Category: Sensitive Person

Do you feel that your sensitive nature has not brought you anything except pain? If in a ruthless world like ours, you consciously choose to be a sensitive person, you are a brave and mighty warrior.

Your heart beats for others and you feel everything too deeply. Others’ emotions are as much important to you as your own. Do all these make your life easy? No! People take advantage of your good nature and you get hurt a lot.

But you never give up being you. For sensitive souls like you, The Minds Journal presents blogs about sensitive people where the secret superpowers of highly sensitive people are celebrated. Come, be a part of our community and reclaim your power!

  • Dealing With Highly Aggressive People: 7 Non-Conflicted Ways

    Dealing With Highly Aggressive People: 7 Non-Conflicted Ways

  • How To Make Smart Decisions Intuitively

    How To Make Smart Decisions Intuitively

  • 5 Scientific Explanations of Empathy and Empaths

    5 Scientific Explanations of Empathy and Empaths

  • Being An Empathic Man: How They Can Find Balance

    Being An Empathic Man: How They Can Find Balance

  • How To Develop Intuition: 5 Steps

    How To Develop Intuition: 5 Steps

  • Empath Fatigue: Why Empaths Are At Risk For Adrenal Fatigue

    Empath Fatigue: Why Empaths Are At Risk For Adrenal Fatigue

  • Relationship Tips for Highly Sensitive People (Hsp’s)

    Relationship Tips for Highly Sensitive People (Hsp’s)

  • 17 Signs You Are A Highly Sensitive Person

    17 Signs You Are A Highly Sensitive Person

  • 12 Absolutely Stressful Experiences For Introverts

    12 Absolutely Stressful Experiences For Introverts

  • How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person

    How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person