How To Stop A Racing Mind: 7 Techniques For Mastering Mental Turbulence

How To Stop A Racing Mind: Ways To Tame A Racing Mind

Ever found yourself lying in bed, desperately trying to sleep after a long, tiring day, but your mind refuses to do so? It feels like your mind is racing like a Formula 1 car on caffeine. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! That relentless stream of thoughts can feel overwhelming, leaving you feeling restless and exhausted. So, how to stop a racing mind?

In this article, we’ll talk about the meaning of racing thoughts and how to calm a busy mind. Let’s explore the seven best ways to stop your mind from racing, and discover the blissful art of finding your inner calm amidst all the chaos.

First, let’s talk about the meaning of racing thoughts.

Related: Overthinking Before Sleep? 8 Ways To Avoid Racing Thoughts At Night And Sleep Better

What Is The Meaning Of Racing Thoughts?

Racing thoughts can make you feel like there’s a NASCAR race happening in your mind, where it’s zooming around at lightning speed, and your thoughts seem to jump from one to another without hitting the brakes.

It’s like you have a thousand tabs open in your brain, all demanding your attention at the same time. Racing thoughts can be anxious, intrusive, and random, making it extremely hard for you to focus or find peace. Imagine your mind as a runaway train, going full speed ahead without any control.

How to stop a racing mind

Okay, now that we know the meaning of racing thoughts, let’s talk about how to stop a racing mind.

How To Stop A Racing Mind? 7 Effective Ways To Calm A Busy Mind

1. Do some reading.

Even if you are not a huge fan of reading, it can actually be very effective, if you’re thinking about how to stop your mind from racing. When you dive into a good book, your mind concentrates on the text, which is helpful in pushing aside anxious thoughts.

If you are worried that the racing thoughts might come back once you stop reading, and won’t be able to fall asleep, then just keep on reading until you’re so worn out that the book falls onto your chest as you nod off. There’s no need to fret about your book, it’ll still be by your side the next morning.

2. Try guided meditations.

Wondering how to stop your mind from racing? Guided meditation is one of the best things you can do. If simply taking deep breaths isn’t cutting it for you, give guided meditations a whirl.

There are a ton of videos on YouTube, that can lead you through steps designed to relax both your body and mind. Tuning in to the narrator’s voice and following along with what they are saying pulls your attention away from the racing thoughts in your head.

3. Practice cognitive distancing.

Our brain often obsesses over thoughts that it believes to be true but, in reality, they’re usually not. However, to counter this, you can try to come up with more positive scenarios, to balance out the negative and anxious ones.

For example, suppose you have called your partner twice but both times they didn’t receive your calls. This freaks you out and you think that your partner might be having an affair. Yet there could be a simpler explanation, maybe they’re busy with work and couldn’t get back to you.

Once you learn cognitive distancing, you’ll not just learn how to stop a racing mind, you’ll also realize that the worst-case scenario isn’t always the reality.

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4. Live in the present.

How to stop a racing mind? By doing this.

Focusing on the present can help you get over things that are beyond your control. It also reminds you that dwelling on the past or future never helps because you can’t alter the past, nor can you experience the future before it comes.

Whenever you feel like you are losing control of your present, try taking calming breaths to bring yourself back to the moment when you felt your thoughts drifting away. Start by checking in with your own emotions at this moment.

5. Listen to some calming music.

If you are trying to calm a busy mind, then soothing music is your answer.

Research indicates that music impacts your brain and can help you relax and sleep, as long as you choose the right kind of music. People who generally listen to calming music for 45 minutes before bed tend to fall asleep quicker, sleep better, and be loner. quality.

To increase your chances of success, make sure you choose that have a slow rhythm, with 60 to 80 beats per rhythm. Instrumental music is your best bet since it doesn’t have any lyrics that might distract your thoughts. Play such music every 15-20 minutes after going to bed.

how to stop a racing mind

6. Experiment with aromatherapy.

Lavender is renowned for its calming qualities and can be really useful as a mood equalizer and can also give you anti-anxiety benefits; try lavender to promote sleep.

To use this technique, drop a couple of drops of lavender essential oil onto a cotton ball or cloth and tuck it under your pillow. Alternatively, dab some on your hands and wrists, then take deep breaths to calm your thoughts. If you own an aromatherapy diffuser, let it work its magic in your bedroom before you hit the sack.

7. Take slow, deep breaths.

How to stop a racing mind? Slow, deep breaths are the answer.

Whenever you feel too anxious and overwhelmed, take slow, deep breaths, as this helps in dealing with your body’s flight and fight response, and helps you to relax more; you feel less stressed and sleepy.

Count to three as you inhale and five as you exhale. Focus on each and every breath, as you try to slow it down. Even if you find your mind wandering, gently bring it back to the rhythm of your breathing.

Related: 11 Mental Tricks To STOP Overthinking


Having a mind buzzing with racing thoughts can feel really overwhelming and disruptive, and can rob you of your focus and peace. However, armed with the techniques we’ve just explored, you now have the power to regain control.

Remember, finding inner peace is a journey, and it takes practice. So take a deep breath, apply these strategies to calm a busy mind, and watch as your racing mind gradually transforms into a serene oasis of clarity and tranquility.

Do you have any more hacks or suggestions when it comes to how to stop your mind from racing? Do let us know in the comments down below!

stop mind from racing

— About the Author —

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