3 Lessons Taking Care of Dogs Have Taught Me


Lessons Taking Care Dogs Taught Me

Taking care of dogs has been one of my favorite volunteer activities since transitioning into the professional world. Regularly, I would go to the animal shelter on the weekends to play with them. 

In early 2018, I returned to the U.S. after traveling to numerous different national parks and parts of South East Asia. During my transitional period from vacationing to working, I used my volunteer experience and skills to be a dog caretaker. In hindsight, my volunteer skills were essential in allowing me to get that job.

The most fun part of my work was playing with the dogs. Amidst the joyful times, there were moments of stress and chaos. These included certain dogs disobeying my command such as not coming to me when I call their name. Other times included them rolling on dirt which forced me to wash them before I drop them off at their house.

1. Unconditional love

During my time taking care of dogs, I have learned many invaluable lessons. The most prominent one is that they give unconditional love.

โ€œI think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.โ€ โ€“ Gilda Radner

To build trusted bonds with the dogs, I demonstrated loving care through time and effort. The amount of time and level of effort varied based on the individual dogโ€™s unique upbringing, 

Related: Science Confirms That Cats and Dogs Can See โ€œSpiritsโ€ and Frequencies That Humans Canโ€™t

Once our loving relationship has been established, they express excitement and affection towards me by excessively wagging their tails. And sometimes they even make joyful noises and hopping onto me while giving me kisses. 

I love spending time with them because they make me feel grounded. Thatโ€™s because they donโ€™t care about any superficialities and materialism such as the following:

  • My societal status
  • The amount of money I make or have in the bank
  • My job title 
  • The car I drive
  • The type of house I live in
  • What kind of partner I have

All they desire is my affection. They want to be with me because I treat them with love and care.

dogs can see sadness
3 Lessons Taking Care Of Dogs Have Taught Me

2. Immerse in the Present Moment

As we walk through the dog park, the dogs are constantly aware of their surrounding. They can smell the delicious treats I have in my bait bag or the stinky poops other dogs have left behind.

Theyโ€™re always focused on the present moment. 

I can use this as a way to keep them engaged. To pull them away from any potential danger in the environment, I utilize their motivation for treats. I use the โ€œfind itโ€ game where I throw treats in an area to keep them occupied.

Related: 27 Lessons I Learned In 27 Years To Stay In The Present Moment

Although most dogs are stimulated by food, some are more driven by toys and physical touch. This depends on the pup which I determined over time. 

Because their instinctive canine playful nature wants to be active, they like to run around and have fun. At that moment, theyโ€™re alive and completely immersed in their activity.

Every day is the same for them; they live in the now. Not distracted by the past nor anxious about the future, they embrace the present moment.

Related: How Dogs Can Help Get Your Life and Mind Back on Track

3. Create Your Own Reality

Every one of my dogs had a unique background. Because of this, they all had preferences of dislikes and fears such as the following:

  • Large individuals
  • People with beard
  • Riding in the back of cars
  • Certain objects such as skateboards and bicycles

Because their color spectrum is limited to yellow, blue, and gray, they mostly identify objects with shapes. And they compensate with their sense of smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

Although their current behaviors are influenced by their past learned by association, some dogs demonstrated the power to choose oneโ€™s reality. 

Take Lykka for an example. She is a black labrador tripod with two hind legs and one front leg. 

Similar to when other people met her for the first time, I showed sympathy towards her. But as I got to know her more during our time together, she is more fulfilled and happier than most dogs.

Although she may seem less fortunate to most people and other canines, she lives a normal life. And surprisingly, sheโ€™s faster than most dogs in my pack. Every time I play fetch with them, Lykka usually gets to the ball first.

In her eyes, sheโ€™s exactly the same as every other dog.

She loves to play, explore, and work for treats. And she always has a smile on her face.

Creating your own reality is important and it is the wonderful thing I have learned taking care of dogs.

Related: 5 Lessons That This Crisis Taught Us

Closing Thoughts

Since dogs canโ€™t communicate with words, they use nonverbal communication such as body language and creative noises. They will do their best to push their limit. Often times they test my patience and Iโ€™m challenged to handle the situation properly. 

In those moments of turbulence, I have to choose to respond rather than to react.

And if I stay calm and collected, they will most likely do the same.

I have to lead with attitude and action, which requires awareness and practice.

This is something I apply to my daily life. When Iโ€™m faced with a challenge. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. Afterward, I handle the situation with logic. That way, I donโ€™t let my aroused emotions control me.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I canโ€™t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

Written by: Perry Liao
Originally appeared on: Purposedrivenmastery.com

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3 Lessons Taking Care Of Dogs Have Taught Me

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