How To Shut Down A Narcissist

How To Shut Down A Narcissist


“I Hear You”
A narcissist’s top agenda is always to be heard or seen.
So, when you see your narcissist displaying child-like behavior such as temper tantrum, incessant texting, etc, try responding with, “I hear you” and then repeat back to them exactly what you heard (or read).

“Say Nothing”
Narcissist loves a good argument. The more they engage with you, the more opportunities they have to break you down, insult you, and get their way. So stop trying when they have made their point, and you’ve made yours, and no agreement has been reached, stop engaging with them.

“I Trust That”
Lying protects their fraudulent truth, which gives them supply when someone falls for it. Calling them a liar only threatens their false sense of self. If you want something from them, you must appear to be playing along their fictional narrative.

“Everything Is Going To Be Okay”
When they don’t feel like they’re in control, they get anxious, or hyper-focused. The worst thing you can say is, “don’t worry” You’re just setting them up for another temper tantrum.
See them as a child and say, “Everything is going to be okay” and then explain why all is under control. They might find reassurance and calm with this approach.

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