Have You Ever Gotten In A Fight With Someone

Have You Ever Gotten In A Fight With Someone

Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone because you told them what was bothering you and instead of them apologizing, they find a way to make you feel bad about it. So you are left regretting even saying anything. ย 

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  1. Deb in Michigan Avatar
    Deb in Michigan

    Wow, that describes how my daughter talks to me. I had always been close with her as she grew up and very supportive of her, and always helping her, and in later years, she had twins and I kept flying there to help and be there for her. She married a total narcissist and now if I have a conversation with her cuz I dont hear from her much, and yet, she makes all these plans, but when I try to get her to commit to coming home (Mich) she comes up with excuses with her job (Army NC) and yet they go out of state to SC and all these other places with friends. Her wife does not like me because of her mental illiness but I stay on total neutral and do not confront her. My daughter didn’t send me a card or gift for my birthday or Mothers Day. Her wife went on a training mission and she made her all special signs when returning, but didn’t arrange for me to come and help while the wife was away. And today I told her I felt unimportant anymore, and left out of her life, and hurt with her lack of interest in me and she lashed back with you need help…you are crazy. I do not have have not had history or mental illiness. I am a very successful Realtor and well received by most because I am caring to others and yet I stay out of my daughters business and marriage (even tho I have to bite my tongue). I cannot tell you how hurtful this is to me. She is very callous with me, short, and says terrible hurtful things. What do I do?

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