6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate


Steps Finding Your Soul Mate

Serendipity is a lovely thing to think about when it comes to meeting your soul mate. But finding a soul mate sometimes needs a little bit of planning.

Itโ€™s very unlikely that your new partner will just randomly ring your doorbell. It can happen, of courseโ€”and if you selected โ€œUPS driverโ€ as a desired trait in a mate, then your chances of that happening go up exponentially.

However, for everyone else, a little legwork will be necessary to complete the task of finding your soul mate.

In The Angels of LoveFinding Your Soul Mate, we offer practical guidance to help you create a relationship that mirrors your memories of Heavenโ€™s love.

This empowering approach to healthy romantic love teaches how to stay true to yourself when looking for a new partnership.

Here Are 6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate

1. Looking for Love in All the Right Places

Where you find your partner will have a lasting impact on your future relationship. Not only are certain types of people drawn to certain types of places, but thereโ€™s a chance that youโ€™ll spend more time in the location where you met.

So try not to go to places where you feel uncomfortable or that you disapprove of. If you donโ€™t enjoy bars, for example, heading to one to pick up a partner would be a bad idea.

Not only would you potentially find someone who has alcohol-dependency issues, but in all likelihood, the person would continue going to bars once youโ€™re together.

The same goes for dance clubs, sporting events, and religious gatherings. If you donโ€™t have a natural affinity for those sorts of places, then donโ€™t go out of your way to meet your partner there.

 However, if you do have particular interestsโ€”no matter how unusual you consider them to beโ€”you can have great luck meeting others who share them by going to gatherings designed around them.

You can find events related to almost any activity by visiting sites such as Facebook and Meetup. You may be surprised by how many people in your local area have the same interests you do.

The importance of sharing activities and interests with your partner shouldnโ€™t be discounted. All too often people seek mates based on superficial attractions or because the other person is in some way exciting. While this is just fine if youโ€™re playing around, itโ€™s a terrible basis for a long-term relationship.

Sooner or later those habits you once found charming or exciting will become a source of irritation if your personality types are too different.

Conversely, if you try to force yourself into a more subdued lifestyle by finding a very straitlaced, clean-cut person, at some point youโ€™ll find that youโ€™re bored to tears. Be honest with yourself regarding your values and interests, and youโ€™ll have a much happier, enduring relationship.

Related: 4 Simple Ways To Find Your True Soulmate Using The Law Of Attraction

2. Venturing Out to Meet Your Soul Mate

Before you go out to find your new partner, there are a couple of things you can do to help improve your odds.

Since youโ€™re dealing with another person who has an individual set of values, lifestyle choices, and emotions, the Angels of Love cannot force this person to be with you, regardless of how well matched you are.

However, they have the power to assist you in making your own connection. You know by now that the Angels of LoveFinding Your Soul Mate cannot, nor would they if they could interfere with your free will or that of another person. (By the same token, neither should you interfere with anyone elseโ€™s free will. At no time should you even entertain the idea of a love spell or potion. Not only do these generally not work but in some cases, they can be extraordinarily dangerous. The tools and techniques mentioned here have been devised only to help change you for the better and to ensure that youโ€™re at the right place at the right time to meet your soul mate. These tools cannot force people into anything against their will.)

The first thing you should do before you venture out is to pray. Even though you may be going to a social event, your goal is to get something accomplished.

3. Dating Criteria

When you first start looking for a new partner, it can be a very daunting prospect. This is especially true if youโ€™ve been single for a significant period of time or if being single for a lengthy period makes you feel distressed.

Dating, like any other skill, becomes easier the more you work at it. Soon you will no longer feel intimidated or overwhelmed when going out to find your life partner.

You must reframe your dating criteria to move this process along:

First, youโ€™ll no longer be looking for a casual date, so youโ€™ll probably seek a different type of person than you did before. Physical appearance, while important, shouldnโ€™t be the most important thing here. Whatโ€™s most important is that the person fits as many criteria as possible on your list from Step 1.

Second, the person should be stable, emotionally capable of being in a long-term relationship, and compatible with you. Opposites certainly do attract, but they rarely stay together for very long.

A third crucial criterion that shouldnโ€™t be overlooked is that this partner must be single already. It doesnโ€™t matter if people claim that their partners donโ€™t understand them, or that theyโ€™re going to leave the relationship.

If theyโ€™re not currently single (and generally speaking, separated doesnโ€™t count unless divorce proceedings have been initiated), stay far away from them. God and the Angels of Love arenโ€™t in the business of breaking up families, so you shouldnโ€™t play any part in that. We believe this scenario is so common that we felt the need to word this as strongly as we have.

Now we must insist on a pinkie swear from you that you wonโ€™t get involved with an unavailable partner. Deal? Great. Moving on.

Related: 23 Unromantic Signs That Youโ€™ve Found Your Soulmate

4. Courage to Connect

Courage and confidence have a lot to do with how you find your mate. Youโ€™re potentially dealing with someone whoโ€™s just as intimidated by you as you are by him or her.

When seeking a lifelong partner, traditional roles such as those dictating who may approach who do not mean as much as they did when you were just looking for a casual partner.

This is especially true when it comes to spiritual events. Men who attend are generally very conscious of the fact that theyโ€™re in the minority and tend to behave in an introverted way.

If youโ€™re a woman, even though these men might love to approach you and strike up a conversation, theyโ€™d never do anything to violate a womanโ€™s boundaries.

If a woman is interested in a man at one of these events, itโ€™s imperative that she give him a subtle but clear gesture indicating that she wants to talk to him.

Weโ€™ve attended and staffed a multitude of spiritual events around the world where weโ€™ve met hundreds of men. By and large, theyโ€™re the greatest bunch of guys imaginable, but many are also beset by conflicted feelings that donโ€™t improve their odds of finding a life partner.

Even though theyโ€™re 100 percent compatible with so many of the women in attendance, these men are petrified of rejection or of offending a member of the opposite sex.

This fear, combined with womenโ€™s societal expectations that men should approach them, creates a perfect storm situation where people who are very eager for a connection end up just staring at each other without speaking. This situation also applies to same-sex partners.

Obviously, something needs to change at these spiritual events and other meetups where reticence prevails, and we hope that you will be the one to instigate that change!

Somebody, at some point, needs to say something, and it may as well be you. Put aside any worries that you may be intruding on or that your advances are unwelcome.

That will be immaterial at that moment. All you have to do is start a conversation with this person. You may find that you have quite a bit in common if you take the time to get to know each other. The same is true for almost any mind-body-spirit gathering.

Singles go to these events to meet people precisely because the attendees are so different from the mainstream dating crowd.

Therefore, donโ€™t make the mistake of expecting to find someone who has more conventional tendencies at one of these gatherings. If for example, you want to meet a guy who will approach you and do all the talking, you can find him easily at any bar in the world.

If on the contrary, youโ€™re looking for a devoted partner who will actually listen to you and care what you have to say, then you may have to accept the fact that he will not aggressively approach you.

5. Patience and Perseverance

One thing to keep in mind is that youโ€™ve done a remarkable job laying the groundwork for finding a soul mate so far. Keep up the good work, even when youโ€™re out meeting new people.

Donโ€™t settle for the first person you make contact with, unless he or she is the person youโ€™ve been manifesting.

Melissa: Some people get to the point where they believe that itโ€™s better to be with the wrong partner than with nobody at all. Prior to Grant and I meeting each other, we both fell into this way of thinking in our past relationships.

The Angels of Love helped us think differently!

Therefore, while we can certainly empathize with this logic, that doesnโ€™t make it true. When youโ€™re in a relationship with the wrong personโ€”whether casual or committedโ€”you run the risk that the right person will pass you by, considering you unavailable and falsely believing that youโ€™re as happy as you pretend to be.

Remember that God and the Angels of Love are helping you find the right mate, but the responsibility of being patient until that individual comes along belongs to you alone.

Finding Your Soul Mate
Finding Your Soul Mate

6. When You Think Youโ€™ve Met Your Soul Mate

You will generally know whom youโ€™re supposed to approach once you arrive at your chosen location.

You may just sense something about that person or simply have a magnetic pull drawing you to him or her. If youโ€™re feeling guided to talk to that man or woman, then you must initiate a conversation.

The Angels of Love are helping you along by giving you small nudges, such as an unusually strong attraction or the desire to find out what that person is all about.

By paying attention to these signs, you can see in which direction youโ€™re being guided. At the same time, itโ€™s critically important to pay attention to any and all red flags you may notice.

These are warning signs from above, so heed them! The most important thing is that you keep your own counsel throughout this process. Your friends and loved ones may mean well, but only you will be receiving the Divine guidance youโ€™ve asked for.

In other words, you will be the only reliable judge of whether or not you and this person are meant for each other.

If you are doubting your ability to understand your guidance, once again you can ask the Angels of Love to bring you clarity during your dream time.

Remember, when you awaken in the morning, write down the messages you received in your journal. As you begin to understand what your guidance is telling you, you will know the direction and steps you need to take with the people you are meeting.

Sooner or later youโ€™ll get into a conversation with someone you feel is your soul mate. Thatโ€™s a great first step, but now is the time to really shine. You donโ€™t want to deceive this person in any way, but you must also be aware that he or she is evaluating you, too.

This is not the moment to say that youโ€™ve been trying to manifest a soul mate. If it comes up, you should discuss your spirituality as you would any important part of your life.

Be very careful, however, if you choose to share that youโ€™re looking for your life partner. This can scare some people off, especially if youโ€™ve just met. On the other hand, it can be a great tactic to get those youโ€™re not interested in to back off.

The relatively brief time you have with this person should be spent wisely. By all means, dance and have a good time if thatโ€™s what the venue offers, but find some shared ground that you can connect with him or her on. And definitely get the personโ€™s contact information!

Too many times weโ€™ve witnessed great love connections at spiritual events, but when we check on the two parties a month later, weโ€™re told that the individuals never bothered to get each otherโ€™s e-mail addresses or phone numbers.

They assumed that if it were meant to be, theyโ€™d be magically placed together again someday. While thatโ€™s a charmingly romantic notion, itโ€™s one that is guaranteed to cause more emotional angst than the average person is prepared to endure. Besides, the Angels of Love opened a door of opportunity for you, and it is up to you to take the action to step through it.

So make finding a way to contact this person again one of your top goals. If you and this person really feel you are each otherโ€™s soul mateโ€”fantastic!

However, itโ€™s time to be patient once again. If this person truly is your intended, then the feelings will last beyond that day.

Youโ€™re not meant to keep this person waiting as some sort of bizarre test, but itโ€™s a great idea to get some distance from the situation to see if this really could be Mr. or Ms. Rightโ€”and not just Mr. or Ms. Right Now. Particularly if alcohol is involved, waitingโ€”even a little whileโ€”is a must before jumping into any sort of relationship.

Take time to get to know each other first by communicating over the phone, through e-mail exchanges, or by spending some time among groups of people.

In The Angels of Love, we offer practical guidance to help you create a relationship that teaches you how to stay true to yourself when looking for a new partnership. If youโ€™re craving love and companionship, itโ€™s important to tread carefully in your quest.

After all, those who feel lonely often settle for unsuitable relationships because they want to fill a void. God and the angels donโ€™t want you to settle because they know that youโ€™ll still feel lonely and unhappy within an unsuitable relationship.

By Grant and Melissa Virtue,ย Heal Your Life
This work by In5D is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

Everyone wants a soul mate in their lives, but very few people are actually willing to work towards finding a soul mate. Put in a little effort, and even the Universe will help you in your quest of finding your soul mate. After all, nothing worthwhile comes easy, does it?

6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate
Finding Your Soul Mate
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6 Steps To Finding Your Soul Mate

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