15 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently

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I think pretty much everyoneโ€™s ultimate goal is to be happy and love their lives. But how many people really do?

If you ever come across the lucky few who genuinely do love the life they are living, you might think, โ€œWhat are they doing differently?โ€

If that thought has ever crossed your mind.

Here are 15 things that these people do, that you can tooโ€ฆonce you make the decision:

1. They know that life is short.

It might sound cliche, but people who love their lives know that every moment is a precious gift.

They frequently have their mortality on their minds, not in an obsessive way, but in a way that reminds them to live each day to the fullest and not take a single thing for granted.

2. They arenโ€™t demanding of other peopleโ€™s attention.

If youโ€™re happy and love the life you are living, there is no need to be the constant center of attention.

People who love their lives tend to be self-confident, and they donโ€™t need everyone falling at their feet to feel good about themselves.

Read 21 Things That Change When You Start Respecting Yourself

3. They are wise with where they spend their money.

Happy people who love their lives realize that being impulsive or careless with their money will have negative consequences.

They think before they spend. They budget and make sure that they never go into debt because that would cause unneeded stress.

4. They are in touch with their feelings.

Part what is so great about life is loving other people and feeling our emotions deeply.

While they canโ€™t guarantee that their emotions will always be good, people who love their lives allow themselves to feel and express emotions. They realize that feelings are part of life and they donโ€™t repress them.

5. They claim their own power.

In other words, they donโ€™t let anyone control their world. For example: if someone says or something nasty to them, they donโ€™t let it ruin their life.

They change what they can, accept what they canโ€™t, and let the negative emotions flow through them so they donโ€™t let other people control how they feel.

6. They roll with the punches.

Life never goes the way we expect. People who love their lives know this.

They know that the unexpected can happen, but they donโ€™t let it stop them from being happy. They simply shift gears and find another direction.

7. They know how to control their actions.

Some people think their actions are a result of some outside force. How many times have you heard, โ€œShe made me yell because she said something stupid!โ€

No. No one makes you yell but you. Yes, people can make you angry, but what you do with that angerโ€“and how you channel it into actionโ€“is another story. People who love their lives know this.

8. They take responsibility for their actions.

No one is perfect. As I said in #7, happy people know that they control their actions. However, sometimes they make mistakes.

If they ever temporarily lose control and behave in a manner that may have hurt someone (or isnโ€™t productive), they apologize. After they apologize, they change their behavior.

9. They turn their passion into a career.

You have probably heard people say, โ€œDo you what you love and youโ€™ll never work a day in your life.โ€ Many people agree, but they donโ€™t know how to make it happen.

People who love their lives know that there is a way to turn any passion into a money-making opportunity.

Read Mental Preparation for Career and Life Change

10. They know they have the ability to control their thoughts.

Most people think that their thoughts control them, instead of vice versa. That isnโ€™t true. At any time, you have the ability to choose a different thought.

You might not believe it at first, but the more you replay a positive thought over and over in your head, the more you will start to live it.

11. They only associate with positive people who lift them higher.

Happy people donโ€™t like to be around negative people. They get drained, and would probably rather be home reading a good book alone than be around any negativity.

No one likes complainers, so people who love their lives only surround themselves with other positive people.

Read 10 Ways To Deal With Toxic People Who Spread Negativity

12. They enjoy being with people and being alone.

Being social is fun, but being alone also has its benefits. People who love their lives are able to incorporate both into their lives.

They donโ€™t necessarily lean to either extreme; they tend to have balance.

13. They are confident in the choices they make.

They have the ability to step back and logically analyze the choices presented to them. They think before they act.

They look at the possible consequences of each choice. Once they make a decision, they are confident about it. Even if it doesnโ€™t turn out as planned, they can change courses fairly easily and happily.

14. They know how to be a positive influence on others.

People who love their lives know that their life is an example for the world. They know that other people are watching them, and they try to be the best they can be.

They only want to spread happiness and joy and to model good behavior.

Read 10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

15. They love themselves.

This is not narcissistic love (narcissism isnโ€™t really self-love at all). What I mean is that they genuinely like who they are.

In other words, if they were someone else, they would probably be friends with themselves. They think theyโ€™re pretty cool.

If you donโ€™t love your life, donโ€™t give up hope. There are always changes you can make to become happier.

Read 6 Ways You Can Rebuild Your Life From Scratch

These 15 things are just the start to being happy and loving your life. Why not try a few of them today?

Written By Dr.ย Carol Morgan
Source-ย drcarolmorgan.com
Printed with permission

15 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently

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