Have You Ever Gotten In A Fight With Someone

Have You Ever Gotten In A Fight With Someone

Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone because you told them what was bothering you and instead of them apologizing, they find a way to make you feel bad about it. So you are left regretting even saying anything. ย 

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  1. Nora Drake Avatar
    Nora Drake

    Wow Deb, we have a very similar situation with our daughter. My husband is a retired successful realtor as you are. A very people oriented person and good listener. Our daughter has mostly lived with her mom (Iโ€™m a step-mom) but her dad and I always lived nearby. We did everything possible to support her, college, cars, wedding. However, she was not was good to us. She never asked how we are doing or what we might need. Her dad wasnโ€™t stingy, but he wanted her to learn to make her own way in life, so he preached saving money. None of his โ€œadviceโ€ was well received. She got married and had 3 children and things got even worse. We never get a call or a card. Sheโ€™s mean and uses the silent treatment a lot. Sheโ€™s always โ€œnot feeling wellโ€ so thereโ€™s nothing to talk about. I donโ€™t have an answer for you. Weโ€™ve decided thereโ€™s nothing we can do and we have had enough of the bad treatment. The way we are handling the situation is we have stopped calling, stopped sending cards and money for the grandkids. It hurts alotโ€ฆ.but each day we are feeling a bit stronger. My husband is a retired very successful realtor as you are. Christmas this year is cancelled at our house. We refuse to buy more gifts for her and her family when thatโ€™s the only time of year they managed to come over. Last year they stayed 2 hours and we havenโ€™t seen them since!

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