Very Demure, Very Mindful: 5 Signs You Embody This Viral TikTok Trend


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Signs You're Very Demure Very Mindful: Fun Tik Tok Trend

While scrolling through TikTok, you may have come across the “very demure very mindful tiktok trend”. It was started by creator Jools Lebron, inspiring people to embrace a mindful and modest approach to life. So, what does demure mean? And do you have a demure personality? Let’s take a look at the signs below!

What Does Demure Mean?

To be demure is a term often used to refer to someone shy, modest, and aware of how they present themselves to the world. It implies being conscious about everything that you do and how it appears in front of people. 

This means taking up an attitude of quietness, calmness, or reposefulness towards your daily activities.

Very Demure Very Mindful
Very Demure, Very Mindful: 5 Signs You Embody This Viral Tiktok Trend

According to Jools Lebron on TikTok, this trend signifies that individuals should care more about their personal image by being humble and unassuming rather than loud or attention-seeking. More like quietly confident but still graceful naturally while minding about inner self as well as outer environment.

Read more here: How to Be More Feminine? 10 Tips for a Softer, More Graceful You

very demure very mindful
Very Demure, Very Mindful: 5 Signs You Embody This Viral Tiktok Trend

Now, let’s look into five signs that can tell whether or not you possess a demure personality…

5 Signs You’re Very Demure Very Mindful

1. You Act In A Thoughtful Manner

Being demure can mean considering your actions on the people around you. Demure people tend to be aware of what is going on and how they should act in certain situations. 

In all likelihood, you think before speaking or doing anything so as not to offend anyone and show respect for them too. This shows that you know very well that everything we do affects those close to us.

2. You Love Subtlety More Than Flashiness

Subtle rather than flashy is one of the qualities associated with being demure. If you find yourself preferring understated elegance over eye-catching glamor this may indicate your gentle character. It could be through dressing simply but elegantly.

Speaking in a low tone always or holding back some information about yourself until when asked directly among others which makes people perceive you as a humble person. 

Silence is another powerful tool for those who possess such charm — they never seek attention but their presence speaks volumes instead.

4. You Chose Simplicity In Your Life

According to the “very mindful very demure Tiktok trend,” the definition is nothing better than simplicity. While others follow trends or indulge themselves with many things thinking that will make them happy, individuals with this personality appreciate less is more concept. 

You might not have many clothes or anything fashionable but you love your minimalistic lifestyle where everything around has its place and serves its purpose at once without creating unnecessary mess which saves time too! 

Such an approach helps one focus only on what matters most thus avoiding much complexity but also any form of distraction along life’s journey towards self-realization.

Read more here: 5 Minimalistic Zodiac Signs Who Believe in ‘Less Is More’

5. You Reserved Not Shy

Demure does not mean shy though these two words may sound alike sometimes especially when used by different people incorrectly interchangeably in an actual sense, reservedness means being quiet while shyness refers to fear or timidness towards unknown situations/people hence making one avoid public places altogether.

You don’t lack confidence but it is mainly due to past experiences therefore, if you are an introvert who rarely talks too much then most likely you possess a demure character. You observe more than you speak carefully, selecting words before expressing them verbally, thus making an impact in front of people.

6. You Care About Your Appearance And Conduct

According to the “very mindful very demure Tiktok trend,” mindfulness is exhibited mostly through personal presentation.

If you dress up according to your needs and wants while still considering others’ feelings, this means that you may have a modest personality. You also prefer classic and timeless style over fleeting trends and let your actions reflect who you are.

Embrace Yourself!

If you find yourself relating to the “very demure very mindful” trend then embrace it! You’re adopting a mindset that values thoughtfulness, simplicity, and quiet confidence—qualities that are always in style.

very demure very mindful
Very Demure Very Mindful Signs You Embody This Tiktok Trend

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