Why It’s Okay To Make Mistakes In Love, Than Waiting For A Perfect One


Make Mistakes Love Waiting Perfect One

Life needs to be flawless. Everything should be in place. If life is not perfect it’s not large enough. In the hopes of living a life worth appreciating, we often engage ourselves in thoughts too overriding for us, which sometimes leads us to make mistakes in love. And honestly, that’s okay.

“Let’s be single until….”,
“Why hurry?”
“I should stay single till I find a person with so and so qualities.”
“It’s okay to wait for the best.”

We often limit ourselves from a number of experiences in life hoping to boycott major loss and failure. But like every coin has two faces, these limiting ideas only cut us short of opportunities. When it comes to relationships we are extra careful about our hearts getting broken and us investing emotions, energy, and time in the wrong person. Because who is not aware of the aftermath of heartbreak?

Some people (including you) might be of the opinion that waiting for the right person to come into your life saves a lot of unnecessary emotional involvement. While having such thoughts are admirable, getting a glance at the contrasting side is also encouraged.

Related: What Happens When You Stay Single For Too Long

Illusion of perfection

“The perfect one is worth the wait” – the lie that we have repeatedly told ourselves. The perfect one is not worth the wait as there is NO ‘perfect one’.

We typically have two concepts etched in our mind – a perfect person and a perfect relationship. Both of which are non-existent.

Every one of us has a few ideas set in our mind about the criteria our future partner needs to fulfill to be an eligible soulmate. We look forward to meeting this person who will check all the boxes. In other words, the person we deem perfect.

“He has to be honest, caring, responsible, understanding, rich, hardworking, funny and lack insecurities, attachment issues, and bad habits.” “She has to be beautiful, down-to-earth, smart, intellectual, confident, loving, and accepting.”

Well, the fact is nobody is perfect. You know that too. But when it comes to choosing our life partner we often forget it.

You have to make some compromises in your needs and expectations regarding what an ideal partner should be like. Admit that you have unacceptable flaws and everyone, including the person you seek, will have his/her share of imperfections.

You hasten or you wait, you cannot change this reality.

A successful relationship entails two accepting people working consistently to make sure that the spark remains. No relationship is perfect in the literal sense of the term. It is only a reflection of imperfections that are accepted by both partners to define their own perfection. To believe that your relationship will magically turn into a fairytale is sheer foolishness. You have to contribute your share of effort to cook the ‘power couple’ you always wished to be a part of.

Make mistakes that are holding you back

What are you scared of?

Risks are a part of our life. The more we take risks the more we are exposed to the probability of failure, and also to equal probability of success. Staying single in the fear of a shattered heart is akin to refusing to go to work because you might kill yourself on the way. Did you consider the other side too? You might as well reach the office safe and sound.

I am definitely not here to convince you to commit to a relationship even if you are not ready for one or have other personal issues. But, for once, consider asking yourself this: How will you know what clicks for you if you don’t make wrong relationship choices?

Related: This Is Why You Shouldn’t Wait For Someone To Make Up Their Mind

Take this, for example, you might like men who are carefree and happy-go-lucky. So the next time you fell for a man who is a freedom-lover you suddenly realized that fantasy is better than reality and you can hardly tolerate his carefree nature. Unless you get down and dirty with reality you will not discover crucial truths about yourself. Every experience reveals a lot about ourselves. You might want one thing but need another.

Relationships are not linear. You have to travel the crooked road, the sharp edges, the uncertain turns, and twists together, and make mistakes in love to reach the final destination. On the way, you get to explore yourself and the journey discloses hidden truths about yourself that you yourself were unaware of. You get to know your boundaries, your limits, and your capabilities as a partner.

A relationship, whether perfect or not, teaches us virtuous lessons of life – to be able to be patient, accepting, empathetic and understanding of another person, to love someone unconditionally, to compromise.

True love is not granted. You have to get lost on the way, you have to try and fail, you have to test yourself, you have to get your heartbroken. You have to fail in love. It’s not a hit or miss. It is miss, miss, miss till you hit.

Heartbreak is a transformative experience. Unless you hit rock bottom in love, you will never learn to pull yourself up and value the person who later comes into your life and genuinely loves you. To get to that person, who is meant for you, you have to prepare yourself through trials and tribulations.

Being with the wrong person and making mistakes in love teaches us what is undesirable, what we need to avoid, the boundaries we need to set, and what is unacceptable. The wrong choices of partners will only define for us ‘the right partner’.

The wrong relationships will never feel complete, they will question your tolerance, make you go crazy, but once again, they are eye-openers. You have to date the wrong person, make connections with the ‘not-your-type’ persons to fall into the arms of the one who is rightly compatible with you.

Being single is okay. Dating is okay. Being uncertain is okay. Making mistakes in love is okay. Falling and getting back up is okay. Not knowing is okay. Don’t hold yourself back. Let your emotions run amok. Be fearless.

Your ‘forever person’ will cross your path and in the meantime, you can live your life to the fullest.

Related: 11 Mistakes Stopping You From Finding The One (and What To Do About It)  

It’s okay to make mistakes in love than waiting for the perfect person to come into your life.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments section.

Why It's Okay to make Mistakes in Love
Why It’s Okay to Make Mistakes in Love, Than Waiting For a Perfect One
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Why It’s Okay To Make Mistakes In Love, Than Waiting For A Perfect One

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