Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign


things men hate according to their zodiac sign

The science of astrology claims that every zodiac sign has its own specific character traits which determine our choices. Things we love and hate can help us to better understand ourselves and others and it can be illustrated by our star signs.

Men are said to be the most unpredictable characters and for us, women, we are always on the lookout for the things men hate and what they actually like. For each zodiac sign, thereโ€™s something that they hate to the core, and knowing the things your man absolutely hates will help you cut down your expectations and form a healthy bond.

Go on, take a look, and thank us later! Find out things men hate according to his zodiac sign.

Here are a few things that men from each zodiac sign absolutely hate, according to their zodiac signs

1. ARIES (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Aries doesn’t like to be held down for anything, never pretend with them and never, ever keep them waiting. This sign is known for having a quick loss of temper. Aries cannot stand people who try to hold them up. They are the most aggressive and impulsive of all signs.

Aries man hates people who complain and feels sorry for themselves. If you don’t want your Aries man to get mad, do not put roadblocks in their path.

2. TAURUS (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Taurus isn’t one to make stupid decisions on the spur of the moment, so never rush them. This man does not like to be rushed. They have their own ideas of time. 

They have a possessive nature and get really offended when people try to snatch something that belongs to them. You will really upset your Taurus man if you don’t pay them attention and don’t ask for their opinions and ideas.

3. GEMINI (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Geminis are all about communicating, never stop him from speaking his heart out to you. A Gemini man has a friendly nature and loves to communicate. For him, communication is the key and that is the way he can tell you exactly how he feels or thinks.

Never interrupt him while he speaks. He might get hurt or even offended. Asking him to shut up will be like cutting off his arms. If you don’t want them to despise you, do not bore them with conditions and limitations.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)

4. CANCER (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Cancers can be a little insecure and don’t take criticism well, so never play emotional games with them. Cancer hates immoral people who do not respect family values. You have to keep a strict watch on your words when youโ€™re criticizing him since men of this star are very sentimental and deeply intuitive.

They are the introverted signs, calm, and detest any type of violence. They are very emotional and sensitive. Yes! This might look like โ€œnot so manlyโ€ a trait but just be careful. Men get hurt too. In the case of cancers, itโ€™s just double.

5. LEO (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Leos like to be in the spotlight and they’re good leaders, so never call them out in front of others. In the case of a Leo man, it becomes a matter of ego. He might not openly say it but he hates when someone surpasses him and steals his share of attention.

So, stay low-key and let him be highlighted. Let them be the center of attention and never come in his way. He might really get offended and hate you from within for trying to rule his dominant territory.

6. VIRGO (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Being an ever perfectionist, Virgos don’t like being said that they are wrong, never question their expertise. Virgos hate disorder. They have a certain way of doing something. Donโ€™t be arrogant around Virgos, they really canโ€™t stand overly self-assertive people.

He will spend his entire life, if needed, to prove himself right and wrong. Just let it be and don’t even try to indicate that they are doing it incorrectly, I repeat DON’T EVEN TRY!

7. LIBRA (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Libras don’t like confrontation and they don’t like to be forced, so never be rude to them. Libras donโ€™t like making choices. So donโ€™t place him in any situation that requires him to make a choice. Do not pressure him to pick sides. It will be challenging for him, and he might start disliking you as a person for making him go through this.

Criticism, arguments, and disharmony set them off the most. They hate arrogant people and the ones who cannot keep up with their expectations of standards. Libras are one of the most peaceful of all the star signs as they are very tolerant but once he walks out, youโ€™re going to have a complete breakdown and we all know, nobody fancies that.

Related: Libra: The Sign of The Balanced Soul

8. SCORPIO (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

They have a low tolerance level for irresponsible and superficial people, so never lie to them. These passionate people have a low tolerance level for irresponsible and superficial people. His โ€˜mystery solvingโ€™ cap is always on and he is likely to find out the truth no matter how hard you try to conceal it.

Be truthful and honest with him from the very beginning even if it is tough because once he catches you lying, he will never trust you again and will also lose all respect for you. You surely wouldnโ€™t want that from someone you love. So keep it 100 real with him.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

You can never force a Sagittarius man into doing anything, so never try to restrain and restrict them If he wants to be out with boys, then just let him. You can never force a Sagittarius man into doing anything. You will lose him completely if you try to knot him to yourself.

The harder you try to hold on to him, the faster he will slip. Donโ€™t try to bind him mentally or physically. Just let him make his decisions. Yes do tell him about your preferences but donโ€™t force it on him. Of course, until you want him to explode.

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Capricorn men have a special dislike for fake people, so never pretend to be something you arenโ€™t. They absolutely loathe careless and unproductive people. Capricorn men have a special dislike for fake people. So never pretend to be something you arenโ€™t, in front of him.

He will surely understand without even giving too much effort and will lose all interest in you. Just be honest and real with him. He appreciates realness over duplicity. If he likes you, he will only like you for what and who you truly are. Isnโ€™t that what all of us want?


11. AQUARIUS (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Aquarius men are extremely independent and follow their own rules, so, never try to change them. Originality is one of the most prominent characteristics of Aquarius men. They are unique. They have their own comfort zone and have an absolute distaste for nagging.

Donโ€™t even think of changing him because youโ€™re going to fail miserably. He likes himself as he is and will only become better if and when he wants to.

12. PISCES (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Things Men Hate According To Zodiac

Pieces are intuitive and they’ll know when you are being fake so never try to take advantage of them. Pisces men are very sensitive and emotional. You better cross-check a hundred times before playing a prank on them because most of the time, he is likely to get hurt by it.

Pisces hates lying and rarely hurts anyone on purpose, so others doing this will Pisces man run away from them. After which you will have to go through an emotional rollercoaster, so just avoid all of that for safety reasons.

So these were the things that men hate. These were some of the weird but true character traits of men belonging to every star sign. We hope it helps you in understanding him better and avoiding things he doesnโ€™t like because he comes on! We know what they say โ€œprecautions better than cureโ€.

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Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign
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Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign
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Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign
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Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign
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Things Men Absolutely Hate According To Their Zodiac Sign

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