The Zen Blueprint: 8 Habits Of Highly Calm People You Didn’t Know


Habits Of Highly Calm People To Chronicle Calmness Better

In todayโ€™s world, where everyone is always in a hurry and stressed out most of the time, we often find ourselves craving for inner peace. However, there are some people who are able to maintain a seemingly constant state of calmness regardless of whatโ€™s happening around them. What are these habits of highly calm people? What are their secrets?

Many articles and self-help books have provided advice on how to be calm in life and find inner peace, but one thing that is usually not discussed is the habits of highly calm people.

These individuals possess a unique set of practices that enable them to be serene, yet they hardly talk about them. Let’s find out the habits of calm people, and how they’ve mastered the art of being calm all the time.

Related: 10 Surprising Habits Of Calm People That You Need To Learn

8 Remarkable Habits Of Highly Calm People

1. They strongly believe in the saying “silence is golden”.

Sometimes tranquility doesnโ€™t necessarily mean silence, but truly calm people normally make it part and parcel of their existence.

In this ever-busy world where silence is sometimes regarded as weird, especially when everybody seems to be running on a whole lot of caffeine, this habit has become second nature for cool-headed humans.

Calm people donโ€™t usually talk about this habit, because honestly, they don’t feel the need to. They know the value of silence, and they understand that you don’t always need to fill up every situation with unnecessary chatter.

2. They remain unfazed if any plans they made fall through or change.

There are some people who enjoy patterns and routines but feel overwhelmed when there is a sudden change in schedule whereas others thrive under such conditions because they adapt well.

One of the major habits of highly calm people is that they never let such things get to them. They know that life can be incredibly unpredictable, so there’s no point tearing your hair out just because a few plans didn’t work out.

Being able to handle new situations and unexpected changes without fear and tension is one of the best superpowers for calm people.

habits of highly calm people
The Zen Blueprint: 8 Habits Of Highly Calm People You Didn’t Know

3. They’re always pretty confident with their decisions.

If you are thinking about how to be calm in life, then work on being confident about the decisions you make. When you’re confident about yourself and the choices you make, it relaxes your mind, and that’s why cool-headed people are the way they are.

If you are constantly second-guessing yourself, high-pressure situations become doubly difficult since self-doubt and worry are thrown in the mix as well.

However, calm people generally rely on their own judgment but are also responsive to other suggestions and opinions due to their flexible nature.

4. They practice gratitude everyday.

In the constant hustle-bustle of everyday life, we sometimes forget to appreciate what we have. We are often so focused on what we donโ€™t have or what we want next that we miss out on our current blessings.

However, zen people never do this. One of the major reasons behind being calm is because they practice gratitude daily. They wholly appreciate the little things โ€“ a hot cup of tea, a good book, or a stranger who smiles; like those other significant occasions.

This habit makes them cherish life more as they continue being peaceful within their souls, and never forget what they already have that makes their life beautiful.

Related: 11 Daily Zen Habits That Will Transform Your Life

5. They understand the importance of self-care.

How to be calm in life, you ask? Make sure you practice self-care. One of the best habits of highly calm people and people who handle pressure and stress very well is that they have a high level of self-care going on.

They understand that life will always have pressure, but if you practice self-care, it can help you maintain your composure, and stay sane. They know exactly what it means when the floodgates open up, so they try their best to prevent that.

Self-care can look different for different people. Be it journaling, going to therapy, working out, reading, or having a proper sleep schedule, calm people never underestimate the power of self-care.

6. They don’t let criticism, rejection, or negativity get under their skin.

Yes, rejection hurts and failure is an ego-bruising experience. But people who stay calm under pressure always remind themselves that it might not be about them personally.

They know that unfortunate events are a part and parcel of life, and no matter how hard they may try, something or the other will go wrong at some point. They don’t believe in dwelling on things that they cannot change. They face it, process it, deal with it and move on.

They never waste time blaming and doubting themselves; rather than carrying all these negative emotions, they prefer to just work towards adapting to the new situation calmly and without fear.

7. They wholeheartedly embrace their imperfections.

One of the most admirable habits of highly calm people is that they are not prisoners to perfectionism. They know that trying too hard to be perfect will only cause them more stress and dissatisfaction.

Calm people know this and they accept their own weaknesses and those of others. They use mistakes as their opportunities for growth, and not as grounds for self-condemnation.

For them, it’s more about living life than striving for perfection every day because no one can really achieve it in the very real sense.

habits of highly calm people
The Zen Blueprint: 8 Habits Of Highly Calm People You Didn’t Know

8. They have quite a few healthy routines they practice diligently.

If you’re wondering how to be calm in life, then try to have some healthy routines. Having well-thought-out routines as well as healthy practices means less time wasted on unnecessary decisions which instead could be used for planning other important things.

Thinking ahead saves you a lot of time, and keeps you calm too. Calm people know the value of planning ahead, and they know how following a few routines on a daily basis can keep them grounded.

Routines don’t always mean boring or rigid, rather it can have an amazing impact on your emotional well-being.

Related: 6 Science-Backed Activities For Leaders To Become More Zen In Life

So, these were some of the best habits of highly calm people that they usually never talk about. Which of these habits do you feel you should immediately incorporate in your life? Do let us know in the comments down below!

how to be calm in life
The Zen Blueprint: 8 Habits Of Highly Calm People You Didn’t Know

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