Breaking Free From Codependent Patterns: What You May Not Know About Codependency

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There might come a time when our codependent habits gets out of hand and become more of an addiction. Codependent behaviors encumber us to form healthier relationships. Breaking free from codependency can be difficult for most people but at the same time extremely necessary.

It primarily concerns the unhealthy behavior of an individual in a relationship. Read on to better understand codependency, the misconceptions surrounding it, and how to overcome it.

โ€œA codependent person is one who has let another personโ€™s behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that personโ€™s behavior.โ€ โ€“ Melody Beattie

Linda: โ€œDid you hear the joke about the woman who fell overboard and was drowning? Her husbandโ€™s life flashed before her eyes. Did you hear about the man who woke up in the morning and asked his wife, โ€˜How am I going to feel today?โ€™โ€

Everybody laughs heartily at these jokes. But even while weโ€™re laughing, we get the gist of the seriousness of living someone elseโ€™s life, the tragedy of not ever knowing how we ourselves feel, and how much we miss when we let others dictate our experience. We can also get a taste of how we, in our fear, let codependency drive us to be controlling, meddling in othersโ€™ lives, and try to change people.

The concept of codependency has its origins in the Addiction Recovery movement, treating the enabler of those addicted to alcohol or drugs. The term is defined as โ€œa set of manipulative compulsive behaviors characterized by lack of self-esteem, poor boundaries, and obsessive control.โ€ Sometimes, codependency is defined as an addiction to a person.

These behaviors are learned to survive in a family experiencing great emotional pain. The behaviors are passed from generation to generation and result in a diminished capacity to participate in loving relationships.

Over-Giving Gets Us Into Trouble.

Being in service is a beautiful thing. While being of service in our families and workplace, we risk running into trouble if we spend too much time and attention on others, to the exclusion of our own self-care.

We can be so focused on othersโ€™ needs that we neglect our own. We are not negotiating for our own needs, drawing clear boundaries, or exercising our right to say โ€œnoโ€. And we are not treating ourselves with the high regard that we deserve. Our fear can bring out our manipulative, controlling behaviors.

Related: A Relationship Built of Dependency: The Paradox of Love

Once we admit that we are suffering from these unskillful choices, we become conscious enough to make more skillful ones.

โ€œIn all codependent relationships, the rescuer needs the victim as much as the victim needs the rescuer.โ€ โ€“ Barbara De Angelis

Rather than seeing codependency as a disease state psychopathology, requiring years of in-depth treatment, we can see it as a learning deficit. We can reframe it as a normal stage of development, which is not a problem unless we get stuck there.

Codependence is an inevitable and natural part of every relationship. Some people call it love, infatuation, or devotion. There is an unconscious agreement in a codependent relationship that youโ€™re not going to do anything to ruffle their feathers and theyโ€™re not going to do anything to ruffle ours. Thereโ€™s an implicit agreement that weโ€™re going to let each other merge.

In every relationship, there is a stage where we lose ourselves in the other person, which is wonderful. Itโ€™s only a problem if we lose ourselves and donโ€™t get ourselves back again. We keep the โ€œDo not Disturbโ€ agreement under wraps as part of the early developmental stage until it doesnโ€™t work for us anymore. When we recognize the toll that itโ€™s taking on us is just too dear, we desire to progress to the next stage of differentiation.

Breaking Free From Codependent Patterns

โ€œCodependency is about normal behaviors taken too far. Itโ€™s about crossing lines.โ€ โ€“ Melody Beattie

When the time comes to leave this stage behind, itโ€™s important not to judge harshly when we have shaky boundaries, trouble saying โ€œnoโ€, and accommodating too often. Itโ€™s commonplace when codependent patterns rear up, for people to think, โ€œWhat is wrong with me? I keep choosing the wrong peopleโ€ or โ€œWhat is wrong with him; this is a hopeless case; this relationship is total madness.โ€

When we see whatโ€™s happening that is no longer serving us, itโ€™s important to relate to the need for change with compassion. Instead of putting ourselves down, if we can state, โ€œIโ€™m in this stage of the relationship where Iโ€™m up against my edge of fear to make a change, but I WILL make that change.โ€

On the job training is the day-by-day making of more conscious choices. We will definitely save ourselves some trouble if we have an agreement with our partner that we will use what the relationship tosses up to work with each other toward the goal of a fulfilling partnership.

What To Do If You Are In A Codependent Relationship.

1. Take the focus off the other and focus on yourself; do your own work.

2. Practice compassionate self-care.

3. Find a terrific counselor; maybe your partner will go too.

4. Take time to be introspective to discover your own truth.

5. Focus on your personal rights.

6. You have the right to change your mind at any time.

7. Let go of the notion of being a victim. Life doesnโ€™t happen to us; we really do have choices. The way out is to recognize the choices that we REALLY have.

8. You are free to leave if you wish. Affirm that you will survive if the relationship does not make it through the transition.

9. You have the right to set limits, which helps set boundaries.

10. You have the right to say โ€œNo.โ€

11. Once you have boundaries and a sense of self, you CAN have real intimacy.

12. Share your process with those who will support you sensitively and guide you productively.

13. Learn more about the values that you adopted in your family of origin. Decide which ones serve you and which ones donโ€™t. Establish your current values and live by them!

14. Commit yourself to being as responsible for yourself as you possibly can.

The addiction movement called attention to codependent patterns, which has had a beneficial effect in showing couples (even those without a partner with an addiction) where they need to grow. But there has been some misinterpretation about healthy dependency and codependency.

Related: Codependency Addiction: Stages of Disease and Recovery

Knowing where our healthy dependency is working on our behalf, and distinguishing it from codependency that diminishes our well-being, is every coupleโ€™s challenge. We can learn to know the difference.

Hereโ€™s a helpful video that you may find interesting about Understanding Codependency:

โ€œBut codependency is inappropriate, over-the-top loyalty, caring and supportiveness.โ€ โ€“ David Stafford

If you feel you are codependent in your relationship, the best thing you can do is practice self-love. As youโ€™re too comfortable and familiar with loving your partner, loving yourself might be an alien concept to you right now.

But it is imperative that you figure out how you can love yourself and become a source of your own happiness. Focus on thoughts, emotions, and actions that are important for your own well-being.

Know yourself better. Give yourself time. Encourage yourself. And make yourself happy.

If you feel overwhelmed or depressed, your top priority at this moment should be recovery. Once you heal yourself, mentally and emotionally, you will find the necessary energy to move ahead and the motivation to emerge out of this.

Hereโ€™s What You Need to Understand About Codependency
Written By Linda and Charlie Bloom
Originally Appeared In Psychology today
Codependency And Codependent Pattern
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