To Those Who Feel Like They Are Falling Behind In Life


To Those Who Feel Like They Are Falling Behind In Life

We are bound to go through a certain phase in which we feel like we’re falling behind in life like we’re being left in the dust. We may have a strong gut feeling to either push harder or we end up panicking. We criticize ourselves for not keeping pace with others, not trying hard enough, or even not being good enough.

Stop. You need not jump into action.

You need to stop pointlessly pushing forward for a minute and change your perception of where you are at in life.



Find Yourself.

Love Yourself.

Meet Yourself exactly where you are.

Have a solid belief that the greatest things in your life will happen in their own time and know that you are not falling behind in life.

Falling Behind

Allow yourself to be whoever it is that you are at this very moment. What are you supposed to be learning from life? What relationships do you need to put effort into and focus on? What qualities and virtues are you building and implementing in your character? Enough with looking for external indicators of your achievement and success. Take some time off to reflect on where you are in an internal sense.

Although it may seem ideal to be in control of your life, you don’t have to control every aspect of your life. You couldn’t, even if you tried. Measuring your own self-worth based on external factors is a recipe for disaster. The truth is that you cannot control your environment. You have no control over what happens to you and you cannot choose which challenges life throws your way. But you can control yourself.

How do you feel about yourself today?

Are you kind?

Are your morals in the right place?

What do you value?

Do you give enough of yourself to the people and projects that are important to you?

What are your priorities in life?

Do you invest your time and energy in a way that reflects them?

Are your true thoughts and beliefs reflected in the words you say?

Are your thoughts and words backed up by your actions?

These are some of the questions that you need to ponder on. You’ll notice that none of these questions can be measured by your external accomplishments.

It’s a part of human nature to compare yourself to others. Your brother is starting law school. Your best friend is going to tie the knot. Your colleague is (happily and intentionally) pregnant. Your workout partner recently got a promotion and a raise. Your football teammate from high school is buying a new house. It is natural to see all these things and wonder, “What am I doing?”

It is natural – but it is not necessarily helpful and it is definitely not productive.

Instead, focus on the internal and ask yourself “Who am I?”

Invest your time and energy into becoming a better person. Identify your true passions and interests and pursue them with every ounce of your being.

Trust and have hope in the mystery of the universe. Believe that there is a great plan set in place for you in the future. Although you may not currently be able to see the forest for the trees – whatever it is you are going through, there is a reason.

It’s not that you are falling behind in life. Good things in life will come to you when the time is right. Trust your timing. 

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

Related : Comparing yourself to others can take a heavy toll on your self talk. Learn how to control it and regain confidence. Here’s Self-Awareness vs. Self-Consciousness: The Confidence Perspective.

Falling Behind
To Those Who Feel Like They Are Falling Behind In Life pin

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