8 Dangers Of Dating An Emotionally Unavailable Person


Dating An Emotionally Unavailable Person? Warning Signs

Are you dating an emotionally unavailable person? They say that they love you, but you never seem to feel that love. Read on to know why they’re holding back!

Life has a funny way of making us work for what we want.

Throughout it, we all face obstacles and adversities that mold us into the person we are today. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall victim to the things that have happened to them instead of taking the time to heal and grow. Often, we carry those things into our relationships.

Giving people who have a big heart for helping others tend to be attracted to emotionally unavailable people. You feel some sense of calling to help heal their wounds and lead them to a better life. You almost connect to them on a deeper level because you invest so much energy into repairing their soul.

You do this because you can see their uncovered potential past the road of what broke them in the first place. This puts you in a position where you convince yourself that you can help change that person.

You want the best for them, we totally get it, but they have to change for themselves. Sadly, you are probably going to be the one who ends up hurt.

Here Are 8 Dangers Of Dating An Emotionally Unavailable Person

1. They lead you on.

Emotionally unavailable people have very high walls and strong guards, but they still enjoy companionship. They keep you close to their side to fulfill their needs, but when it comes to fulfilling yours they will be nowhere to be found. He will give you the title of girlfriend, but that is as far as it will go.

Related: 6 Dominant Personality Traits of Emotionally Unavailable Men You Should NEVER Expect Love From

2. Time doesnโ€™t change anything.

The more you invest in an emotionally unavailable person, the more you convince yourself that with more time he will be ready to commit. Commitment issues donโ€™t heal over time; those issues are only going to heal when the emotionally unavailable person decides to work through them. You are not going to fix him.

3. They are not afraid to lose you.

In a relationship with an emotionally unavailable person, your worth is not going to be valued. You put far more effort into the relationship than you get back in return. Emotionally unavailable people lack the ability to invest strong feelings in others. He enjoys your company and he wants you around, but if you were to leave it wouldnโ€™t devastate him.

4. Everything is on their time.

Your schedule has to fit into their schedule. Emotionally unavailable people let you know when is good for them, and you have to adjust. They donโ€™t consider your feelings when making other plans or canceling on you. You wonโ€™t even realize this until you donโ€™t have time for anyone else because you are always adjusting your schedule for your relationship.

5. They are selfish.

Emotionally unavailable people use you to fill space. They convince you that whatever you do for them, you are really doing for yourself. They make their needs clear and set the expectation that they are the priority. Your needs are not a priority and you will convince yourself that is ok.

Related: 16 Ways To Tell If Your Man Is Emotionally Unavailable (And May Never Love You)

6. They cannot fully commit.

Emotionally unavailable people make you feel like your relationship is going somewhere and never actually take the next step. They continue the relationship for as long as it works for them, but they donโ€™t actually see a future with you. One minute heโ€™ll be talking about your future together, and the next heโ€™ll tell you that heโ€™s not ready to get that serious.

7. They are unable to truly love you.

True love happens when two people are the most vulnerable version of themselves, and they still love each other anyway. You are going to be the only vulnerable person in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable person. Heโ€™s going to do things that make you feel loved on the surface, but he wonโ€™t give you what you need for the long haul.

8. They are honest with where they stand.

Emotionally unavailable people are always honest with their lack of interest in making a full commitment. Their honesty is not always direct or perfectly clear, but they put themselves in a position that when you question something they can back it up with, โ€œremember when I told youโ€ฆโ€

Related: Loving An Emotionally Detached Man

The most important thing to understand about an emotionally unavailable person is that their inability to be the person you wish they would be has nothing to do with you. That also does not mean that you should sacrifice your time, your energy, or your soul for someone who cannot give you what you need.

Are you dating an emotionally unavailable person? Share your thoughts with us.

8 Dangers of Dating an Emotionally Unavailable Person
Dating Someone Who Is Emotionally Unavailable
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Dating Someone Emotionally Unavailable
dating an emotionally unavailable person
8 Dangers Of Dating An Emotionally Unavailable Person

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  1. Stefanie Avatar

    What a great text. Yes, I can totally relate. My former boyfriend showed a lot of these behaviors. We eventually broke up and he let me go by saying he couldnโ€™t give me what I needed. I realize now, one year later that there were signs in the relationship that I overlooked and that left me feeling overwhelmed and lonely at times. I took the time after the breakup to work on myself, to be more open about my needs and while it has also caused friendships to end, I know it was a good outcome. Being with a person that is not fully committed to you is simply a waste of time and yes it hurts like hell.

    1. Momo F Avatar
      Momo F

      Thank you for sharing. I wish I have read this before, it would have helped me with my choices in life. I could have have avoided it and not have to go through all this emotional pain, sorrow and remorse.

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