If you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then you might have experienced psychic burnout at some point or the other.
Empaths and psychics often love to give readings, help people and just generally make the world a better place.
When we are starting out, it’s exciting and we want to practice our abilities.
We might offer readings, healing or act as a medium to those who ask for it.
What’s more, people love receiving these kinds of things.
But what happens when you are dealing with more people than you can handle?
We can liken this to a well.
Your psychic energy is like a well, and the water in it is your psychic reserve.
People come with their buckets and keep on taking the water till eventually the level drops and you begin to become low on reserves.
Unless some rain comes or there is another source to fill the well, you will run out of water.
Now, most people will know that the well is empty and not try and take from it, however, when it comes to psychic energies, they keep on coming with their buckets and trying to take what simply is no longer there.
Are you losing all your psychic energy and feeling emotionally exhausted all the time? Read 6 Types Of Energy Vampires That Emotionally Exhaust You
As a psychic or one who is an Empath, you will also find it hard to say no, I can’t do this today.
What’s worse, people not only demand and expect you to perform but become very angry when you don’t. If you tell them that too many people are asking for help, they will helpfully suggest that you should ignore everyone… everyone but them.
And then instead of leaving you alone so you can just do what you need to recover your energy, they will insist on trying to fix you, often engaging you in pointless and frustrating psychoanalysis that you did not ask for and certainly do not need.
It’s like someone saying that they are sleepy and then instead of being allowed to sleep, they are kept awake by well-meaning people trying to work out why you are sleepy in the first place.
In the end, the well is empty, you have nothing left to give and yet, you still keep on giving it.
This is what leads to what is called Psychic Burnout.
It’s a debilitating state where everything is an effort. Where even simple tasks, such as reading becomes a burden and anything over a paragraph long will cause your mind to wander. You will see the words but not their meaning. You will hear people speak, but not comprehend the words.
If pushed way too far, you will find it can take days, weeks, months or even years before you’re ready to face things again and the well starts to refill.
The problem is that people take from the well and do not put anything back in. It makes it worse that many expect the well to be always full and become angry when it is not, even to the point where they will abuse, curse or denounce it.
Are you emotionally exerting yourself too much? Read 10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath
So many take from the well and never give a second thought to it.
If your well is empty, be kind to yourself and take some time off.
If you are taking from the well, remember to put something back in. It doesn’t have to be much, just enough so that when you or others need that well in the future, there is still something there for all to share.
If you want to know more about psychic burnout, and how you can heal from it, then check out this video below:

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