Greek God Quiz- Which Greek God Or Goddess Are You?


greek god quiz

If you are like most people, you find Greek mythology fascinating and can’t help being in awe of the magnificent Greek gods and goddesses! It is amazing that the legends and myths born in a small coastal country in the Mediterranean, thousands of years ago, are still so popular in contemporary culture! Greek mythology has dominated religion, art and literature the world over. The best thing about Greek mythology is that it has the power to impart wisdom and morals without being dull or preachy.ย Here we have designed an interesting quiz for you that helps you identify which Greek God best fits your personality.

Read Which Greek God Or Goddess Is Your Zodiac Sign

Significance of Greek Gods and Goddesses: 

Have you ever wondered what it was like before the birth of the countless Greek deities?

There was just one deity, known as the โ€˜Great Motherโ€™, she was the face of both creation and destruction. She was the ultimate embodiment of the powerful forces of Nature, which both nurture and kill. The Great Goddess was revered and feared, she was the end-all and be-all. 

In Greek culture, the original Mother Goddess is called Gaia.

Greek God quiz
the original Mother Goddess is called Gaia.

But something intriguing happened in the Greek narrative. Instead of restricting power to just one goddess, it was fragmented into a number of different deities, making the idea of godly power less overwhelming and much more relatable.

The greatest feature of Greek mythology is the concept of identity. The splitting of a single Great Goddess into several immortal deities led to the emergence of the concept of personality. Each deity has a distinct identity and represents a fixed set of personality traits.

Famous Gods and Goddesses

  • Zeus: Chiefย Greekย deity, godย of the sky.
  • Hera: Queen of heaven, goddess of marriage and childbirth.
  • Athena: Goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and war.
  • Artemis: Goddess of the wilderness and hunt.
  • Aphrodite: ย Goddess of love, passion, pleasure, and beauty.
  • Poseidon: God of sea, water, earthquakes and horses.
  • Demeter: Goddess of agriculture.
  • Hades: God of the underworld.

Related Choose a Greek God or Goddess โ€“ Know Your Sacred Message

Greek God Quiz:

The Greek God quiz is created using psychology concepts, which states that what we choose at a single glance or what grabs our attention first is unique to us, and hence, can reveal a lot about our personality.

In this quiz, you are asked to select 1 image out of 8 images in 10 categories. You have to choose a number of things, which are things occurring in nature, materialistic things and also qualities, like wisdom and beauty. Just select what appeals to you the most.

Once you are done selecting the images, we will provide the most relevant answer to which greek god/goddess fits your personality.

So go ahead and take this interesting Greek God quiz. The result will definitely surprise you!

Donโ€™t forget to share the result with your friends and ask them to take this fun Greek God quiz too!

If you want to know more about Greeks and Greek Mythology, read these interesting facts that show the relevance of Greek legends in modern times.

Greek Mythology in Modern Culture:

1. The popular sports brand Nike has taken its name from the Greek goddess of victory, Nike.

2. Dove, the beauty brand, is named after the bird that accompanied Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and attraction.

3. The logo of Starbucks is a Siren, the radiant female creature with bird-like features that lures passing humans with its magical songs. The image of Siren is meant to represent the irresistible nature of Starbucks coffee

4. Trident gum is supposed to โ€œfightโ€ cavities, which is named after the sea god Poseidonโ€™s symbol and weapon, trident, which he used in his wars.

5. You must have heard about Sigmund Freudโ€™s psychosexual concept Oedipus complex, which is a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite gender. It is based on the ancient Greek story about a man named Oedipus, who murdered his father in order to marry his mother.

6. Our spinal cord holds our head straight and allows us to view the world. The first vertebra of the spinal cord is called the atlas, named after the Titan Atlas, who was sentenced to hold up the sky after losing a mutiny against Zeus.

Let me know which Greek God fits your personality- leave a comment below.

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Greek God Quiz- Which Greek God Or Goddess Are You?

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