Category: Personality Type

Our personalities make us who we are. How we interact with others, how we perceive things, and how we conduct ourselves in life, all can be attributed to our personality type.

It goes without saying that your personality affects your behavior and this is why one needs to understand the inner works of different personality types.

The Minds Journal offers you a rich library of blogs and other related content on the major 4 personality types: Empath, Narcissist, Introvert, and Sensitive Person.

By learning about each type of personality, you will gain insights into the attitude and behavior of people around you, understand their motives, and avoid conflict.

  • What Drives You? Decode Your Personality With The Big Five Personality Quiz!

    What Drives You? Decode Your Personality With The Big Five Personality Quiz!

  • 7 Glaring Characteristics Of A Shallow, Superficial Person

    7 Glaring Characteristics Of A Shallow, Superficial Person

  • How To Deal With Nosy People? 8 Ways To Handle Intrusive People

    How To Deal With Nosy People? 8 Ways To Handle Intrusive People

  • 11 Habits Of Miserable People And How To Move On

    11 Habits Of Miserable People And How To Move On

  • What Are DISC Personality Types? Know Yours To Fine-Tune Interpersonal Connections With 6 Beneficial Tips.

    What Are DISC Personality Types? Know Yours To Fine-Tune Interpersonal Connections With 6 Beneficial Tips.

  • The 8 Most Extroverted MBTI Personality Types: Ranked From Most To Least

    The 8 Most Extroverted MBTI Personality Types: Ranked From Most To Least

  • The 8 Most Introverted MBTI Personality Types: Ranked From Most To Least

    The 8 Most Introverted MBTI Personality Types: Ranked From Most To Least

  • Harry Potter Quiz: What Does Your Favorite Harry Potter Spell Say About You?

    Harry Potter Quiz: What Does Your Favorite Harry Potter Spell Say About You?

  • Power Play: 8 Machiavellian Personality Traits That Define The Ultimate Strategist

    Power Play: 8 Machiavellian Personality Traits That Define The Ultimate Strategist

  • The Legend Of The Hero: Exploring The Hero Archetype Personality

    The Legend Of The Hero: Exploring The Hero Archetype Personality