The Kind of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign


the kind of drunk you are

Believe it or not, your zodiac sign can say a lot about you, your personality, what type of person you are, and even hold onto your hat, your future. For say, your zodiac sign can definitely predict how you are going to act after you are drunk. Alcohol typically suppresses inhibitions in our brain, leaving us less restricted and amplifies certain personality traits. It’s all about enjoying yourself and having fun, isn’t it? People born under different signs have different styles of fun and drinking preferences. There are some persons who like to maintain a nice respectable buzz and there are other fellas who will straight blackout after few shots. Also, you can find some people talking, dancing endlessly like there is no tomorrow. But how to know what kind of drunk you are? This is what your zodiac is for. Let’s rate you how much of a weekend warrior you are.

Let’s take a look at what kind of drunk you are based on your zodiac sign:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

drunk personality aries
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œlet the dams breakโ€

Aries is a warlike sign. The individuals who are born in the sign are very, very competitive and territorial. Their combativeness is so intense that they will often pick fights with their closest friends. As a result, they are never afraid to chug especially if they are with a group because they wonโ€™t back out of the competition. They are the ones in the group who would never refuse a drinking game either. But once they are buzzed, stay assured secrets are going to be spilled. The competitiveness comes with the added burden of letting bounds go when their guards are down and what can break dams better than an extra tequila shot?

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

drunk personality taurus
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œOh my god I am so happyโ€

Ever seen an inebriated bull? They wonโ€™t bore you. Like ever. Taurus individuals are kind of similar. They are ever happy when they are drunk. They will be clumsy and quite giddy if their crushes/partners/spouses are around. A drunk Taurus will laugh and make you laugh with them. They will not let the party spirit die down ever. Also, they are true party animals if their inner dancer is channeled.

Related: Your Drunk Personality Is Really The True You, According To Science

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Kind of Drunk You Are
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Do you know this?”

They are normally chatty when sober as it is. When inebriated, they are the ones who would cry and have heart-to-heart conversations with strangers. This is because once their guard is down they express themselves better, in front of any audience. They are the loudmouth drunk often a messy one too. They often spill the beans about themselves, their friends which they later regret. There is also the odd irritating Gemini too who will just keep yacking about the most random of things long after the barโ€™s closed.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

drunk personality cancer
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œWould you prefer a gin and platonic or a scotch and a sofa?โ€

They are known for their emotional identity. But they can be over-emotional when buzzed out. After three shots of tequila, you might find your Cancerian friend shed a bucket of tears because their emotions will take a hold of them. They are the flirts and they are good at it which might lead them to decisions. They can be all over the place which might get a bit annoying, but be sure of the fact that they will earn their title again, by sheer confidence and smoothness.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

drunk personality  leo
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œPump that bass up DJ!โ€

You got it right, the Lions love to dance. Once they are drunk, watch them lose their inhibitions and get on the dance floor. They might not be the most graceful but that wonโ€™t stop them. Leos are here to have fun and of course to DRINK. They are also particularly fond of drunk truth-or-dare. And they handle their buzzes extremely well. They can also transform themselves into a contemplative observer, depends on their mood.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

drunk personality virgo
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œ*$%@ you too!โ€

Virgos, in general, are the mildest-natured and perfectly calm human beings you will interact with. As a result, they normally prefer drinking at house parties, not to mention within a limit. It is indeed rare to find a Virgo get wasted at a pub. But on the rarest of occasions when they do get wasted, they are vile, foul-mouthed, and quite vulgar: a total polar opposite of their sober selves. But once in a while, it’s actually good to see the always guarded Virgo losing their filter.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

drunk personality libra
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œ25 shots? Thatโ€™s it?โ€

Librans can be quite a heavy drinker. They are absolute kegs when it comes to alcohol: their bodies are gaping voids when it comes to chugging down. Until they absolutely pass out from the drinking. They will be the center of attention and they can even manage to befriend the most anti-social goofball in the party. But also itโ€™s not strange to find them talking quite wisely too when they are drunk. What is surprising is the astonishing amount they can hold. Just make sure they are not the driver and get them an uber.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

drunk personality scorpio
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œCould you be any stupider?โ€

As if they werenโ€™t mean and sarcastic enough when sober. Get a Scorpio drunk and you would regret it. Also, you might want to get someone you donโ€™t like so much along, so they could take some pressure off of you when the Scorpio opens their mouth. And the worse part, they will obsess over their behavior once they are sober, but will never ever apologize. Keep the music loud, maybe you’ll be safe then.

Related: 20 Things You Must Know Before Dating A Sarcastic Woman

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

drunk personality  sagittarius
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œOh, thereโ€™s a new bar?โ€

Here comes your best drinking partner. This sign is up for drinking anytime. They are carefree people who have a mercurial and Bohemian side to their nature even when sober. They are the ones who will discover new bars and restaurants and places to hang out. Also, they are the ones who are least bothered about controlling their drunken behavior. It can a daunting task to control their shenanigans when theyโ€™ve had a drop too many and at the same time, they are fun to have around when you want to have a good time.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

drunk personality capricorn
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

“I’m Done”

Capricorns are the classiest drinkers. They are always the cautious ones. They are far too much in love with their clean reputations to really water themselves once in a while. It is true that they also drink very heavily when they let go, but never, ever to the extent of say, for example, not being able to drive back home. They rarely embarrass themselves either and even if they do, they would do everything in their power to clean up after themselves every time.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

drunk personality aquarius
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œLast time I came here, I beat up six guys just like that.โ€

They are the ones with the out-of-this-world tales about their drunk adventures. They already have everyoneโ€™s attention thanks to their wit and comic strain in general, but they prefer embellishing their stories a bit too much at times. Aquarians also can be a bit gossipy too. These individuals are the kind that wants to preserve as many memories as they can and as a result, you might see their phones and cameras running all night. Don’t look out for them, most likely they will say no goodbyes.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

drunk personality pisces
The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

โ€œLetโ€™s do it!โ€

They are usually quiet, shy, reserved people. Alcohol to them is like spinach to Popeye; it makes them bold and strong, too much and very quickly. They are also the last people at a party to pass out if they do so at all. This makes them the de facto chauffeurs for their friends. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing and alcohol is no exception. Their tolerance for liquor is low, so make sure they drink responsibly, within limits.

Can you relate to yours, the kind of drunk you are based on your zodiac sign?

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The Kind of Drunk You Are According to Your Zodiac Sign
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The Kind Of Drunk You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Liss Knight Avatar
    Liss Knight

    Team Libra, your things above, on each star sign seem so very true, for every star sign except from mine!

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