone and donโ€™t scare away from having a hearty laugh.

How does it work?

The only rule to have fun is to have no rules. Open yourself up. Donโ€™t be hesitant to portray your authentic self. Your ability to crack intellectual jokes shows that you are smart and also gives you both a chance to make merry.

Brownie point: You look a zillion times better when you smile.

Fall in love humorous
How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You: 10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love

9. Spend time with him.

This goes without saying. The more time you spend with him, the more you are exposed to him. Meet him in person whenever possible. This strengthens the emotional bond more than spending time talking over the phone or texting each other.

How does it work?

Try making the time you spend with him worthwhile. Avoid discussing conflictual topics. Talk about positive, and refreshing things. You could tell each other stories of your childhood and also listen to his stories.

Spending memorable times with him works like Pavlovian conditioning. The next time he sees you, he will cheer up, not knowing why he so.

But you know what you did there! *wink wink*

10. Communicate your feelings.

Men love things to be straight across their faces. They hate to be left guessing. So if you are cultivating his thoughts in your mind, let him know it. But avoid going overboard with the expression.

How does it work?

Make it obvious that you are interested in him, more than casually. Compliment him on his attire, on his qualities, and appreciate him for his achievements. Mention his name while you do so. The name makes it sound more intimate.

โ€œJohn, this shirt looks really great on you.โ€
โ€œMy God, John, you are so damn funny!โ€
โ€œI must say, John, you did great at that concert.โ€

Related: 7 Ways To Make Him Fall in Love Over Text Message

While itโ€™s obvious that love cannot be coaxed, but you sure can apply these tips to increase the chances of it. I hope and pray you get the man you are thinking of to fall in love with you.

Let us know in the comments section, how you made your man fall in love with you. Happy loving!

How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You
How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You? 10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love
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How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Deeply: 10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love
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How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Deeply: 10 Easy Steps

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