How To Overcome Low Self Esteem And Insecurities


How To Overcome Low Self Esteem And Insecurities: Ten Tips

When you look in the mirror, who do you see? A confident, self-assured individual or someone riddled with doubts and criticisms about themselves? If itโ€™s the latter, you are certainly not alone. Letโ€™s find out how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities. 

How to Overcome Low Self esteem and Insecurities

Millions worldwide grapple with the question of how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities. The good news? Itโ€™s entirely possible to change your narrative and begin a journey towards self-assurance and contentment.

Let us understand this debilitating feeling and outline actionable steps to help you conquer self-doubt. Here are a few helpful tips on overcoming low self esteem

1. Recognize and Accept Your Feelings

Understand your emotions. One of the first steps in addressing the issue is recognizing it. Often, weโ€™re in denial about our feelings of inadequacy. Understand that it’s okay to have these feelings. Whatโ€™s essential is how you deal with them.

Instead of suppressing or denying your feelings, accept them. Write them down, talk about them with someone you trust, or even consider seeking professional help if they become too overwhelming.

Related: 20 Things That Low Self-Esteem Steals From You

2. Challenge Negative Self-talk

Our mind can often be our worst enemy. If you find yourself constantly being self-critical, itโ€™s time to challenge these negative thought patterns.

Every time a negative thought emerges, ask yourself: “Is this really true? Is there evidence to support this belief?” Frequently, you’ll discover that these thoughts stem from irrational fears rather than being grounded in reality.

Read What Did You See First? Your Answer Reveals Your Hidden Personality

3. Set Small Goals and Celebrate Victories

Achievement, no matter how small, can be a significant booster for self-confidence.

Set tiny, achievable goals for yourself daily. It could be as simple as cooking a new dish or finishing a book. With each accomplishment, your confidence will get a gentle nudge upwards. This is how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities using this strategy.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

People around us, knowingly or unknowingly, influence our self-perception. Being around constant critics can deepen feelings of self-doubt.

Cultivate relationships with positive, uplifting individuals. This doesnโ€™t mean cutting ties with everyone else but ensuring that your core group is supportive and constructive.

5. Engage in Activities that Boost Confidence

Whether it’s a hobby, sport, or simply taking care of your physical health, participating in activities that make you feel competent and successful can drastically improve self-worth.

Identify activities that make you feel happy and competent. Dedicate some time to them regularly. It could be painting, running, or even meditating. The key is consistency. 

6. Practice Self-Compassion

Often, we’re kinder to others than we are to ourselves. If a friend came to you with feelings of inadequacy, wouldnโ€™t you offer words of comfort and encouragement? Why not extend the same kindness to yourself?

Speak to yourself as you would to a dear friend. Offer yourself words of encouragement, understanding, and comfort. This is one of the best tips on how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities.

7. Consider Professional Help

There’s no shame in seeking professional guidance when dealing with self-esteem issues. A trained therapist can provide tools and strategies tailored specifically for you.

If you feel your insecurities are deeply rooted and affecting your daily life, consider therapy or counseling. They can provide a safe space to explore and address your feelings.

Related: The 4 Most Common Self-Esteem Issues That Can Break Oneโ€™s Confidence

8. Adopt a Growth Mindset

Embrace imperfection because nobody’s perfect. And that’s okay. By adopting a growth mindset, you acknowledge that mistakes and setbacks are not failures but opportunities to learn and grow.

Instead of chastising yourself for imperfections, embrace them as a part of the human experience. Celebrate progress, not perfection. This will enable you to view challenges as opportunities to evolve rather than roadblocks.

9. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Being in the moment can help you acknowledge and let go of negative thoughts instead of ruminating on them.

If you want to master how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities, dedicate a few minutes each day to mindfulness practices or meditation. By grounding yourself in the present, you can observe negative thoughts without judgment and let them pass without them defining your self-worth.

10. Practice Gratitude

By focusing on what you’re thankful for, you shift the balance from what you believe you lack to what you have.

Maintain a daily gratitude journal. By listing even small things you’re grateful for, you change your mindset over time, focusing on positivity and abundance rather than lack and inadequacy.

Remember, the journey to overcoming low self esteem is ongoing. Celebrate your progress, and remember that every individual, including you, has unique strengths and capabilities that make them special. 

Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

Related: 8 Steps To Improving Your Self-Esteem


Low self-esteem isnโ€™t a life sentence. With determination, understanding, and the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to rewrite your self-perception narrative. Remember, the journey of how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities begins with a single step. 

Whether it’s acknowledging your feelings or seeking professional help, every step you take brings you closer to the confident individual you truly are.

So, the next time you look in the mirror, remind yourself of your worth, your achievements, and the journey you’re on. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small, and know that you’re not alone on this path. Together, we can and will overcome.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What causes poor self-esteem?ย 

Childhood experiences, societal pressure, negative peers, personal failures, physical appearance concerns, unrealistic standards, trauma, comparison, perfectionism, critical self-talk.

What are 7 ways to develop self respect?ย 

Self-awareness, setting boundaries, positive self-talk, honoring commitments, self-care, seeking growth, accepting mistakes and learning from them.

What are the 5 ways to boost your confidence?ย 

Set small goals, practice self-affirmations, embrace failures, visualize success, surround yourself with positive influences.

how to overcome low self esteem
how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities

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