The Kind Of Woman Who Is Worth Fighting For


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Kind Of Woman Who Is Worth Fighting For

There are different types of women in the world but only one is worth fighting for in this life. But a woman who is worth it – she’s not easy to find.

Just as there are different types of people. Types, of course, being a generalized version of an individual โ€” no one ever fits their parameters entirely. So make sure that the woman you fall in love with is the ideal partner you need.

A Woman Who Is Worth It All โ€” Your Ideal Partner In Life

Types are oversimplified and people are very complex. Nevertheless, itโ€™s generalizations that allow us to understand things and concepts that we otherwise wouldnโ€™t be capable of understanding.

A Woman Who Is Worth It All
A Woman Who Is Worth It All โ€” Your Ideal Partner In Life

Take, for example, finding your ideal woman โ€” your ideal partner in life. We are all looking for a certain type โ€” our type. Everyone has a type. Some like them taller, others shorter.

Some like simple women, others like accomplished and driven women. As far as types go, people get very creative โ€” and often even weird. But our type is our type, and we want what we want.

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What Iโ€™m going to tell you is that you can have your โ€œtypeโ€ as long as it incorporates what I believe to be the only โ€œtypeโ€ of any value.

Over the past decade or so, Iโ€™ve done my fair share of โ€œdating.โ€ Iโ€™ve met with a good amount of women; Iโ€™ve had conversations with a good amount of women. Iโ€™ve taken them for dinners and drinks, and trips, etc.

Even after flying to different countries for women โ€” if I find something that intrigues me, Iโ€™m very persistent โ€” I realized that women can, when looking as generally as possible, be placed into two categories. The first is women who suck the drive for life โ€” and everything else of any value โ€” right out of you.

And, more importantly, the second, women who not only make you want a better life but make you believe that a better life is actually possible.

Every single woman in the world falls into one of these two categories โ€” no exceptions. However, a woman who falls into a certain category for one individual can fall into the other for someone else โ€” our types are personal after all.

Although there may not be a woman who would fall into the better of the categories for every man in the world, there certainly are women who always fall into the blood-sucking category. Just some food for thought.

Youโ€™re going to come across many different women in your life and many of them are going to be horrible human beings. Itโ€™s sad, but there are many horrible people in this world โ€” men and women alike.

Many of them will be very nice and interesting, of course. And if youโ€™re lucky, a good amount of them will be amazing. Yet, meeting more than one who will make you both strive for that ideal life and make you believe it to be possible is โ€” I wish it were otherwise โ€” highly unlikely.

It should come as no surprise that finding someone who fits your life so perfectly, so perfectly that you start to believe and hunger for that which you used to think impossible, is usually only a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

Sure, you may get lucky and find two such women within a single lifetime, but considering that finding one is already statistically against your favor, I very much doubt youโ€™ll come across a second.

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This type of woman is incredibly hard to come by because she is not only a woman you fall in love with and love for the right reasons, but she also has to be a woman worthy of being loved โ€” and the only type of woman worthy of being loved by a man is the type of woman that makes that man want to be the best possible man he could ever be.

a woman who is worth it
The Woman You Fall In Love With

She inspires him to be better, to work both harder and smarter, to be fair, kind, and passionate. She inspires him to be the best possible human being he could ever be because he believes that she deserves nothing less.

Such a relationship is the perfect relationship as it creates a self-perpetuating synergy. Just as the woman inspires her man, her man inspires her to be better, do better, and live better.

This is the only type of partner we ought to ever settle down with as it is the only type of relationship that has hope for a better future built into its genetics.

Relationships are hard. Life is hard. Sometimes, getting up and doing what we need to do is hard. Nothing in life worth a dime is easy โ€” ever. Youโ€™re going to get into fights and arguments.

Life is going to throw you curveballs and test your love for each other. Sh*it is going to happen and it is going to not just happen to you or her; itโ€™s going to happen to the two of you.

You have to understand that just as youโ€™ll share your loverโ€™s joys and happiness, youโ€™re also going to share her pains and suffering. What having the right type of woman by your side will give you is the hope that you can fix whatever issues are at hand.

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Why? Because the two of you have no problem working towards a shared goal. Youโ€™re a team. You managed to shape your lives thus far and believe in each other enough to keep pushing ahead nonetheless.

You have a life partner who wonโ€™t give up on you and โ€” most importantly โ€” you have a partner that you will sooner die for than give up on.

a woman who is worth it
The Woman Worth Fighting For – She Is The One

Donโ€™t waste time chasing after women who fall short of this category; time is a luxury you donโ€™t want to be frugal with. There is only one type of woman in this world who is worth fighting for and thatโ€™s a woman who makes you believe youโ€™re capable of making your own dreams come true.

Related: 15 Green Flags That Prove Youโ€™re In A Genuinely Healthy Relationship

There Is Only One Type Of Woman Who Is Worth Chasing In This Life
There Is Only One Type Of Woman Who Is Worth Chasing In This Life
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The Kind Of Woman Who Is Worth Fighting For

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