10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign


Personality Traits Of Sagittarius The Fiery Archer Sign

Direct. Blunt. Straight shooter. These are some of the most common words used to describe people belonging to the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Even though this is exactly how a Sagittarian is, there is a lot that people don’t know about them. Beneath the surface, there are a ton of other personality traits of a Sagittarius, that deserve to be known and acknowledged.

Here Are 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

1. They are huge optimists.

One of the most prominent personality traits of Sagittarius is that they are true optimists, inside and out. They always look at life from an optimistic point of view, and never fail to dream big. Sagittarians never focus too much on the negatives, and always choose to focus more on the bright side.

They are people who dream big, and who believe that if you work hard enough, then the sky is the limit. As long as you want it enough, nothing can stop you from fulfilling your dreams, which is something they always abide by.  

2. They have an amazing sense of humor. 

Sagittarians are extremely witty and can never fail to make people laugh. Their wicked sense of humor is one of their biggest strengths, and that is why they are very good at diffusing tense situations with a whole lot of laughs. This also makes them dislike people who are not funny or have a banal sense of humor.

They are extremely observant and sarcastic, which reflects in their style of humor. Making people laugh is something they are very good at, and is something that they feel extremely proud of. 

Personality Traits Of Sagittarius
Personality Traits Of Sagittarius

3. They are brutally honest. 

Sagittarius’s middle name is honesty, and that is exactly what you can expect from them. No matter what the situation is, you can always count on them to give it to you straight, and without sugarcoating anything. They do not believe in deceiving someone with a lie, only to hurt them with the truth later.

Sometimes, Sagittarius’s friends find them too blunt and direct for their liking. Due to their blunt nature, they sometimes end up hurting people unknowingly. But then there are some people who absolutely love their candidness, and see it as a breath of fresh air.

4. They despise fakeness. 

Because Sagittarius is such an honest and straightforward zodiac sign, they absolutely hate superficial and pretentious people. They can smell lies and bullshit from a mile away, and prefer to stay away from people who indulge in this. 

They are nothing less than lie detectors, and it is nearly impossible to fool them with lies and stories. Sagittarians can always tell when someone is trying to play them or screw them over because they are always one step ahead.

Read 6 Ways On How To Deal With Fake People In Our Lives

5. They love their freedom.

One of the most distinguishing personality traits of Sagittarius is that they never compromise on their freedom. The best way to drive a Sagittarian away from you is by trying to control them or curb their freedom. They are free spirits by nature, and it is tough to pin them down. 

Their personal freedom matters the most to them, and they also believe in doing the same for others. Sagittarians never try to control anyone and believe that everyone should be allowed their own space and freedom.

6. They are exceptionally curious and creative. 

Sagittarians are very inquisitive and creative by nature, and that’s why many famous musicians and singers fall under this zodiac sign. Their creativity makes them artistic and intelligent at the same time. People belonging to the zodiac sign often turn out to be philosophers, writers, artists, and dancers.

They have this uncanny ability to soak everything up like a sponge. Their never-ending curious nature helps them learn a lot of things, and that is why they are generally regarded as amazing conversationalists. 

Are you a creative person? Read 5 Simple Habits That Will Make You A Creative Genius

7. They distance themselves when hurt. 

When it comes to feeling angry, a Sagittarius will always make sure that everyone knows about it. But, when they are hurt they prefer to isolate themselves and lick their wounds. They conceal and hide all the hurt and pain they feel, and expect the people close to them to leave them alone. 

In case, people don’t respect their space during this time, they tend to lash out harshly. If you have a Sagittarius in your life, you would know that they need a lot of alone time to recover from all the things that have hurt them.

8. They are adventurers by heart. 

One of the most note-worthy personality traits of Sagittarius is that they are adventurous at heart. They hate sitting around all day, and are always on their toes looking to do something or the other. One of the many things that Sagittarians are allergic to is boredom or dullness.

Due to their adventurous nature, they are always looking to try out new things that will satiate the adventurer in them. Taking risks and indulging in adventure sports makes their hearts race and makes them feel alive. 

Personality Traits Of Sagittarius
Sagittarius personality type

9. They are emotional beings. 

Even though they hardly show it, Sagittarians are emotional beings. They are one of those people who actually mean it when they say that you can count on them whenever you need it. People belonging to this zodiac sign are the perfect 2 am friends, who will be there to support you, when you need it the most.

Their loyalty makes them fierce friends and partners, and they can go to any lengths to be there for you and also protect you if needed. If you have a Sagittarian friend in your life, then you are truly one of the lucky ones.

10. They love proving others wrong.

Telling a Sagittarius that they can’t do something is giving them that extra push to actually do it. If you tell a Sagittarius that they are incapable of doing something, they will work double hard to prove you wrong!

Their go-getter attitude and ambitious nature make them love any challenges that come their way, as they wait to knock them out of the park. Proving people wrong and showing that underestimating them is a mistake, is one of their favorite pastimes!

Sagittarians are truly special and one-of-a-kind people, and if you know even one of them, then you know what we are talking about. So, go and show some appreciation and love for the Sagittarian in your life!

If you enjoyed reading these 10 Sagittarius traits, drop a comment below! Also, share this article with your friends and folks.

If you want to know more about the personality traits of Sagittarius, then check out this video below:

Personality Traits Of Sagittarius The Fiery Archer Sign pin

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  1. David Ng Avatar
    David Ng

    They are all true plus more…

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