The Best Time To Text A Woman You Really Like


The Best Time To Text A Woman You Really Like

Do you ever wonder when is the best time to text a woman and get an instant response? Let’s find out when to hit that send button and finally get the answer we are all looking for!

The Best Time To Text A Woman…

Do you have any idea what it means if you send a text right at 7:00 PM?

It looks like youโ€™ve been staring at the phone all day long wondering whether or not youโ€™re going to text her. At 6:55 sheโ€™s probably just walked in the door. Maybe sheโ€™s working late.

7:00 tells her youโ€™ve stood there all day long, neurotic, compulsive, and uncomfortable waiting for the โ€œright timeโ€ to text her.

Waiting a few minutes doesnโ€™t solve your problem either. It looks like youโ€™ve been staring at the phone all day long and decided to send a text at 7:02 just to seem a little on the cool side.

Sending texts shouldnโ€™t be random. 7:14 is one of my favorite times to text. I like 7:14, because it says, โ€œI got home, got comfortable, and I had a thought about you.โ€

Sending a text at 5:00, 5:01, makes you a 9:00 to 5:00 texter. You are the guy that stares at his phone all day long and texts her right as she gets off work. What about a text at like 10:33 at night, what does that one mean?

Well, I think thereโ€™s like a 10:00 text off. I believe that you should not text after 10:00. When you text after 10:00, you come off as needy. It seems like there is nothing else going on in your life.

Texts should only be on the twoโ€™s and the fourโ€™s, and never on the threeโ€™s or the oneโ€™s. I like an 8:14 text.

Seems like you had dinner, your chilling out, sitting down to watch a movie, and your text right at 8:14. In the middle of the afternoon is another great time to text.

Think about sending her a text around 11:14 or 2:14. If you text at 12:14 or 1:14, it looks like you were texting during lunch, and didnโ€™t have anyone to talk to.

If you text at 11:14 or 2:14, it looks like you have a life. Maybe you did your morning meeting. You were able to hang out a little bit, get some work done. So you did an 11:14 text. How about early in the morning text?

Well, sheโ€™s going to get up around 7:30. The 8:14 text doesnโ€™t really work out well, because it looks like youโ€™ve obsessed about her for 44 minutes in the morning. I kind of like the 8:44 text. Once again, keeping it on the four, because if you do 8:44, it happens to be a really good text. Itโ€™s a great time to text.

Does it really f*cking matter what time you text her?

Does it make any difference at all?

No, it really doesnโ€™t.

You text her because you feel like popping in and saying โ€œHey.โ€

Related: 5 Reasons Why Men Text You, Instead Of Calling

Anyway, hopefully this didnโ€™t f*ck with your heads too much. Letโ€™s talk a little bit more about texting. How many times do you stare at that phone when you get the text at the right time. Remember the right time? Forget it. Youโ€™re staring at the text and you canโ€™t tell If the message was delivered or not.

You start getting upset. You look at it and wonder how come it didnโ€™t say delivered?

So you push your thumb down, you hit the copy button, and you think to yourself, โ€œthere must be something wrong with my iPhone.โ€

You push paste and hit send, and the message doesnโ€™t get delivered either. You think to yourself, whatโ€™s going on?

You can drive yourself nuts. How about when youโ€™re waiting for a text back from her, and you see the little bubble?

Yes, sheโ€™s texting something back!

Then she stops. Sheโ€™s no longer writing. The bubble disappears. Hours go by. You think to yourself, โ€œWhat the f*ck happened? Is she having sex with somebody else?โ€

โ€œDoes she not like me anymore?โ€

I was getting the bubble treatment. When you least expect it, you hear a ding. And then you run to your phone, and itโ€™s your sister. The next morning comes, and still, no bubble from her. You think to yourself โ€“ โ€œWhat the hell is going on?โ€

I got the bubble. The bubble! I got the bubble two minutes after my text. Did she forget?

Want to know more about the ‘right’ time to text a woman? Check this video out below:

The Perfect Time To Text A Woman

Sure enough, 24 hours later, you get a text from her. She tells you she was busy. You think to yourself, โ€œBullshit. You werenโ€™t busy. I got the goddamn f*cking bubble five minutes after.

I saw the f*cking bubble going! You were writing me! Did you need to think about it and decide I wasnโ€™t worth it?โ€

Texting is the new way to make us neurotic.

Usually we stare at our phone and go, โ€œCome on, ding. Come on, ding. Come on, ding.โ€

How about you, do you send a cute picture text and it doesnโ€™t deliver.

You send it again, and she texts you, โ€œJesus, why did you send me four pictures?โ€

The f*cking thing said it never delivered!

Texting can drive us nuts.

In 2018, dating is more competitive than itโ€™s ever been โ€” download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.

Written by David Wygant
Originally appeared on

The Perfect Time To Text A Woman
When To Text A Girl: The Best Time To Text A Woman
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When To Text A Girl: The Best Time To Text A Woman
best time to text a woman
The Best Time To Text A Woman You Really Like

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