Find Someone Who Can Be Your Lover And Your Best Friend


Find Someone Who Can Be Your Lover And Your Best Friend

Don you want someone in your life who can be your lover and your best friend?

Find someone who can teach you how to dream again. Someone who can clear your obscured eyes, support you with your goals in life, uplift your spirit when you feel weak, hold your hand when you think that no one loves you, and be your strength for you to overcome your weaknesses and fears.

Lover And Your Best Friend

Someone who can visualize what will be the next years of his/her life with you and grow old with you.

Find someone who can teach you how to fall in love again.

Someone who can reinvigorate the butterflies in your stomach and make them glide again. The one who can fill your gray-scaled world with colors and make you appreciate every little thing in life.

Someone who can accept your flaws, childish acts, and baby-talks and pacify you until you become okay. Someone who can make you happy and contented. Someone who can give you a smile that you will wear for a lifetime.

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Someone who can comply with his/her promises to you. Someone who can make your life more meaningful, mornings even brighter and nights even better. And someone who can love you unconditionally and can submit his/her life to you.

Find someone who can be with you and never let go of your hand.

Someone who can fight for you until the end, be with you through thick and thin, good and bad times. Someone who can be your light in your darkest night. Someone who can lean his/her shoulders for you to cry on.

Watch out what Coach Corey Wayne says about becoming best friends and lovers and creating a great relationship

Someone who can hug you tight when youโ€™re afraid and be the source of your happiness. Someone who can protect you, care for you and do everything for you. Someone who can make you feel that youโ€™re the most significant being in his/her world.

Are you feeling troubled with unreciprocated love? Then read The Gifts unrequited love Brings Along with it

Find someone who you can consider a best friend and a lover. Someone who can keep your deep dark secrets, ride on your weirdest trips and join you on your endless picture takings.

Someone who you can talk and be with whenever you wanted to. Someone who you can share your favorite food with, while watching your favorite movie.

Someone who can stay with you until midnight talking about random things in life. Someone who can make your heart beat faster with those heart-melting stares and smiles. Someone who can make you feel younger and stop you from counting your years.

Someone who can make you blush every time and make you feel important. Someone who can text and call you to remind you to eat. Someone who can text long sweet messages, serenade you every night until you fall asleep and wake you up with a phone call.

And most importantly, find someone who you can see yourself living and sharing the rest of your days, someone who you can forgive every time, someone who can have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and make Him the center of your relationship.

Find Someone Who Can Be Your Lover And Your Best Friend

โ€” E.J. Cenita (baekebyan)

Lover And Your Best Friend

Find Someone Who Can Be Your Lover And Your Best Friend
Find Someone Who Can Be Your Lover And Your Best Friend

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