9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read


Best Samantha Jones Quotes That Teaches Us Life Lessons

As an adult, rewatching Sex and the City feels like opening a treasure chest of wisdom. Especially when it comes to Samantha Jones quotes, sheโ€™s the epitome of fearless confidence. And who doesn’t love a good truth bomb?

One of her most iconic lines is: “I donโ€™t care what you think.โ€ It’s so powerful because it reminds us all to embrace our unique selves and let whatever people say just slide off.

If you haven’t revisited the series in a while, I highly recommend watching it again. Youโ€™ll be surprised at how much more sense Samantha, played by Kim Cattrall will make this time around.

And if you donโ€™t have time for 6 seasonsโ€“no worries! Weโ€™ve got some lessons from Samantha Jones quotes coming right up.

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9 Iconic Samantha Jones Quotes: Some Lessons From Sex And The City

1. โ€œI am fifty-f**king-two and I will rock this dress.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

In a scene from the movie sequel, a judgmental salesperson tells Samantha what is and isnโ€™t appropriate for a woman her age to wear. One of the lessons from Sex and the City’s Samantha Jones is that sheโ€™s fearless about aging.

She confidently does her own thing and never lets anyone tell her what to do or wear based on her number of trips around the sun.

2. โ€œItโ€™s better to be alone than fake it.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

One lesson from Samantha Jones is that when we fall into a relationship that doesnโ€™t fulfill us, weโ€™re disrespectful to both ourselves and the other person

We need to take the time to figure out what we want in a partner and what weโ€™ll miss if itโ€™s not there for us instead of just resenting who weโ€™re with.

3. โ€œI will not be judged by you or society.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Throughout history, women have been under enormous pressure to look and act a certain way. To apologize even when itโ€™s not our fault. To avoid making a fuss. To accept less than what we deserve. To let men speak on our behalf. To tolerate things we shouldnโ€™t put up with.

But no more – Samantha from Sex and the City tells us to break free from these expectations and embrace who we truly are. Let them talk all they want โ€” their judgment will never phase us or stand in the way of our happiness.

4. โ€œI love you, but I love me more.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Sure, go ahead and call Samantha a narcissist if you want to, but she taught us one thing for certain: the most important relationship weโ€™ll ever have is with ourselves more than a man.

So be nice to yourself, take a break, get some exercise in and do things that make you feel good when youโ€™re alone.

5. โ€œYou canโ€™t go listening to every little voice that runs through your head.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Every person has a voice in their mind that tells them they arenโ€™t good enough. It says that they are unable to complete what needs to be done. But you must remember, your thoughts donโ€™t define you. Take a step back and look at how theyโ€™re affecting you.

6. โ€œMen, babies, doesnโ€™t matter. Weโ€™re soulmates.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Samantha was there for her friends at every turn. She offered up money to Carrie and babysat for Miranda. She helped Charlotte name her baby and defended the choice when others tried to make fun of it.

Samantha had no problem giving up a trip to Abu Dhabi to be there for her friends, proving that she has quite a few powerful friendships that she isn’t looking to let go of anytime soon- and rightly so.

7. โ€œA guy gets angry in a meeting, heโ€™s a pistol. A woman, sheโ€™s emotional.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Although Samanthaโ€™s words are normally quite uplifting, she sometimes delivers the harsh truth. When hotel magnate Richard hesitated to hire her because she was a woman, she didnโ€™t sit back and let it slide.

She pointed out that men can be emotional at work without being shamed or stereotyped for being โ€˜weakโ€™.

8. โ€œListen to me. The right guy is an illusion. Start living your lives.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Samantha is a friend that you need to have. Sheโ€™s the one who gives the best advice. From the first episode of SATC, sheโ€™s been telling her friends to stop pining over men and start doing their own thing.

Samantha doesnโ€™t believe in waiting around for some perfect guy to sweep them off their feet โ€” she says they should just let go and do what makes them happy.

9. โ€œIf I worried about what everyone in New York was saying about me, Iโ€™d never leave the house.โ€

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

Samantha from Sex and the City, doesnโ€™t really give a damn about what people think of her. She does whatever she wants and it makes her feel free. Moral of the story: Youโ€™ll be happier if you care less!

Related: 4 Tips For Making Female Friendships As An Adult

Kim Cattrall has officially made a cameo in the โ€˜Sex and the Cityโ€™ reboot, โ€˜And Just Like Thatโ€ฆโ€™. Her presence is not only nostalgic, but it reminds us of all the invaluable lessons her character taught us throughout the series. Drop your thoughts about her iconic persona below.

samantha jones quotes
9 Lessons From Samantha Jones’ Quotes Every Single Woman Should Read

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