“I’m Not Like Other Girls”: 5 Telltale Signs of A Pick Me Girl


Toxic Signs of A Pick Me Girl And How To Stop Being One

Ever heard of “Pick Me girls”? These are individuals who go to great lengths to prove they’re “not like other girls.” Let’s dive in and explore this phenomenon!

In this article, we’ll dive into what is a Pick Me Girl and, how to spot her, and provide examples to help you better understand this phenomenon.

What Is A Pick Me Girl?

Pick Me Girls are individuals, typically women, who go to great lengths to be chosen by someone they’re interested in romantically. They often believe that by being overly accommodating, agreeable, and submissive, they can win the affection of their desired partner.

In essence, they “pick” themselves out of the crowd, desperately hoping to be noticed and chosen.

How to Spot Pick Me Girl Traits?

Now, let’s get into the fun part: here are some telltale signs of a pick me girl:

1. Disparaging Other Girls

One of the pick me girl traits is that they might make comments like, “Girls are so dramatic, but I’m chill and easygoing.” This is usually a sign that they’re trying to distance themselves from their own gender.

2. Fishing for Compliments

One of the signs of a pick me girl is when she says, “I’m so ugly” or “I wish I were as pretty as other girls”. This are some of the classic “Pick me” lines. They often use self-deprecation to get compliments and attention.

3. Overly Tomboyish Claims

They might claim to be super into traditionally “masculine” activities like gaming, sports, or cars while belittling interests that are typically seen as more “feminine.”

4. Ignoring or Shaming Makeup and Fashion

A “Pick Me” girl might claim they never wear makeup or care about fashion because they think these things make other girls shallow or less authentic.

5. Competing for Male Attention

One of the signs of a pick me girl could be that they go to great lengths to get noticed by guys, thinking that being one of the guys makes them special.

Read more here: To The Girl Who Thinks Sheโ€™s Better Off Alone

1. Regina George vs. Cady Heron (Mean Girls): In the movie “Mean Girls,” Regina George is the quintessential “mean girl” who conforms to stereotypes, while Cady Heron initially tries to be a “Pick Me” girl by saying she’s not like the Plastics. However, she eventually learns that being herself is the best way to go.

2. Penny (The Big Bang Theory): In the early seasons, Penny sometimes downplays her femininity and intelligence to fit in with the guys. Over time, she becomes more comfortable with herself and realizes she doesn’t need to be a “Pick Me” girl.

3. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl): Amy goes to great lengths to create an ideal image of herself as the “cool girl” to appeal to her husband, Nick. She obsessively tries to embody Nick’s idea of the perfect woman, showcasing an impressive facade of interests and personality traits

4. Kendall Jenner: Over time, Kendall Jenner frequently emphasized her minimal interest in makeup compared to Kylie. She shared a video of her snowboarding wipeout, proudly mentioning her athletic abilities. She tweeted about early morning twerk parties and used the term “desperate” to describe other girls.

Read more here: 11 Things That Make You A Pineapple Girl

Why Do They Act This Way?

Pick Me Girls behave this way due to a combination of societal pressures and personal insecurities. They may feel that conforming to traditional gender roles or being the “perfect” partner will make them more appealing. In some cases, past experiences or low self-esteem can contribute to this behavior.

While it’s natural to want to impress someone you’re interested in, being a Pick Me Girl can be problematic. It often leads to unhealthy relationships built on inequality and can be emotionally draining for the individual. Moreover, it may result in the person losing their sense of self and happiness.

How To Not Be A Pick Me Girl?

  • Embrace your authentic self
  • Avoid trying to fit into someone else’s mold
  • Confidence in your values, interests, and boundaries

Read more here: To The Ones Who Believe They Are Hard To Love


Pick Me Girls are individuals who go to great lengths to be chosen by someone they’re interested in romantically. They often exhibit over-accommodating behavior, excessive self-sacrifice, and seek validation. It’s crucial to recognize these signs in yourself or others to ensure healthy, balanced relationships.

Learn how to not be a pick me girl and build true connections based on mutual respect, shared values, and genuine compatibility.

So, in the words of the iconic movie character Bridget Jones, “Just as you are” โ€“ that’s the best way to be in any relationship.

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