6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial and Gen Z Can Relate To


Lessons From Emily In Paris: Important Takeaways

Lily Collinโ€™s popular Netflix show isnโ€™t just about pretty outfits, Parisian backdrops, or love triangles but many important life lessons from Emily In Paris that speak to anyone trying to figure out the ups and downs of their 20s.

So, whether youโ€™re tuning in for the fashion or Emilyโ€™s dramatic love life, thereโ€™s a lot to learn from her experiences in the City of Love. Here are six takeaways from the show that might resonate with you on your own journey through life.

6 Meaningful Lessons From Emily In Paris!

1. Learning A New Language Can Change Your Life

Embrace New Skills
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

Do you recall the time Emily arrived in Paris and couldnโ€™t speak French? She couldnโ€™t even order a croissant without feeling stupid. But rather than giving up, she worked at it. It was hard, sure. And she made many mistakes along the way. But eventually, she improved.

lessons from emily in paris
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

So one of the important lessons from Emily In Paris is: donโ€™t shy away from learning something new if it means broadening your horizons and being able to connect with more people. 

Whether it is coding, French, or baking, learning a new skill will always be beneficial. It exposes you to different people and cultures and helps you grow as an individual.

Read more here: Things People Learn Too Late in Life: 7 Eye-Opening Life Lessons

2. Donโ€™t Compromise On Your Career!

Stand Firm in Your Career
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

Throughout her time at Savoir, Emily faced countless challengesโ€”whether it was dealing with skeptical coworkers or grappling with cultural differences. However, one thing remained constant: Her career goals were never up for negotiation. 

She knew what she wanted and refused to back down when it came time to fight for herself professionally within an unfamiliar environment, In doing so not only did she earn respect but success as well.

The truth is we all need this reminder every now and then โ€“ know your worth! If there’s something that sets your soul on fire then chase after it no matter what others may say or think because sometimes following dreams can get tough.

3. Networking is Importantโ€” Make New Connections!

Network Boldly
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

When Emily moved to France, she didn’t know anyone. But she didn’t let that stop her from making friends and building professional relationships. Emily put herself out there by attending events and meeting new people. In the end, her efforts paid off with both career success and personal happiness.

So one of the Emily In Paris lessons is simple really โ€“ donโ€™t be afraid to take risks! You never know who might be able to help you along your journey so always keep an open mind when it comes to networking because sometimes those connections can change everything.

4. Express Your Creativity

Unleash Your Creativity
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

One thing I admire most about Emily is how she constantly expresses her creative ideas during meetings or even in everyday life situations. 

She would come up with these amazing marketing campaigns that were outside of the box and although they received skepticism from others around them, Emily would still fight for them until the end because she believed in their potential success.

Sometimes we all get caught up worrying too much about what other people will think. But if our thoughts don’t align with theirs, why should we limit ourselves like this? Our minds are capable of so much more than just conforming.

5. Adaptability Is Your Superpower

Adaptability Is Your Superpower
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

Emily learned the hard way that starting a new job in a foreign country was anything but simple. She had to adapt quickly if she wanted to not just survive, but thrive in an environment so different from what she was used to โ€“ and that meant dealing with cultural differences, learning how to navigate Parisian office politics, and more. 

One of the life lessons from Emily in Paris is that she embraced each challenge as it came her way and grew stronger through trial and error.

Life is full of surprises – adaptability is key. Whether youโ€™re taking on a new role at work or moving across continents โ€“ being open-minded enough for change will always help pave your path towards success.

6. Donโ€™t Settleโ€”You Deserve the Whole Crepe!

Demand What You Deserve
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

In one particular scene, Gabriel finally confesses his feelings for Emily and invites her out for crepes, however knowing heโ€™s dating her friend Camille too, she refuses him by saying โ€œI’m not somebody who can share a crepe, I need the whole crepeโ€.

6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial and Gen Z Can Relate To
6 Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate To

Itโ€™s not about food itโ€™s about relationships; itโ€™s about demanding more than what we think weโ€™re worth at any point in life. If youโ€™re asked to compromise on your desires then walk away without looking back because nobody should settle down until they find their better half who treats them like a full-course meal every day!

Read more here: 5 Deadpool Quotes That Prove Life is Hilarious and Deep

From picking up new skills, to never forgetting what we want, there is no shortage of wisdom gained through experience while living in another country such as France.

One might think that Netflix shows are all about glamor and drama, but beneath the surface, there are real-life lessons from Emily in Paris that any millennial or Gen Z can relate to.

If you love this show, share your thoughts about the Emily In Paris lessons in the comments below!

lessons from emily in paris
Lessons From Emily In Paris Every Millennial And Gen Z Can Relate

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