Which Potion Would You Drink? Your Choice Reveals What Your Soul Craves: Alchemy Quiz


Potion Drink Choice Reveals Craves Alchemy Quiz

Do you wish to understand what your heart truly desires or craves? Here’s a potion quiz to know yourself deeply. Which potion would you drink?

Many people treat the ideas of potions, alchemy, and witchcraft as a joke, and some people are just plain scared of them. This is because we have only come across these practices in the fictitious world of movies, books, and television shows, and all these elements have been portrayed as negative mostly.

However, the truth is far from this because potioncraft is not necessarily a malevolent practice, as advocated by society. Potioncraft is pretty real and yes, with a little practice you can actually manifest your desires.

For many centuries, alchemists, wizards, and witches were trying to craft potions which can make their lives easier or more interesting. Here in Magical Recipes Online, we love to publish potions which โ€“ with little practice can make your dreams come true. But if you could make any potion, which potion would you drink?

Which Potion Would You Drink? Take This Alchemy Quiz

Take a look at our potions and think about what you desire the most. This can reveal much about what your soul thirsts for. Potions correspond to the Magic of Water. The Element of Water corresponds to our emotions and our heart’s deepest desires and fears. This test can show you much about all this.

1. The Purple Potion โ€“ Teleport Anywhere

Potion Drink Your Choice Reveals Soul Craves purple potion
Potioncraft: Which Potion Will You Drink?

This magic purple potion actually gives you the ability to teleport anywhere in time or space. Amazing right? But what actually drives you to choose it?

Well, for starters, choosing this potion denotes your passion for finding your true purpose in life. You may already feel pretty good about your choices but thereโ€™s something missing. Is it companionship? A spiritual endeavor?

This purple potion means that you need to make some quality time for yourself in order to evaluate who you truly are right now. Do you want to stay? Or do you want to move? You need to explore more and thatโ€™s good. There are many ways to achieve that.

Related: Find Out Your Current Lifeโ€™s Challenge: Choose a Symbol of Alchemists

2. The Black Potion โ€“ Become Invisible At Will

Potion Drink Your Choice Reveals Soul Craves Black potion
Magic Potion Test Reveals What You Want In Life

This is the black potion. A magical potion that makes you invisible. You can walk and attract no attention. But why?

What you probably feel is that you can no longer choose what you truly want in your life. All your decisions are pre-maid and you can only follow them blindly. Do you feel trapped in a long-term relationship for which society has put the rules (and not you?).

This black potion could give you time and space to have some fun without prejudice or criticism. If you truly want to drink this potion then you should probably find a way to entertain yourself more. Surely magic can help you. If you feel that you’re being watched then weโ€™ve got something for you. Lucid Dreaming is the ability to control your dreams and make them vivid.

No one can see what you are dreaming right? Plus you could have so much fun for 8 hours every day! Slowly, and within your dreams you may also find answers which can help you get much fun in your true life too. Moreover, you can actually travel in spirit form โ€“ astral projection and actually be invisible. Cool right? 

3. The Green Potion โ€“ Stay Young Forever

Potion Drink Your Choice Reveals Soul Craves Green potion
Potion Craft: Discover What Your Soul Thirsts For

What is it that drives you to drink a potion that keeps you young forever? Or maybe let me ask it in a different way. How would your life change?

The Green Potion means that you thirst for reconciliation with past choices. The advantage that gives you to stay young is, in fact, a subtle way to make peace with the past. If you could live in a younger body, you could make different choices and choose a different road than the one you already took.

But you know what? Your every choice actually defines who you truly are. Your energy is what actually attracted this fate and this fate is really important for you. You attracted it for a reason. (See more here โ€“ collaborating with the Universe).

“Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.” – Dale Turner

Moreover, if you want to walk a different path, you can start right now. Remember, you are not getting old. You have so many lives ahead to live. If you need extra help on that, check our past lives oracle.

Which are the lessons? Think deeper. Behind beauty lies in harmony. This is the Virtue you need to focus on.

Related: Which Magical Chalice Would You Drink From?

4. The Red Potion โ€“ Have Power Over Fire

Potion Drink Your Choice Reveals Soul Craves Red potion
Potion Personality Test: Which Potion Would You Drink?

I have to admit. Thatโ€™s kinda cool. Having power over fire is called Pyrokinesis and I LOVE IT. But you know, there is a common trait between those who can actually control fire.

Pyrokinetics are the ones whose emotions are so strong that can actually radiate this energy from their aura. Fire is one of the purest forms of energy and our strongest emotions are linked with fire. If you truly want to control fire you may actually want to control all these raving emotions inside you. Love, passion, anger, all live inside you now. Do you have a crush? Are you outraged?

“We all live at the mercy of our emotions. Our emotions influence and shape our desires, thoughts, and behaviors and above all our destiny.” – Dr. T.P.Chia

Have you been seeing weird dreams lately? These dreams are in fact disguised impulses that you constantly try to push and hide. But guess what? You cannot hide from yourself, my dear. You can only postpone the inevitable.

First of all, you need some proper grounding. This technique will help you see these feelings more objectively and define whatโ€™s more important for you. Fire is not easy to handle. You may need some time.

5. The Blue Potion โ€“ Breathe in the Sea

Potion Drink Your Choice Reveals Soul Craves Blue potion
5 Types Of Potion: Which One Will You Drink?

The second potion is what can make you a mermaid โ€“ merman. Why would you choose to become one?

To become a mermaid โ€“ merman is to actually escape from this world. You probably find it difficult to commit yourself fully in a relationship or in some aspect of your current life. Something has really left you exhausted. Something has left you drained and stripped from your magic. Your desire is to come back to the sea and dive into its endless possibilities.

โ€œItโ€™s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.โ€ โ€” Robert Tew

Although we can indeed help you attract and communicate with the merpeople (see all about the Witch Stones) what you really want is to break free and escape from whatโ€™s bothering you right now. You want to โ€˜disconnectโ€™ with the toxic people โ€“ or toxic relationships โ€“ which keep you trapped from your true purpose.

Something that could really help you out is to find a way to achieve astral projection. In this way, you will also meet the mermaids and mermen or even travel anywhere you want. Magic is in your hands.

Related: Choose Your BROOM and DISCOVER What Kind Of WITCH You Are

Even though potioncraft and alchemy are considered “ridiculous” by a lot of people these days, it is not possible to ignore its rich history and heritage. If you ruffle through the pages of history books, you will see for yourself the importance and significance of these practices for the betterment of mankind. Hopefully, this potion quiz helped you to know yourself a little bit better.

First of all, you can use your dreams to teach yourself important things. You can also use powerful Astral Projection magic to actually be able to travel and teleport ANYWHERE. The astral body knows no limits.

You can also use divination in order to find the truth. But more importantly, you can use the magic of the Fool (from Tarot) to begin any new spiritual or physical journeys.

Let us know in the comments down below what you thought about this potion quiz and which potion you chose for yourself!

Post originally published on Magical Recipes Online
which potion would you drink
Which Potion Would You Drink? Your Choice Reveals What Your Soul Craves: Alchemy Quiz
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Potion Quiz: Which One Will You Drink?
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Which Potion Would You Drink? Your Choice Reveals What Your Soul Craves: Alchemy Quiz

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