The Transformative Benefits Of Gratitude That Can Help You Live Your Dream Life


The Surprising Benefits Of Gratitude: Is Happiness

Ever wondered about the benefits of practicing gratitude? It’s like the secret sauce for a happier life! Let’s learn all about the benefits of gratitude in our life.

The Universal Law of Gratitude And The Benefits Of Gratitude

The law of gratitude dictates that you value your current job position and customers. By doing this, new opportunities and customers readily present themselves.

Gratitude is a law of nature. When we accept and are at peace with our circumstances, things begin to change naturally, and easily. Sincere gratitude sows the seeds that blossom in abundance.

It is a principle of nature and it is magnetic. When people feel acknowledged and appreciated, they more readily acknowledge and appreciate you. When you are grateful for all you have experienced and achieved, even the bad stuff, your life expands.

Your understanding that hardship and challenge build the characteristics of strength and leadership becomes apparent. You need these qualities to achieve whatever goal you desire. There is a science to gratitude.

Read 5 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life

The benefits of being grateful…

As you explore the energy of gratitude, you will discover a great law of prosperity. When you genuinely feel grateful, your energy rises and expands. It aligns with your Divinity.

It connects you to God. You can even feel it. Think of something or someone for which you are grateful. Notice the feeling in your body as you do this.

It feels light and expanded. Now consider someone or something for which you feel annoyed, angry, resentful, or critical. You will notice your body shifting to a restricted state. The energy is tight.

It might even burn because anger is inflamed energy. Be sure to bring yourself back to gratitude. As you observe more and more, your choice will be gratitude.

You have the ability and responsibility to choose where you place your mind. You must develop the discipline to keep it focused on where you want it to be.

Gratitude and Thanksgiving
The Law Of Gratitude

That means what outcome do you desire? The mind has no choice but to abide by your wishes. For the most part, people do not recognize that they have this ability.

The advantages of being grateful…

This kind of mental training alters the projector of your life. As your projector changes, your life follows suit. Be willing to train your thoughts, and you will find the benefits astounding.

When you generate thoughts of gratefulness, it is equivalent to having already received. Gratitude for having already received your desire immediately magnetizes the energy needed to manifest it in your space-time reality.

Read 7 Laws of Gratitude That Will Change Your Life

The Quantum Field of energy, that in which we live, breathe, and have our being, receives the impressions of your thoughts. As stated earlier, it is mutable, like Silly Putty. It automatically assumes the shape, intensity, and quality of your thoughts.

benefits of gratitude
Universal Law Of Gratitude

In other words, your thoughts are a template for this mutable energy to take form. Magnetic thoughts of gratitude expand energy and bring more of what you appreciate to you.

Have you ever wondered what your true capabilities are? According to the philosopher, Goethe, โ€œWhatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. Begin it now.โ€

Written by Jean Walters
This blog on the benefits of thankfulness Originally appeared in Spiritual Transformation1
Jean Walters is a best selling author of Be Outrageous: Do the Impossible - Others have and you can too!, Set Yourself Free: Live the Life YOU were meant to Live, and Dreams and the Symbology of Life - all available on You can reach her at [email protected] or 314 991 8439

Read 16 Signs You Have A Sense Of Entitlement

An Attitude Of Gratitude Is An Attitude Of Happiness

The above article on the benefits of thankfulness beautifully explains how the spiritual law of gratitude makes you look at the positive side of life and helps you realize what you have is enough to build a better and happier life for yourself.

So, do you feel grateful for everything that you have in your life? The effects of gratitude empower you to be delighted with what you have, instead of being disappointed for what you donโ€™t.

When you develop an attitude of gratitude, the Universe rewards you in return. The thankfulness benefits help you develop an abundance mindset and attract exactly what you desire.

We hope you will give your feedback on the benefits of gratitude by commenting below and also share this article with your friends! Thank you in advance!

benefits of gratitude
Benefits Of Gratitude In Your Life
benefits of gratitude
Benefits Of Gratitude In Your Life
Spiritual Law Of Gratitude How Universal Law Being Grateful pin
The Laws Of Gratitude For A Happy Thanksgiving 2023
Spiritual Law Of Gratitude Universal Law Being Grateful
The Law Of Gratitude For A Happy Thanksgiving 2023
benefits of gratitude
The Transformative Benefits Of Gratitude That Can Help You Live Your Dream Life
benefits of gratitude
The Transformative Benefits Of Gratitude That Can Help You Live Your Dream Life

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