10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame


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Signs Youve Found Your Twin Flame

Are you one of the lucky few who has manifested a twin flame connection? If youโ€™re riddled with doubts about whether your partner is your twin flame or not, thereโ€™re a few telltale signs that tell you that you have finally found your twin flame

What are Twin Flames?

Twin flames are two halves of one soul. They are divine counterparts. Your twin flame is your ultimate spiritual partner with whom you share your soul DNA. Twin flames are on an eternal quest to find their other half. When twin flames meet itโ€™s an intense and passionate journey with extreme highs and lows.

A twin flame love is a heady mix of attraction, romance, admiration, affection, and conflict. When you meet your twin flame you feel some part of you was missing till now, which now is whole.

You can have deep and meaningful conversations with your twin flame for hours and a lifetime will not be enough.

So how would you know if you have found yours? These signs will tell you that you have finally found your twin flame.

10 signs you have met your Twin Flame

1. You Complete Each Other

Itโ€™s not that you need someone else to give meaning to your life, but a twin flame is the other half of your soul who will compliment you in every way.

If you are emotional and impulsive, your twin flame will be patient and practical, if you are a social butterfly, your twin flame will be the brooding silent type.

You two are not meant to put speed breakers on each otherโ€™s way, but to help one another remain grounded and strike a perfect balance in life.

Related: 16 Strong Signs That Show Thereโ€™s Perfect Chemistry Between Two People

2. You Make Each Other Better

Your twin flame will have a remarkably positive effect on you. They will bring out the best in you, and their presence will encourage you to apply yourself more in every sphere of your life.

They will make you feel enriched, fulfilled, and confident enough to reach for the sky. With them by your side, you will feel there is no feat too big to achieve.

3. You Both Seem Familiar To One Another

When you meet your twin flame for the first time, you will get an uncanny sense of familiarity. Both of you will feel that you have known each other since the beginning of time. You might even have an eerie feeling of deja vu as if you have crossed paths before.

You will start believing that you have been together in your several past lives. Even if you have met them recently, it will feel like you have been in love with them your whole life.

4. You Understand Each Other Better Than Everyone Else

If they are your twin flame, you two will understand each other like the back of your hands.

Twin flames know and understand each other on a very deep soul level. Your twin flame doesnโ€™t need to be with you for a long time to understand your fears, aspirations, weaknesses, and talents. Neither do you.

You will never have to struggle to explain your feelings and desires to your twin flame.

Related: Why Soul Connections Are Bigger Than Soulmates

5. You Grow Together

Itโ€™s not only the physical attraction that keeps you together. Twin flames are very much stimulating to one another. No matter how different your backgrounds may be, you will always find something interesting to learn from the other.

You might have a lot of knowledge about finance and business, but you can also get to learn a lot from your partner on things like spirituality, linguistics, culture, and so on.

This shared knowledge and growth keep twin flames intrigued by each other.

6. You Can Be Yourself

When you are with your twin flame, you feel secure enough to be your real self. Twin flames can easily open up and be vulnerable in front of each other. They can express themselves freely to their partner without worrying about judgment or persecution.

Your partner will cherish and appreciate all that is good in you and heal the wounds that trouble you.

7. You Mirror Each Other

Your twin flame will reflect your dark traits and toxic habits back to you. You two will force each other to look at your fears and insecurities and overcome your demons like never before.

You will remind each other of your flaws and shortcomings by mimicking the very habits. This could be an intense yet much-needed milestone in your journey of spiritual evolution.

8. It Will Be A Rollercoaster Ride

A twin flame journey is intense, fun, adventurous, enriching, and anything but boring. Once you meet your twin flame you will never have one dull moment in your life.

It doesnโ€™t mean that it will be a smooth journey with only happiness and laughter. You will go through very high and very low moments with your twin flame. You two might trigger each otherโ€™s insecurities, fight, even split for some time.

But twin flames leave a deep mark on each otherโ€™s lives and itโ€™s practically impossible to give up on the love of a twin flame.

Related: 15 Things You Should Look For in a Life Partner

9. Forgiveness

No matter how ugly they fight and how badly they hurt each other, twin flames will always forgive one another. They know their partner so well that it becomes easy for them to see why they behaved the way they did.

They can see how sorry the other one is feeling after saying or doing something hurtful. Twin flames never take each other for granted and always try their best to make it up to their partner.

Related: The 4 Different Soulmate Relationships That Guide Your Life

10. When Itโ€™s Not Meant To Be

Not all twin flames hold up under the pressure of the intense emotional ups and downs. Sometimes they are not ready for an all-consuming affair that can potentially transform their souls.

Maybe they are fated to reconnect and try again in another life. But one thing is for sure, they realize the worth of true love only after losing it.

So what do you think about twin flames? Do you believe each one of us has someone special? Have you found yours? Donโ€™t forget to share your twin flame journey with us.

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10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

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  1. Rita Avatar

    Yes , we’re 200% truely Twin flame..We’re One…I feel it from starting….I seek my Twin like a mad…when I realised , then I CALMED…Like Today

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