What Your Pinky Finger Says About Your Personality


Length Pinky Finger Say About Personality

We’ve learnt all about tarot cards and palm reading but have you ever wondered what your pinky finger says about you? Discover your secrets about your personality types as well.

Did you know that the Little Finger or Pinky is associated with Mercury – Hermes, Communication, Travelling, and finances? Continue to read what does your little finger say about you!

Can our little finger reveal secrets about us? Well, weโ€™ve already seen many interesting articles on palmistry and frankly, weโ€™ve just begun to tell you our secrets. You see, magical knowledge is vast and we actually need many lifetimes in order to acquire all this kind of wisdom.

Palmistry, the art of fortune-telling just by examining the palm of our hands, is also very complex. Yet, here in Magical Recipes Online we try everything that is possible to give you the best quality โ€“ the REAL deal โ€“ articles, which do not require years of practice but still are pretty revealing.

What your pinky finger says about you?

Why the Little Finger โ€“ Pinky?

Each finger is associated with a planet โ€“ thus a distinctive type of energy. The palm is considered to be a map of our past, present, and future along with our pros and cons. The Little Finger โ€“ Pinky is associated with Mercury โ€“ Hermes, the planet / God of Communication, Travelling and finances. In this small test, we are going to compare it with the Ring finger which is associated with the Sun โ€“ Apollo.

The Length and shape of the little finger โ€“ pinky shows how do you we express ourselves if we face difficulties in showing our emotions and how easily do we travel. It can actually show us much more to examine it. But now is time to compare it.

Related: Things Your Hand Shape Could Say About Your Personality

How Long Is Your Pinky Finger? Find Your Personality Type

1. Lower Height

What does your pinky finger say about you?

The tip of your little finger is lower than the top joint of your ring finger.

Your vast ocean of emotions creates difficulties when it comes to expressing yourself. Youโ€™ve wished many times to be able to have reacted properly in romantic or other stimuli. โ€œI know s/he was flirting with meโ€ฆ why didnโ€™t I say anything??โ€ฆโ€

Of course, as the years go by, you find ways to show your true colors. Itโ€™s amazing how much you can give to someone but unfortunately only a few do understand, how wonderful and resourceful you can actually be. As you grow up you can find more ways to become more extroverted and balance your shyness. Many empaths have a sign like this. Are you an Empath? See here. 

TIP: You should begin to write a novel or a story as you indeed have so many thoughts and feelings to describe. Even if you feel restrained to do so, by writing you will learn to think more objectively.

2. Even Height

What Your Pinky Finger Says About You: Personality Test

The tip of your little finger is the same height as the top joint of your ring finger.

You are a personality who has mastered a balance between your introvert and your extrovert qualities and intentions. It is not that you donโ€™t get irritated or angry but you somehow find a way to express your feelings in a non-catastrophic way. There may be a fire burning inside of you ready to devour anyone and anything but you know how to control it and not burst into flames. Wellโ€ฆ Most of the time!

You value honesty and you demand it from others. You can easily suspect when something is wrong or that someoneโ€™s hiding secrets from you. In these cases, you may burst into flames but it is most likely to keep silent and wait for the right moment to solve your issues.

TIP: It may sound stupid but laughter is one of the greatest weapons. Laughter is, in fact, an expression of your warm hearts. Laughter radiates power and helps you maintain balance. You can also regularly check chakras. Are they balanced?  

Related: Types of Hands In Palmistry and What They Say About Your Personality

3. Higher Height

What Your Pinky Finger Says About You: Personality Test
What Does Your Little Finger Say About You: Personality Test

The tip of your little finger is higher than the top joint of your ring finger.

Youโ€™ve got the psychological qualities of an extrovert and sociable person. Although you may not love being around people all the time, youโ€™ve got a natural talent to be charming and attract the attention of those around you. Even since a little child, you can remember that you could easily attract other children to play with you.

Moreover, you have the ability to project your will and make things happen. This can be a sign of a true leader. But remember. You have to balance egocentrism with the needs and feelings of others. Do not neglect the feelings of people who love you. Getting advised is the quality of successful leaders.

TIP: Every now and then try grounding. Become one with our Mother Earth can help you balance your energy chakras and get rid of excessive energy.

Originally Appeared On Magical Recipes Online

What Your Pinky Finger Says About You: Personality Test
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What Your Pinky Finger Says About You: Personality Test
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  1. Peter George Crawford Avatar
    Peter George Crawford

    Exactly what I was taught some 60 years ago ,brought back fond memories,thanking you so ,so much .!

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