Finnish Secret To Happiness — 7 Lessons To Learn From The Happiest Country In the World


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7 Finnish Secret To Happiness

Five consecutive years at the top! What is the Finnish secret to happiness despite such dark, cold, and, long winters? Let’s dive into the Nordic culture and find out!

Finland, a nation not known for its sunny climate or luxurious amenities, yet it has defied all odds by earning the prestigious title of the happiest country.

So, what is the Finnish secret to happiness? Well, in Finland, there’s a wise proverb: ‘Happiness is found between too little and too much.’

So we will delve into the key aspects of Finnish culture that have contributed to this remarkable achievement. And then discover the seven highlights of Finnish happiness, and learn how you too can apply these principles to your life.

Read more here: 5 Lessons From The Happiest Countries In The World That Can Change Your Life

The Finnish secret to happiness

Why is Finland the happiest country in the world? Learn the Finnish secret to happiness below!

1. Embracing Sisu: The Art of Inner Strength

Sisu, a unique Finnish concept, embodies a remarkable blend of qualities that define the national character. This powerful trait encompasses stoic determination, tenacity, grit, courage, and an indomitable spirit of resilience and hardiness.

And at the core of Finnish culture, resilience or “sisu,” lies, a term that defies easy translation but encompasses the strength of will and perseverance.

Finns view challenges as opportunities, maintaining a positive outlook even in the face of adversity. Whether it’s braving rain or snow, Finns don the appropriate attire and immerse themselves in nature, finding joy in the simplest moments.

2. Building Happiness from Childhood

Finland’s commitment to early childhood well-being lays a strong foundation for adult life. A robust social system ensures that children receive essential education, safety, and healthcare.

Encouraging children to spend time outdoors and fostering a sense of independence from a young age promotes happiness and a healthy outlook on life.

Read more here: What Is True Happiness? 10 Signs Of A Genuinely Happy Person

3. Connecting with Nature: Forest Therapy

Finland’s vast landscapes, with 75% of the land covered by forests, have given rise to the practice of “forest therapy.” Finns believe in the healing power of nature, regularly spending time in woodlands, lakes, and rivers.

Thanks to the unique “everyman’s right,” anyone can freely explore the beauty of the outdoors, fostering a sense of tranquility and well-being.

4. Nordic Minimalism: Less Is More

Finnish design epitomizes Nordic minimalism, emphasizing sustainability, functionality, and timeless elegance. This mindful living style not only benefits the environment and finances but also brings lasting happiness through the appreciation of well-made and thoughtfully designed products.

5. Togetherness and Equality

Finnish sauna culture embodies a remarkable sense of equality and freedom. Stripping away societal roles and material possessions, Finns come together in saunas to purify both body and soul.

This emphasis on equality extends beyond sauna sessions and is deeply ingrained in Finnish society, fostering a sense of community and acceptance.

6. Modesty and Contentment

Being humble is a defining trait of Finnish culture. Finns rarely boast about their achievements, focusing on personal happiness rather than comparisons with others. This mindset allows them to savor the present moment and find joy in life’s simple pleasures.

7. Embracing Darkness and Hardship

From enduring long, dark winter days to basking in the midnight sun, Finns have learned to accept the coexistence of opposites. Whether it’s the freezing cold outside or the soothing heat of a sauna, they have a unique way of embracing life’s contrasts.

With a combination of sisu and acceptance, Finns welcome life’s hardships and emotions, rather than suppressing them. This genuine approach to life contributes to their overall happiness.

Read more here: 7 Daily Reminders For A Happy Life And A More Positive You


While Finland may not possess the perfect life, its people have mastered the art of happiness through their unique cultural values and mindset. The Finnish secret to happiness lies in embracing nature, simplicity, equality, and the challenges that life presents.

By adopting elements of Finnish culture into our lives, we can learn to appreciate the beauty in simplicity, find strength in adversity, and cultivate lasting contentment.

Discover the enchanting world of the happiest country on Earth – Finland – where happiness flourishes amidst the beauty of nature and the embrace of a vibrant culture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is Finland the happiest country in the world?

Finland tops happiness rankings due to its free, relaxed lifestyle and a unique blend of factors contributing to overall well-being.

What is the happiest country in the world?

Finland is currently ranked as the happiest country globally due to its unique approach to well-being and overall life satisfaction.

What is the number 1 happiest country?

The number one happiest country in the world is Finland, consistently topping the rankings with its exceptional quality of life and contented populace.

finnish culture
finnish happiness, happiest country in the world

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  1. Blessing Iveren Yimam Avatar
    Blessing Iveren Yimam

    I enjoy reading about happiness and how to be happy!

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