10 Signs You’re Being Devalued By A Narcissist

Signs Youre Being Devalued By A Narcissist

10 Signs You’re Being Devalued By A Narcissist

1. The idealization ends.
The narcissist begins to withdraw affection and spends more time with other people.

2. Passive- aggressiveness.
Used privately by people who hide their negativity and cannot directly confront difficult situations.

3. Gaslighting.
They will make you question everything about yourself, including the people around you and your sanity.

4. Name-calling.
Used to hurt you and includes comparing you to others, or suggesting other people are better than you.

5. Projection.
A defence mechanism that narcissists use to avoid taking the blame for their behaviour.

6. Stonewalling.
Withdrawing from difficult situations and conversations to avoid taking responsibility.

7. Minimising/ Maximising.
They reduce the impact their behaviour has on you, by saying things like, “It wasn’t that bad,” or “You’re over-reacting”.

8. Scapegoating.
The narcissist places all their faults and actions onto one person who is the scapegoat.

9. Broken promises.
They will make promises or promise to fulfil a request yet never actually follow through.

10. Smear Campaign.
They are two-faced and will be backstabbing you, where another person or group becomes part of your disagreements.

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