7 Telltale Signs Your BFF Is A ‘Tenured Friend’


What Is A Tenured Friend? Clear Signs Your BFF Is One

Introducing your forever friend: the tenured friend. Coined by Jennifer Mika on TikTok, it’s that person you can rely on to be around for a long time. These are the ride or die companions who have seen you through everything.

What Is A Tenured Friend?

Friend Tenure, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is that special bond forged through years of shared experiences. It’s what grants two people permission to share and do things others would never understand. This special connection also makes them nearly immune to consequences.

Tenured Friend
7 Telltale Signs Your Bff Is A ‘Tenured Friend’

Whether it’s a childhood bestie, a family friend, or a university roommate, this person is the rock we lean on in hard times. No matter how far away they are or even if you’ve had an argument with them recently, this kind of friendship sticks together. And once their position is confirmed in our lives there’s no going back — they’re stuck with us now.

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Psychologist Dr. Becky Spelman emphasizes just how important these lasting friendships are for our emotional well-being and resilience. So here’s to the friends that make life meaningful and stick with us through thick and thin.

Let’s dissect this! Here are seven signs that you have a friend tenure

7 Signs You Have A Tenured Friend

1. They’ve Seen You at Your Worst

No matter how awkward or terrible things got, they were there for you. They didn’t judge. All they did was offer their unwavering support.

2. They Know Your Secrets

The secrets you’ve shared with them could fill a book – and yet, they’ve managed to keep all of it safe. They’re the living embodiment of trust.

3. They’ve Survived the Distance

Whether you two lived in different cities or even countries, it didn’t matter. The bond remained untarnished. Time and distance mean nothing to your friendship.

4. They’re Your Emergency Contact

Whenever life throws something awful at you, they’re the first person you call. They’ll drop everything and come rushing over to your side as fast as they can.

5. You Can Pick Up Right Where You Left Off

Even if years have passed since you last saw each other, it feels like no time has passed at all when you finally meet again. It’s a seamless transition from then to now.

6. They’ve Seen You Grow

From your embarrassing teenage days to adulthood, they were there for every step of your transformation. They take pride in how far you’ve come – and believe us, they were cheering harder than anyone else every single time.

7. They’re Your Forever Plus One

Weddings? Family events? Nights out on the town? If you’re invited somewhere, so are they – guaranteed. They might as well be family instead of friends with how often y’all hang out.

Related: Friendship Therapy Is On The Rise — Discover Why You Absolutely Need It

So if someone in your life is checking off these boxes for more than one reason alone – hold onto them tight! Because they’re not just a friend… They’re here for life!

tenured friend
7 Telltale Signs Your Bff Is A ‘Tenured Friend’

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