March 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs


March Full Moon Prediction for Zodiac

Another full moon​​ is about to grace us with its presence. But this time, it’s tricky. Not only this is the first full moon of a new zodiac year, but it also brings with it the dark energy of eclipse and a balancing act by Libra! 

On the very special night of the 25th of March, the night sky will be illuminated with the captivating glow of the ​full moon​ in the harmonious sign of Libra, coinciding with a potent lunar eclipse.

This particular lunation of Aries Season will be called the Worm Moon!

Why Is It A Big Deal?

full moon
March 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

In spirituality, full moons are seen as a climax. It’s the culmination of our manifestations, intentions, and magic works. The moon rules over water and in esoteric practices, emotions are signified as water the element.

It goes without saying that our emotional energy and intensity are at their peak during every full moon night. But Libra calls for balance, grace, and moderation.

A lunar eclipse is a supercharged phenomenon that empowers supernatural entities, heightens our spiritual powers, and expedites any intention or spell work.

The moon is there in all its glory, but it’s not there! This night is all about illusion, trickery, as well as clarity of Libra. 

Read 7 Strange Ways The Full Moon Seriously Messes with Your Mind and Mood

Full Moon Worm Moon​…

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the full Moon names come from various traditions, including those of Native American, Colonial American, and European origins.

Typically, these names were given to the entire lunar month during which the full Moon appeared, not just to the full Moon itself.

This was practiced by the indigenous people to mark their seasonal calendars as they chose names based on natural occurrences happening during a particular lunar month.

So, ​Worm Moon meaning​….?

The full Moon of March is known as ​the Worm Moon​, due to the beetle larvae that start to come out of their hiding spots in the bark of trees and other shelters as the winter ice melts around this time.

When is the Full Moon again?

The full Moon of March will be at its brightest at 3:00 A.M. Eastern Time on Monday, the 25th of March, 2024.

So, all said and done, what does this rare cosmic occurrence of ​full moon and lunar eclipse​ mean? How powerful and spiritually significant is the ​full moon in Libra meaning​?

What impact can it have on our mind, mood, decisions, emotions, reactions, choices, and most importantly, on our life path?

As we delve into the ​full moon horoscope​ for the 12 zodiac signs, let’s also explore the spiritual meaning of the ​next full moon​ in Libra that’s coinciding with a lunar eclipse.

March 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For 12 Zodiac Signs

Here are the ​full moon predictions​ for all the zodiac signs:

Aries Full Moon Horoscope​

(March 21 – April 19)

For Aries, the lunar eclipse and ​full moon 2024​ emphasize relationships and the importance of finding a middle ground with others. It’s time to soften your independent streak and embrace the beauty of partnership.

Reflect on your connections and consider how you can foster a balance between your needs and the needs of those you care about.

Taurus Full Moon Horoscope​

(April 20 – May 20)

Taurus will find the ​full moon lunar eclipse​ highlighting their health and daily routines. This is an ideal moment to shed unhealthy habits and establish a more harmonious balance between work and wellness.

Embrace changes that enhance your well-being and productivity, leading to a more satisfying daily life.

Gemini Full Moon Horoscope​

(May 21 – June 20)

Creativity and romance are under the spotlight for Gemini. The ​full moon 2024​ encourages you to release inhibitions and express yourself freely.

If you’ve been stuck in a creative rut or a stagnant relationship, now is the time to rediscover your passion and joy.   

Cancer Full Moon Horoscope​

(June 21 – July 22)

Cancer’s focus shifts to home and family. The ​full moon and eclipse​ ask you to find a balance between your personal life and professional ambitions.

Reevaluate your living situation and familial relationships, making adjustments that bring peace and harmony to your domestic sphere.

Leo Full Moon Horoscope​

(July 23 – August 22)

For Leo, communication and learning are key themes. The ​​full moon and lunar eclipse​ challenge you to listen as much as you speak and to open your mind to new ideas.

Releasing outdated ways of thinking and limited beliefs can pave the way for enriching discoveries and personal connections.

Virgo Full Moon Horoscope​

(August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is called to examine their values and resources. The ​next full moon​ is a time for financial and emotional rebalancing, urging you to let go of material attachments and invest in what truly matters. Reflect on your sense of self-worth and align your spending with your true priorities.

Libra Full Moon Horoscope​

(September 23 – October 22)

With the ​March full moon​ occurring in your sign, Libra, this is a powerful time for personal transformation.

You’re encouraged to shed layers of your identity that no longer reflect who you are. Embrace authenticity and make space for new aspects of yourself to emerge.

Read March Spiritual Guidance And Channeled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Scorpio Full Moon Horoscope​ 

(October 23 – November 21)

For Scorpio, the ​full worm moon​ highlights the need for introspection and release. This is a time to confront your inner shadows and to let go of past hurts.

Embrace healing and spiritual growth, allowing yourself to move forward with greater emotional clarity and strength.

Sagittarius Full Moon Horoscope​

(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius will find the ​March full moon​ impacting their social circles and aspirations. Reevaluate your friendships and goals, letting go of connections and ambitions that no longer resonate with your true self. Focus on building a community that supports your highest aspirations.

Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope​

(December 22 – January 19)

Career and public image are in focus for Capricorn. The lunar eclipse invites you to consider your professional path and the legacy you wish to leave.

It’s time to release any roles or reputations that constrain you, making way for achievements that truly fulfill you.

Aquarius Full Moon Horoscope​

(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is urged to explore new horizons and philosophies. The ​full moon and eclipse​ encourage you to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a broader perspective on life. Seek knowledge and experiences that expand your understanding of the world.

Pisces Full Moon Horoscope​

(February 19 – March 20)

For Pisces, the eclipse illuminates matters of intimacy and transformation. It’s a period for releasing emotional and financial dependencies, fostering deeper connections with others, and embracing personal growth.

Consider what you need to let go of to make room for a more empowering exchange of energy.

​Worm Moon Spiritual Meaning​

As the full moon in Libra​ shines its calming light on our lives, accompanied by the transformative energy of the lunar eclipse, each zodiac sign is offered a clean slate for growing, restarting, and rebalancing their life.

Embrace this moment to reflect, release, and realign with your deepest truths and desires.

Read March 2023 Monthly Horoscope: Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign

This celestial event of full moon and eclipse calls for a profound reflection and transformation, encouraging each zodiac sign to work on their shadow-self, find equilibrium, and release what’s sabotaging them. ​

March Full Moon Prediction for Zodiac pin
March 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs
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March 2024 Full Moon Horoscope For Each Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

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