What Is Demiromantic? 8 Signs You’re Wired Differently When It Comes To Romance

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What Is Demiromantic 1

Love is a complex and beautiful emotion that can take on many different forms. For some people, the experience of romantic attraction may not fit into the conventional norms. One such identity is being demiromantic. So what is demiromantic?

If you’ve ever felt like your romantic attractions develop differently or if you’ve questioned whether you align with the traditional understanding of romance, this article is here to shed light on what it means to be demiromantic. So grab a cosy seat, and let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and understanding.

Let’s find out more about what is demiromantic. 

Related: What Does It Mean To Be A Hopeless Romantic? 10 Signs You Might Be One

What Is Demiromantic?

So, what is demiromanticism?

Demiromanticism is all about those folks who start feeling romantic only after they’ve built a strong emotional bond. It’s like a unique and charming way of experiencing romance.

Unlike the love-at-first-sight enthusiasts, demiromantics take their time, preferring friendships as the stepping stones to romance.

It’s like waiting for a Polaroid picture to develop – emotions gradually reveal themselves. Casual dating might not be your cup of tea, as you prioritize meaningful connections over fleeting flings.

So, if you believe that love should simmer, not sizzle, and that strong emotional connections are the keys to your heart’s castle, you might just be proudly demiromantic.

Now that we know what is demiromantic, let’s find out the signs you are demiromantic. 

8 Signs You Are Demiromantic Who Has A Different Take When It Comes To Falling In Love

1. You don’t believe in the concept of love at first sight. 

This is one of the major signs you are demiromantic. 

Unlike people who feel a strong attraction right away because of someone’s appearance or how charming they are, you don’t experience that initial pull. Instead, your romantic feelings develop slowly as you get to know someone on a deeper level.

While others might quickly fall for someone, you take your time to build a strong connection before diving into romantic feelings.

2. You normally tend to fall for people who are close to you, especially close friends. 

Suppose, you’re scrolling through your social media feed, and you come across a post about love. Everyone’s gushing about finding their soulmates or experiencing love at first sight. But for you, it’s a different story. You’re a demiromantic. What does that mean?

Well, it means you have a knack for falling head over heels for your close friends. Yup, you read that right! The longer you’ve known someone, the deeper your romantic feelings grow. It’s like your heart is playing a slow and steady game of catch-up.

So, if you’ve found yourself developing major crushes on your long time pals, welcome to the wonderful world of being demiromantic.

What is demiromantic

3. You may feel sexually attracted to people even if you don’t have any romantic feelings towards them. 

What is demiromanticism? This can be considered to be a significant sign. 

You can totally feel the hots for someone without catching any romantic feels. It’s like your heart and your hormones have their own separate agendas. 

Being demiromantic doesn’t mean you’re limited in your sexual orientation either. Whether you’re into guys, gals, or anyone in between, it’s all fair game. So, embrace your desires and explore those sexy connections without necessarily tying them to romantic emotions.

Remember, being demiromantic is all about celebrating the diverse ways we experience attraction. So, go forth, be true to yourself, and enjoy all the fun that comes with being one. 

Related: What Is Panromantic And What Are The 5 Distinguishing Signs?

4. You don’t trust easily, and it takes you some time to be open and vulnerable with someone. 

One of the major signs you are demiromantic is this. Trust and emotional intimacy are your VIPs. You don’t just spill your secrets to anyone—you take your sweet time to build that trust. Opening up and baring your soul? That’s a gradual process, my friend.

You’re like a vault, keeping your deepest thoughts and feelings locked up until you’ve really gotten to know someone. It’s only when you start feeling cosy and comfy around them that those romantic butterflies start fluttering in your tummy.

So, don’t rush it. Take your time to let that trust grow and the emotional connection deepen. Once you’ve built that sturdy foundation of trust and intimacy, get ready for the fireworks of romance to light up your world.

5. You tend to take it slow when it comes to your relationships. 

You always try to take it slow in your relationships, because you know the value of trusting someone with your personal life and feelings. Also, you like to enjoy every moment to the fullest. 

While others might be zooming through the stages of a relationship at lightning speed, you’re savouring every moment. You don’t rush the process; it’s like you’re on a scenic route, enjoying the breath-taking views along the way.

So, don’t stress if your relationships seem to move at a snail’s pace. Embrace the journey and let those emotional connections brew. Remember, good things come to those who wait, and when those romantic feelings finally kick in, it’s like fireworks exploding in the sky.

6. You hardly ever have a crush on someone. 

What is demiromanticism? This right here is one of the biggest signs you are demiromantic. 

You’re not the type to catch those lovey-dovey feels left and right. Nope, you’re more like a rare gem when it comes to crushes.

Sure, you might still feel that sizzling attraction towards others, but those heart-fluttering, can’t-stop-thinking-about-you crushes? They don’t come knocking on your door too often. And when they do, they usually set their sights on people you’ve known forever.

It’s like your heart has a secret club where only the closest of friends can enter. So, if you find yourself crushing on someone you know like the back of your hand, congrats! You’ve reached that exclusive level of familiarity where romance decides to make an appearance.

Embrace the uniqueness of your demiromantic self, because when those rare crushes hit, they’re like a bolt of lightning straight to the heart. So, keep being you, keep cherishing those deep connections, and who knows when the next crush will come knocking on your heart’s door? 

Related: 5 Signs You Are A Sapiosexual: Intelligence Turns You On!

7. Your past romantic relationships are few and far between.

While your friends might have a laundry list of exes, you’re more like the selective connoisseur of romance. You never jump into relationships willy-nilly, and take your time and choose wisely.

So, if you’re looking at your relationship history and thinking, “Hey, it’s not as long as others,” don’t sweat it. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. When you do find someone who ignites that romantic spark, it’s like finding a rare gem.

Your path may have fewer romantic notches on the belt, but each one holds a special place in your heart. So, keep being discerning, keep cherishing those meaningful connections, and who knows when the next chapter of your love story will unfold? 

8. You are not someone who likes brief flings, rather you prefer long-term, serious relationships. 

Another one of the major signs you are demiromantic. 

You prioritize lasting connections over fleeting affairs and one night stands. Your approach to relationships involves building upon existing friendships. especially close friendships, which often results in deep and meaningful romantic relationships.

You value the depth of emotional ties and prefer gradual, deep connections to swift encounters.

Instead of looking for immediate but short-lived chemistry, you tend to be drawn towards relationships that has the power to weather the test of time. Your thoughtful and slow pace reflects your dedication to establishing solid foundations before diving into romance.

What is demiromantic

Now that we know the signs you are demiromantic, let’s find out the difference between demiromantics and demisexuals, AKA, demiromantic vs demisexual.

Demiromantic vs Demisexual

When it comes to the demiromantic vs demisexual debate, demiromantics pen their love stories in an unconventional way. They don’t dive into romance headfirst; instead, they cultivate strong, deep-rooted friendships that gradually evolve into romantic relationships. The emotional bond is their compass, leading them towards feelings of love.

Demisexuals, on the other hand, craft their own narrative in the realm of physical attraction. For them, sexual desire takes shape only when an emotional link is formed. The spark ignites when the emotional bonfire roars to life.

Demiromantic vs demisexual

Both identities, while distinct, share a common thread: the significant role of emotional intimacy in igniting attraction. It’s like watching two different artists paint a similar masterpiece using their own colours.

One leans on emotional hues for romance, while the other employs them to unlock sexual desire. In this intricate dance of feelings, demiromantic vs demisexual both celebrate connections that simmer before they sizzle.

Related: 13 Signs You Are A Demisexual


Understanding and accepting your own romantic orientation is a personal and empowering journey. By recognizing and embracing your unique experiences and desires, you can create fulfilling and authentic connections with others.

So, dear reader, whether you’re demiromantic or simply curious about the diverse world of human emotions, may your journey be filled with self-discovery, love, and an ever-growing understanding of what it means to connect with others on a deeply emotional level.

Do you relate to any of these signs you are demiromantic? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

signs you are demiromantic

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