9 Essential Qualities For A Spouse: Pre-Marriage Checklist


Qualities Spouse PreMarriage Checklist

When you decide to get married, you will be taking one of the biggest ever decisions of your life. So naturally, you don’t just dive in, do you? Before you choose someone as your spouse, look for a few essential qualities that will ensure you will have a happy marital life.

A major decision. Selecting one person, out of many possible candidates, with whom to spend the rest of your life. Marriage. Gut deep commitment. Not to be taken lightly.

Choose poorly? This could lead to years of protracted pain, emotional suffering, and a long ledger of divorce court-related expenses. The cost of a poor choice is enough to cause some individuals to become anxious and avoid deep relationships altogether.

Choose wisely, and you have a wonderful soulmate. A frequent source of joy, comfort, and inspiration. Sounds good, yes? But here is the rubโ€ฆ picking the right spouse is hard. Really hard.

This is due, in large part, to the following: the qualities that first attract you to someone are, very often, not the qualities that make for a wonderful marriage. โ€œWhat ho?โ€ you say (channeling a little bit of Bertie Wooster).

Yes, itโ€™s true. A momentโ€™s reflection will convince you. Consider, for example, the qualities that you hear friends gush about when they first fall deeply โ€˜in likeโ€™ with a new romantic interest:

โ€œShe was gorgeous, the most beautiful woman at the party.โ€

โ€œHe was just like a little lost puppy. So cute and shy. But then when he had a few drinks his real self-came out and he was the center of attention. No one could ignore him at that point because of his sheer presenceโ€ฆ What a dream. I think I can help him come out of his shell.โ€

โ€œI cannot remember ever meeting a woman so smart, but also such a flirtโ€ฆ I mean she flirted with everyone, but I was the guy she left with at the end of the night!!! Oh yeah, baby, big win. She is so into me.โ€

โ€œWe both love collecting Hummels! He even has a photo collection of every Hansel and Gretel Hummel ever made.โ€

โ€œCan you believe it? She loves the Raidersโ€ฆ how gnarly is that? We can wear matching Raiders gear all winter and tailgate in our own driveway.โ€

In the long run, by which I mean over the course of 30 to 50 years, none of these qualities is likely to help you form a deeply stable and rewarding marriage.

Essential Qualities For A Spouse
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

Let there be no misunderstanding. Of course, itโ€™s important to feel attracted to your spouse. Likewise, one should share at least some common interests. 

But mere attraction, and mutual interests, do not provide the ballast, or stability needed to help a marriage grow year over year. This is important to keep in mind: healthy marriages grow. Unhealthy marriages remain the same. They become stagnate. Or worse, they deteriorate and die.

So what qualities in a mate make for a marriage that will grow? What qualities increase the chances that many years from now you will end up as two well-seasoned citizens, having weathered the storms of life, and can look back upon decades of shared adventures?

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Letโ€™s look at the essential characteristics of a spouse that lead to this happy state.

Here Are 9 Essential Qualities For A Spouse

Qualities Spouse PreMarriage Checklist infographic
9 Essential Qualities For A Spouse: Pre-Marriage Checklist

1. Confidence 

Insecurity breeds suspicion, dependency, and resentment. The insecure spouse is constantly fighting doubt. Yes, I know, we all have moments of self-doubt and areas of insecurity. But here Iโ€™m referring to a more general tendency. A broad orientation towards confidence versus insecurity.

Essential Qualities For A Spouse
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

If your spouse constantly wrestles with extreme insecurity it will gradually weaken your relationship. You will be called upon for constant reassurance in order to push back against your spouseโ€™s painful self-doubt (I am not referring to the levels of insecurity that most people experience from time to time).

This need for constant reassurance is seen in highly dependent people. Million-dollar questionโ€ฆ. What goes hand in hand with high dependency? The answerโ€ฆ. resentment! Someone who requires your constant emotional reassurance will eventually feel a tremendous sense of resentment. Likewise, you may also begin to resent the need to chronically bolster the flagging confidence of your spouse.

All of this puts tremendous pressure on a relationship. Over time it begins to rot the tender feelings each spouse once had for the other. Bitterness begins to take root. 

Confidence, on the other hand, puts no special demands on oneโ€™s partner for reassurance. Instead, it acts as an invitation for greater trust, intimacy, and adventure.

2. Generosity  

Those who possess a generous nature are not likely to view themselves as the epicenter of the universe. Generosity is kryptonite to selfish desire and ambition. The two qualities do not harmoniously coexist. 

If you want to go through life with someone who enjoys sharing the adventure, rather than insisting on being the center of the adventure, find a generous soul.

Essential Qualities For A Spouse
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

3. Humility

Often mistaken for false modesty, humility is simply the heartfelt understanding that you are not the center of the universe. It requires a recognition that your needs, your pain, your ambition, and your goals are not of central importance.

Are they of any importance?  Of course. At times your concerns will even be of great importance. But on most days they are not so pressing as to over shadow the needs of others.

As C.S. Lewis put it โ€œHumility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.โ€

When humility is missing there will be little grace shown for the mistakes of others. Marriages, however, require an abundance of grace. It acts as a disinfectant that allows the injuries caused by mistakes to be cleansed and to heal.

If a husband or wife lacks humility, grace is likely to be in very short supply. That means that the emotional hurts that invariably occur in any relationship will heal more slowly โ€“ and some will remain forever. After a time, one or both partners will respond by building emotional barriers to prevent further hurt. Thatโ€™s when intimacy begins to die.

Finding someone who balances confidence with humility results in blessings many times over.

4. Humor 

Charles Dickens wrote โ€œThere is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.โ€

No one wants to journey through life with a companion who seldom smiles, or one who approaches each morning with a grim expression of doleful determination. If that is what you are looking for, then make friends with an IRS auditor.

But if you want a happier life, then look for a soulmate who is able to laugh at his, or her, own foibles and frustrations. Someone who finds humor in the everyday routines and nuances of which others take no notice.

Related: 21 Questions You Must Ask Before You Tie The Knot

5. Forgiveness 

Life is difficult and relationships are challenging. Marriage is particularly challenging: two imperfect people attempting to make a lifelong commitment in the face of lifeโ€™s uncertainties and heartachesโ€ฆ.  (just as one needs to periodically clean out a closet, or a room, give things away, so too does forgiveness help keep life leaner, cleaner, and lighter…. lack of forgiveness means burdens continued to be carried).

Each of us makes a mess of things from time to time. Most of these errors will be relatively minor (I am referring to something like forgetting an anniversary, not a major breach in trust like infidelity).

When we do make a misstep our responsibility is to apologize and make things right. This brings the relationship back into balance. If your spouse is unforgiving, your missteps will remain in a permanent ledger of wrongdoing. Make sure to find someone who is able to forgive the normal shortcomings that everyone displays from time to time.

6. Honesty    

Trust is essential for a strong marriage. Knowing that your spouse is honest provides a foundation upon which to anchor that trust. If, on the other hand, your spouse is not honest with you, then where does the foundation lie for you to develop trust?

Honesty goes beyond simply being truthful with one another. Just as importantly it involves the capacity, and desire, to be truthful with oneself.

From time to time each of us must face something that we find overwhelming. It may be a realization about our self, or about a problem in our marriage, or with our spouse. The temptation, for some, will be to gloss over the problem. To minimize, or even deny altogether that the problem exists.

Essential Qualities For A Spouse
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

This lack of honesty takes a toll on the marriage. Problems that are minimized, or denied, cannot be resolved. When serious problems are brushed aside relationships invariably suffer.

Bottom line, you need to know that the person you have committed yourself to can be trusted to honestly interact with you, and with their own thoughts/feelings.

7. Loyalty 

In any relationship that involves risk, loyalty ranks high as a prized virtue. When soldiers go off to war, the loyalty of the man standing to oneโ€™s left and right is of supreme importance. When business partners have invested their life fortunes in a joint venture, loyalty allows them to move forward knowing that each has the otherโ€™s back.

It is no different with marriage. Loyalty is essential.

Consider the traditional marriage vows: “Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?โ€

Loyalty is laid down in this promise as the corner stone of a lifelong relationship.

Think this is asking too much?

Without loyalty, what is your option at the alter? “I promise that for today, and maybe tomorrow, I will love and cherish this person. I may remain true during the good times, but my options remain open regarding what may happen during the tough timesโ€ฆ and if things get really bad all bets are off.โ€

Find someone who is loyal, or do not marry at all.

8. Duty  

Duty is a quality that many consider very โ€œold schoolโ€, passรฉ, out of style and belonging to a different era. Such characterizations badly miss the mark. A sense of duty is a sign of maturity. A willingness to sacrifice the freedom to act on oneโ€™s immediate desires and feelings in order to fulfill a higher obligation.

Essential Qualities
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

Every marriage has conflicts and hardships. During these difficult times, a sense of duty pushes us to do that which is best for our spouse (and our marriage).

That is because duty transcends feelings of affection, attraction, and goodwill. Those feelings, the ones that make it so easy to be generous and thoughtful to a spouse, cannot be counted upon. Emotions are fickle. We cannot simply conjure up a sense of affection or love on demand. A difficult day at work may cause them to be missing altogether.

What then? When the warm winds of affection, desire, and empathy for your spouse have gone AWOL, what is there to lean upon that propels you to behave as you should?

The answer is that duty. Like a good soldier who stands post no matter what conditions beat down upon him, duty remains. Duty carries the day until those warm feelings return.

Empowered by a strong sense of duty, each of us is drawn to behave in ways that are normally motivated by affection. We can still speak kindly, act graciously, show concern and thoughtfulness. A strong sense of duty provides a bulwark of steadiness against the vagaries of emotion.

Whatโ€™s more, by keeping us on course it also smooth’s the way for repairing the hurts that caused those feelings of affection to first recede.

Related: 8 Important Conversations Before Marriage

9. Courage   

Each of us, at one time or another, must face risks that involve potential heartache, setbacks, uncertainties, and anxiety. When these moments are met with a lack of courage, one is likely to be swept up by fear. Wise decisions are seldom made on the basis of anxiety. Choices in life that are based on a desire to avoid that which one is afraid of will frequently lead to deep regret.

Essential Qualities
Essential Qualities For A Spouse

Whatโ€™s more, decisions made on the basis of minimizing fear will end up robbing you of the opportunity to grow stronger by facing your anxieties. No soldier became a better warrior by running from battle. No athlete became better in his or her sport by avoiding competition.

Courage will not eliminate fear, but it will overpower fear and keep it from controlling you in the big moments of life.

A full and deeply lived life requires courage. It is an essential quality for your spouse to possess. Do not look for someone who is without fear โ€“ that is simply a foolish individual. But do search for someone who refuses to be controlled by fear.


There are an infinite number of characteristics that attract people to their soulmate. Some of these qualities are more important than others. The nine described above are essential. They are like the foundation of a house. Stability is had when these attributes are present.

Of course, there are many other qualities that can, and should, be looked for in a husband or wife. But these will differ from the fundamental qualities weโ€™ve just examined in that they are specific to your unique personality and personal preferences.  

Examples of these types of qualities include whether someone is romantic, creative, spontaneous, sports-minded, etc. If the nine qualities weโ€™ve just discussed are similar to a homeโ€™s foundation, these other qualities are akin to a homeโ€™s architectural style (colonial, Mediterranean, contemporary, and so forth).

Both sorts of characteristics are important to consider for a happy marriage. The foundational qualities, however, are essential to get right if you wish to enjoy a relationship that continues to mature over the course of your lifetime.

Written By Forrest Talley
Originally Appeared In Forrest Talley

Building and having a happy marriage takes a lot of work, and when you and your spouse do the work together, it’s a winning recipe. Always choose to spend your life with someone who embodies these qualities, as this will ensure that you will get to live a peaceful and content life with them.

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9 Essential Qualities For A Spouse: Pre-Marriage Checklist

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