Narcissist Check List
1. Two Faced, putting friends and family down behind their backs.
2. Tendency to blame their lack of success and failures on others.
3. Acts different in public than in private.
4. Irresponsible and unreliable
5. Arrogant, acts superior
6. Lives in a fantasy world which may include porn, flirting, affairs, and dreams of unlimited success and fame.
7. Addicted to fantasy oriented behavior.
8. Will lie and distort facts and change events to suit their own agenda.
9. Be irresponsible with money
10. Emotionally distant and unavailable unless they want something.
11. Lack sympathy for others, especially those they exploit.
12. Be very controlling and unable to relax.
13. Regularly provoke people and blame them for the fight.
14. Have trouble admitting their mistakes.
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