Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Shocking Connection to the Wetiko Mindset!


Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Secret Influence of Wetiko!

Have you ever wondered why is narcissism on the rise these days? I am pretty sure it’s not just me. It somehow feels like people are steadily becoming extremely narcissistic and self-absorbed. It’s like everywhere you turn, someone is taking a selfie, flaunting their latest achievements, or craving the spotlight.

But what if I told you there’s something deeper at play, something ancient and eerie called “Wetiko”? Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? Today, we are going to talk about this fascinating concept of Wetiko and how itโ€™s connected to our modern-day obsession with ourselves.

First, let’s start with understanding the meaning of Wetiko.

Related: Are Narcissists Born Or Made? Letโ€™s Settle The Debate Once And For All

What Is Wetiko?

Wetiko is a term from the Algonquian language, describing a cannibalistic spirit that devours everything, including the soul of the person it possesses.

Itโ€™s a mind-virus that twists people into insatiable beings, constantly hungry for power, control, and validation. This eerie concept feels oddly familiar in today’s world, doesnโ€™t it?

Now that we know the meaning of wetiko, what is the connection between this ancient concept and how is it responsible for the rise in narcissism? Which brings us to this next very interesting part.

The Connection Between Wetiko And Narcissism

Now let’s get one thing clear – Wetiko doesn’t mean literal cannibalism. It’s simply a metaphor for how certain destructive behaviors can consume our humanity. Narcissism, with its endless need for admiration and lack of empathy, fits this description perfectly.

Wetiko is a cultural metaphor for extreme selfishness and the erosion of empathy, which are two key traits of narcissism.

Imagine a person so consumed with themselves that they can’t see or care about others’ needs or feelings. This is the essence of narcissism, and it’s strikingly similar to the Wetiko spirit.

We all know someone like that, don’t we?

In indigenous cultures, Wetiko was a warning against becoming consumed by selfish desires. The spirit was believed to twist people’s minds, making them care only about their own needs and wants, regardless of the harm to others.

Today, narcissism can be seen as a modern manifestation of this ancient concept. Just like Wetiko, narcissism can lead to destructive behaviors that hurt not only the narcissist but also those around them.

why is narcissism on the rise
Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Shocking Connection To The Wetiko Mindset!

The Modern Narcissist: A Wetiko-Infected Soul?

Okay, what traits come to your mind if I ask you to think about a modern narcissist, or a narcissistic person in general? What are the qualities that come to your mind? A grandiose sense of self-importance, a constant need for attention, a lack of empathy, and an exploitative nature, right?

These characteristics are strikingly similar to those associated with the Wetiko spirit: devouring, insatiable, and destructive. A narcissist’s never-ending need for admiration and attention can be likened to Wetiko’s endless hunger.

Their lack of empathy and tendency to exploit others for their selfish needs mirrors the way Wetiko consumes and destroys everything in its path.

Why Is Narcissism On The Rise?

Is narcissism on the rise? Yes, it most definitely is, and a lot of it comes down to how our society is changing. With social media pushing us to focus on our appearances and ourselves, people are becoming more and more obsessed with themselves.

Social media platforms are like fertile ground for Wetiko to thrive. The constant need for likes, shares, and comments feeds our egos and fosters narcissistic tendencies. The more validation we receive, the more we crave it, creating an endless cycle.

Related: 7 Glaring Characteristics Of A Shallow, Superficial Person

Social Media: Breeding Ground for Wetiko

It’s like feeding the Wetiko spirit, allowing it to grow stronger and more influential in our lives. The sad part about social media is that almost everyone posts the highlight reels of their lives, and extremely curated versions of themselves, with the hope that people will appreciate them and give them the validation they crave.

This behavior mirrors the traits of narcissism, where external validation becomes so important that no matter what, you just can’t seem to survive without it. Moreover, social media algorithms are constructed in such a way these days, that the more engagement you get, the more they will reward you.

This leads to people often promoting content that elicits strong reactions, further fueling the cycle of attention-seeking.

Moreover, social media can create a false sense of connection and belonging. You may have hundreds or thousands of online “friends” or followers, but these relationships are often superficial.

And the worst part of it all is that this can lead to you feeling lonely and isolated, often driving many people to seek more attention and validation online. In this way, social media perpetuates the rise in narcissism, as people become increasingly consumed by their need for approval and attention.

why is narcissism on the rise
Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Shocking Connection To The Wetiko Mindset!

The Cultural Shift Towards Selfishness

Have you noticed that the modern culture is increasingly focusing and prioritizing self-promotion and attention seeking behaviors? From reality TV stars to social media influencers, the message is clear: success is measured by how much attention you can garner.

This cultural shift is gradually creating an environment where narcissistic behavior is not only accepted and lauded but often rewarded. Personal achievements and a materialistic mindset are often celebrated and admired.

The more we obsess about our own, individual success, the more we are becoming a cog and feeding our competitive mindset, where we feel the need to constantly outdo one another.

The rise of “influencer culture” perfectly reflects this shift. Influencers often build their brand around their personal lives, sharing every detail with their followers to gain admiration, validation and even clout.

So, why is narcissism on the rise? This constant self-promotion creates a cycle of narcissism, as influencers become more focused on their image and less concerned with genuine connections or more importantly, the impact their words and actions have on others, especially young children who are incredibly impressionable.

The Impact On Relationships

One of the worst things about narcissism is that, it doesn’t just affect the individual, it affects everyone around them. If you have ever known a narcissist, you would know that relationships with narcissists are often one-sided, with the narcissist taking and never giving.

This dynamic can be draining and damaging, leaving people around them feeling used and unappreciated. In this way, the Wetiko spirit not only consumes the narcissist but also those in their orbit.

In relationships, narcissists often prioritize their own needs and desires above those of their partners or friends. They tend to manipulate and exploit others to get what they want, showing little regard for the feelings or well-being of those around them.

This sort of behavior is not just toxic and selfish, but it also makes you feel emotionally and psychologically unfulfilled and drained. And over time, relationships with narcissists can lead to emotional and psychological harm.

You may experience low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression as a result of the constant manipulation and lack of empathy from the narcissist.

Understanding and recognizing the impact of narcissism is vital for both fellow human beings and society in general. The more you understand narcissism and how narcissistic people think and behave, the better you will be able to tackle them.

Now that we know why is narcissism on the rise, let’s talk about a few strategies that can help you combat it.

Related: The โ€œFalse Selfโ€ Of A Narcissist: Look Beyond The Facade!

How To Deal With The Rise In Narcissism?

1. Practice empathy.

Try to understand and empathize with the feelings of others. This can help you counteract the self-centered tendencies of narcissism.

2. Limit social media use.

If you reduce the time you spend on social media (comparing, doom scrolling), you will gradually realize that you don’t feel the constant need for external validation anymore.

3. Focus on personal growth.

Invest your time in activities that can help you be more self-aware and will also aid in your personal development, instead of just seeking approval from others.

4. Work on being more grateful for what you have.

When you regularly acknowledge all the good things in your life and show that you are thankful for them, you will be better able to shift focus from self-centered needs to a more open-minded and broader perspective.

why is narcissism on the rise
Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Shocking Connection To The Wetiko Mindset!


Wetiko and it’s connection to the rise in narcissism is a fascinating concept that links ancient wisdom to our present day struggles with selfishness and narcissism.

When you understand the roots, recognize the signs and the reasons behind why is narcissism on the rise, you can take steps to put a stop to narcissistic behaviors and work towards a more empathetic, and kind world.

So, the next time you find yourself craving that extra like or compliment, remember the Wetiko spirit and ask yourself: Is this really what I want to feed?

Why Is Narcissism On The Rise? The Shocking Connection To The Wetiko Mindset!

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