Why Is Spring Cleaning Important? 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Decluttering Your Life


Why Is Spring Cleaning Important? 10 Major Health Benefits

It’s that time of the year again when decluttering and cleaning our homes is the dominant thought in our minds. Spring cleaning is a universal activity and one that everyone around the world swears by, and a very important one too.

Beyond just making your home look and smell better, there are many health benefits of spring cleaning. So, why is spring cleaning important?

But before that, let us understand what is spring cleaning meaning.

Spring Cleaning Meaning

Spring cleaning is an annual ritual that involves thoroughly cleaning and decluttering your home after the long winter months. This practice dates back centuries and is a way to welcome the new season by clearing out the old and making space for the new.

The idea behind spring cleaning is to go beyond just the usual cleaning and tackle deeper cleaning tasks that may have been neglected over time.

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Why Is Spring Cleaning Important? 10 Health Benefits Of Spring Cleaning

1. A deep spring cleaning makes your immune system stronger.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, pollen might not be the only culprit behind your sneezing fits. Dust, mildew, mold, pet dander, and bugs can also trigger your immune system.

During the winter months, cluttered homes tend to accumulate these pollutants, and according to scientists and environmental experts, indoor pollution can be worse than outdoor air pollution. Therefore, maintaining a clean home is crucial for a strong immune system.

To reduce the build-up of these immune system disruptors, it is ideal to vacuum your carpets, furniture, and upholstery regularly, and clean potentially damp areas such as bathrooms, basements, and garages.

So, if you want to support a strong immune system, make sure to prioritize deep spring cleaning and decluttering your living space.

Why is spring cleaning important

2. You will notice your stress and anxiety going down.

Did you know that spring cleaning and mental health are intricately connected?

One of the main benefits of spring cleaning is that it helps in reducing stress and anxiety by creating a more organized and calming environment. Research has shown that a cluttered and disorganized space can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. In contrast, a clean and organized space can help promote a sense of calm and order.

Spring cleaning allows you to clear out unwanted items, organize your possessions, and create a more functional living space. This can help reduce the stress of daily life by making it easier to find what you need and reducing the mental clutter of a disorganized space.

So, take some time to tidy up and enjoy the benefits of a clean and organized home.

3. It helps you stay physically active.

Why is spring cleaning important? Because of this underrated reason.

It not only helps you achieve a cleaner home but can also be an excellent way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Tasks such as scrubbing floors, dusting, and decluttering require movement and can help burn calories.

Physical activity is essential for overall health and incorporating it into daily routines can improve cardiovascular health, bone density, and overall well-being.

Incorporating physical activity into your day-to-day routine can be challenging, but spring cleaning provides a fun and practical way to do so. As you clean your home, you’ll naturally engage in a range of physical activities such as stretching, lifting, and bending.

These movements can help improve flexibility and strength, leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

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4. You sleep better.

This is another important reason why is spring cleaning important.

Decluttering your bedroom can positively impact your sleep quality. A tidy and organized bedroom reduces visual distractions, and promotes a relaxing environment that helps you in having a good and peaceful night of sleep.

Also, a clean bedroom can reduce the amount of dust and allergens in the air, leading to better respiratory health and improved sleep quality. Dust accumulation can make your allergies and asthma symptoms worse, making it harder to breathe at night.

A clean and dust-free bedroom, on the other hand, can lead to a more restful night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep is vital for overall health, and a clean and tidy bedroom is a simple yet effective way to achieve it. So, take the time to declutter and deep clean your bedroom this spring for a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

5. Cleaning your home can help you let go of the past.

Spring cleaning and mental health are interconnected.

It can be a powerful tool to help you let go of the past and move forward with a fresh start. We often hold onto material objects because of their sentimental value, such as a gift from an ex or a souvenir from a memorable trip.

However, these objects can carry heavy emotional weight, making it difficult to let go and move on.

By identifying and getting rid of items that no longer serve a positive purpose, you can declutter your space and let go of negative emotions associated with these objects.

Letting go of the past can help promote mental clarity and create space for new opportunities and experiences in your life.

Moreover, decluttering your space can also be a cathartic experience. It can help release pent-up emotions and allow you to focus on the present moment.

By creating a clean and organized environment, you can cultivate a sense of calm and clarity, promoting a positive mindset and improved well-being.

Why is spring cleaning important

6. Deep spring cleaning your home can make you more productive.

One of the major benefits of spring cleaning is that it can boost your productivity. Clutter and disorganization can be distracting and make it difficult to focus, while a tidy and well-organized space can promote concentration and creativity.

Whether you are working from home or just want to improve your living space, spring cleaning offers the perfect opportunity to declutter and organize your surroundings. By creating a more productive workspace, you can work better, save time, and reduce stress.

So, take advantage of the benefits of spring cleaning and create a clean and organized environment to help you achieve your goals.

7. It pushes you to be more intentional in your life.

This is one of the major reasons why spring cleaning and mental health are connected.

Making cleaning a ritualistic and intentional part of your daily routine can contribute to a healthier lifestyle in many ways. Regularly cleaning and organizing your living space can provide a sense of peace and order, making it easier to unwind after a long day or work from home more efficiently.

Culturally, many societies have long-established values of keeping order and cleanliness at home, and the practice of spring cleaning can be a way to promote calm and energize your living environment.

Decluttering can be an opportunity to create a more aesthetically pleasing space and to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose in your life, which can be cathartic and empowering.

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8. Your focus and concentration can improve a lot.

A cluttered environment can negatively impact your ability to concentrate and be productive. Working at a desk overflowing with papers or being surrounded by too many things can be distracting and lead to increased stress.

Studies conducted by neuroscientists at Princeton University have shown that people perform better in organized environments. The study also demonstrated that physical clutter in your surroundings can compete for your attention, decreasing productivity and causing stress.

By decluttering and organizing your living or workspace, you can create a more focused and productive environment. This will allow you to better concentrate on your tasks and achieve your goals with greater efficiency.

Clearing out the excess can help you streamline your workflow and promote a sense of calm and order, leading to increased productivity and success.

9. Spring cleaning can help in keeping your heart healthy.

Why is spring cleaning important? Because of this reason!

A deep spring cleaning can contribute to better heart health. Studies have shown that even low-intensity physical activities such as household chores can provide heart-healthy benefits.

A 30-minute session of vacuuming, for example, can burn up to 111 calories for men and 94 calories for women, thereby increasing heart rate and promoting physical activity. Regular cleaning can also motivate people to invest in their overall physical fitness, which is a critical aspect of heart health.

Moreover, a 2017 study conducted in Sweden found that sitting for just 30 minutes or less per day was associated with a reduced risk of fatal cardiovascular events.

By engaging in 30 minutes of light exercise daily, including activities such as vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing floors, individuals can lower their risk of heart disease by 24%.

10. Cleaning can make you feel happier.

Cleaning can have a positive impact on mental health and happiness. In fact, research has shown that every hour of cleaning done each week is associated with a 53% boost in happiness. Cleaning can also provide a sense of accomplishment and control over one’s environment, which can improve overall well-being.

Additionally, the physical act of cleaning can release endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These chemicals can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness and relaxation.

Overall, taking the time to clean and organize can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being, making it an important aspect of self-care.

Now that we know why is spring cleaning important, let’s now talk about some of the best spring cleaning hacks there are. Let’s go!

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15 Spring Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Home Look As Good As New

Here are some of the best spring cleaning hacks that will help you keep your home in perfect condition.

  • Declutter and donate: Go through your belongings and get rid of anything that you no longer need or use. Donate gently used items to a local charity or thrift store.
  • Use natural cleaning products: Swap out harsh chemicals for natural alternatives like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. They are not only better for the environment but also safer for your health.
  • Clean your microwave with ease: Fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and a few slices of lemon. Microwave on high for 5 minutes, then let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean.
  • Deep clean your carpets: Rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional to deep clean your carpets and remove any built-up dirt and stains.
  • Refresh your mattress: Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up to remove any odors and freshen it up.
  • Use a squeegee to clean windows: Instead of using paper towels, use a squeegee and a mixture of water and vinegar to clean your windows for a streak-free shine.
  • Dust blinds with a sock: Put a sock on your hand and dip it in a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Run your hand over each slat of your blinds to remove dust and grime.
  • Clean your showerhead with vinegar: Fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tie it around your showerhead. Let it sit for a few hours, then remove the bag and run the shower to rinse it off.
  • Organize your fridge: Remove everything from your fridge and wipe down the shelves and drawers. Then, organize your items by category and label them for easy access.
  • Use dryer sheets to clean baseboards: Rub a dryer sheet along your baseboards to remove dirt and grime and prevent dust from accumulating.
  • Use a toothbrush to clean small spaces: Use an old toothbrush to clean small spaces like grout, faucets, and around door handles.
  • Clean your oven with baking soda: Make a paste with baking soda and water and spread it on the inside of your oven. Let it sit for a few hours, then wipe it clean with a damp cloth.
  • Clean your dishwasher with vinegar: Run an empty dishwasher with a cup of vinegar to remove any buildup and odors.
  • Dust ceiling fans with a pillowcase: Slip a pillowcase over each fan blade and wipe it clean to prevent dust from falling onto your furniture or floors.
  • Use a lint roller to clean lampshades: Roll a lint roller over your lampshades to remove dust and pet hair.


Now you see, why is spring cleaning important? The benefits of spring cleaning are numerous and the connection between spring cleaning and mental health is a very very important one.

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Also, the spring cleaning hacks mentioned in this article can help you tremendously if you are looking to make your home look beautiful. So, what are you waiting for? Go get that deep spring cleaning done right now, and enjoy the beautiful home you have created!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does spring cleaning start?

Spring cleaning typically starts in the early spring, usually in March or April. However, the exact timing may vary depending on location and personal preference. In some cultures, spring cleaning is tied to specific holidays or religious observances.

What is spiritual spring cleaning?

Spiritual spring cleaning refers to the process of taking a deep look at your spiritual life and evaluating what is working for you and what isn’t. You may also want to let go of any grudges or resentments you may be holding onto, forgive yourself and others, and cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and acceptance.

Why do they call it spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning refers to the deep cleaning of homes and spaces that is traditionally done during the spring season when people open their windows to air out their homes and clean away the accumulated dirt and dust from the winter.

What is spring cleaning vs deep cleaning?

Spring cleaning typically involves a thorough cleaning of a home after the winter months, focusing on decluttering and organization, while deep cleaning is a more intensive cleaning process that involves cleaning hard-to-reach areas, removing built-up dirt and grime, and sanitizing surfaces.

Is spring cleaning necessary?

Even though it is not absolutely necessary, however, it’s a good idea to do it, because it has many health benefits. It can be beneficial for creating a cleaner and more organized living space, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. However, it is ultimately up to individual preferences and lifestyle.

spring cleaning

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