30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success


Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration Success

From influencing women around the world to revolutionizing tennis, here are some powerful Serena Williams quotes and sayings that will inspire you on a path to success!

Being a record-breaking sports icon and No. 1 singles tennis player, Serena has dominated Womenโ€™s Tennis for over two decades. She has won numerous Grand Slam singles and countless other championships, including four Olympic Gold medals

But her success is not limited to the court. She has showcased her star power in various movies and music videos and even in the world of fashion.

But Serenaโ€™s journey to the top was not an easy one, and she had to fight for her title and overcome every obstacle that came her way. So here are motivational Serena Williams quotes and sayings for little girls and women, all over the world, to achieve their dreams.

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30+ Inspirational Serena Williams Quotes And Sayings

Williams knows a thing or two about success and winning in life. So, weโ€™ve compiled a list of powerful quotes by Serena Williams. We hope that her words guide and inspire you!

1. โ€œEveryoneโ€™s dream can come true if you just stick to it and work hard.โ€

Everyones Dream Can Come True
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

2. โ€œIt doesnโ€™t matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, thatโ€™s all that matters.โ€

3. โ€œI always believe I can beat the best, achieve the best. I always see myself in the top position.โ€

4. โ€œIโ€™ve had to learn to fight all my life โ€“ got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile, things will work out.โ€

5. โ€œI am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger.โ€

I Am Lucky That Whatever Fear I Have Inside Me
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

6. โ€œIโ€™ve grown most not from victories, but setbacks. If winning is Godโ€™s reward, then losing is how He teaches us.โ€

7. โ€œIf I donโ€™t get it right, I donโ€™t stop until I do.โ€

8. โ€œEverything comes at a cost. Just what are you willing to pay for it?โ€

9. โ€œI really think a champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall.โ€

10. โ€œI think in life you should work on yourself until the day you die.โ€

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11. โ€œYou have to believe in yourself when no one else does.โ€

You Have To Believe In Yourself
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

12. โ€œAm I the greatest? I donโ€™t know. Iโ€™m the greatest that I can be.โ€ 

13. โ€œBeing strong is never easy. Not in this world, we are living inโ€ฆ Standing up for yourself is not going to be easy, but itโ€™s always eventually respected. Those are the people whoโ€™ve made a difference in this world, people that stand up for whatโ€™s right. If you look at history, those are the people that you really remember.โ€

14. โ€œI donโ€™t have regrets. I donโ€™t live in the past. I live in the present and learn not to make the same mistakes in the future.โ€

I Dont Have Regrets
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

15. โ€œIโ€™ll always think about what I could have done better. Could I have come up on the net? Been more consistent? Itโ€™s not anger. Itโ€™s analyzing: What can I do next time?โ€

16. โ€œLuck has nothing to do with it because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come.โ€

17. โ€œThe success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure youโ€™re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.โ€

The Success Of Every Woman Should Be The Inspiration To Another
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

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Famous Serena Williams Quotes And Sayings

Learn to rise up and begin chasing your dreams with these motivational Serena Williams quotes and sayings that not only inspire you to win but will allow you to achieve all the success you want in your life.

18. โ€œOverpower. Overtake. Overcome.โ€

Overpower Overtake Overcome
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

19. โ€œWhen you lose, you get up, make it better, you try again.โ€

20. โ€œVictory is very, very sweet. It tastes better than any dessert youโ€™ve ever had.โ€

21. โ€œYou can be whatever size you are, and you can be beautiful both inside and out.โ€

22. โ€œThe art of failure for me, is not limited to athletes or entrepreneurs or even seasoned executives, itโ€™s open to everyone in life, and part of the journey for me is taking the fall and dusting yourself off.โ€

23. โ€œI think in life you should work on yourself until the day you die.โ€

24. โ€œIf anything, you know, I think losing makes me even more motivated.โ€

I Think Losing Makes Me Even More Motivated
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

25. โ€œSince I donโ€™t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good.โ€

26. โ€œI decided I canโ€™t pay a person to rewind time, so I may as well get over it.โ€

27. โ€œI donโ€™t know if Iโ€™ve had my share of drama, but Iโ€™ve definitely had my share of hard times.โ€ 

28. โ€œIโ€™m not used to crying. Itโ€™s a little difficult. All my life Iโ€™ve had to fight. Itโ€™s just another fight Iโ€™m going to have to learn how to win, thatโ€™s all. Iโ€™m just going to have to keep smiling.โ€

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29. โ€œI definitely have found a balance. Iโ€™ve had so many offers in the past to do different movies or different things and I always choose tournaments over it.โ€

30. โ€œIโ€™m a perfectionist. Iโ€™m pretty much insatiable. I feel there are so many things I can improve on.โ€

31. โ€œI was just tired of losingโ€ฆ Life was passing me by.โ€

32. โ€œThereโ€™s always another record, then thereโ€™s always another person to catch up with or to pass.โ€ 

33. โ€œNothing comes to a sleeper but a dream.โ€

Nothing Comes To A Sleeper But A Dream
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration And Success

Related: 17 Strong Women Quotes To Inspire You

If you are looking for powerful quotes by Serena Williams and some important words about her life, here’s a video:

30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes And Sayings

Sheโ€™s not just an icon for tennis but has empowered so many women out there. So, among these best Serena Williams quotes and sayings, which one is your favorite?

Best Serena Williams Quotes For Inspiration Success pin
30+ Best Serena Williams Quotes And Sayings

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I turned 20 in jail. I