Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For


Pick An Alchemical Symbol Soul Yearns

There are many ways to find out about your hidden thoughts. This alchemical symbol quiz will help you determine what’s going on in your mind.

Alchemy is the Art of the Wise. An Alchemical Symbol holds tremendous potentials, which, if you use it correctly, you may accomplish miracles. 

The Power of An Alchemical Symbol.

Letโ€™s talk more about the Symbols. Itโ€™s no secret that an alchemical symbol hides the power of ages within. Itโ€™s the power of the Archetypes. Patterns of the World, deciphered by the Mystics of the World.

Both Sacred Geometry and Arcane Wisdom are incorporated to produce a simple yet magical symbol. For example, a Pentagram is an alchemical symbol. A Triquetra too. As you know, here in Magical Recipes Online we love to use symbols in our magic. 

When we use a Symbol, any symbol, we do not only tap into its own power. We also tap into the power of all those who also used it. Symbols can only become more and more powerful. 

Purpose of the Alchemical Symbol Test

Have you ever wondered why you picked that specific symbol to always wear as a necklace? Or maybe this tribal symbol you wanted permanently as a tattoo. This urge that comes from inside shows in fact what our Soul thirsts for. And this is the power of the Symbol. Hence, this is the Purpose of the Test. To see what your spirit thirsts for.  

  • We do not Choose the Symbols. Our Spirit does.ย Itโ€™s not clever to try to find whatโ€™s your symbol. Let your Soul present it to you. We will soon give one way to do it.ย 
  • Clear your brain.
  • Now, look at the picture.
  • Do not let your brain think. Just look.
  • Now, let your heart pick one alchemical symbol.ย 

Ready to know more about what your soul symbol is, and what it means?

The Alchemical Symbol And Meanings To Find Out What Your Soul Needs

Pick Alchemical Symbol Soul Yearns
Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For

1. The Lion 

alchemical symbol
5 Alchemical Symbols And Meanings

Lions symbolize the Sun and your need to take control of your fate.

The Problem: 

If you chose the lion then you probably need to escape from what youโ€™ve built with so much effort. The lion symbolizes the Sun, the ultimate source of power. Hence, Lion equals dominance. You made the best you could to create the life youโ€™re living, but now you feel trapped and dominated by your haunting responsibilities. Hence, you are wondering whether you should try a different way. Another path of lifeโ€ฆ

The Way Out: 

Is your current life bothering you too much? Do you need to breathe the air of freedom once again? Would you have chosen a different path in life if you had a chance? There is a reason why you did what you did. Once you accept this, you will see that you can effectively find ways to manage your responsibilities. 

  • Advice: Make peace with your choices because itโ€™s you who made them. Your wisdom is evolving and so do you. Thus, if you want to break free you can. Fate is always in your hands. 
  • Magical Advice: Try the Road Opener recipe and Spell to remove the obstacles. Success is near!

Related: Symbolism Of Finger Rings: What Wearing Rings On Each Finger Means

2. The Hourglass

alchemical symbol
Pick An Alchemical Symbol Quiz

Hourglass is a symbol of inevitability, the circle of time. 

The Problem: 

If you chose the hourglass then you probably feel trapped in time. The time has stopped for you in the past due to a tragic or painful experience. Hence you feel like you are slowly drowning, without energy, expecting the inevitable to happen. 

The Way Out: 

Aging is part of life and death too. We are all born, grow up and die. Yet this is not something we should be an afraid of. Make peace with time. If able, make peace with the past too. This is what made you who you are right now. And You are much stronger than before. 

  • Advice: Try to make the best decisions from now on. Live in the present. You are all-powerful. Time is your friend. 
  • Magical Advice: Cleanse your Karma. Start Anew!

3. The Moon 

alchemical symbol
Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For

Lunar Forces are associated with emotions and hidden truths.

The Problem: 

If you chose the Moon then your heart is a battlefield. Something powerful deep inside you cannot let you sleep or has just been awakened keep you also awake at nights. Whatโ€™s this secret emotion that keeps you up all night? Is it Rage, Hate, Anger or just Passion? 

The Way Out: 

Your Spirit needs to find peace and the best way to achieve it is by exposing these emotions to the Sunlight = acknowledge their existence. Accepting them is the beginning. Secrecy is what makes dark emotions so powerful. When they are exposed, they cease to affect us that much. 

  • Advice: Learn to express your feeling. Hiding or suppressing them harm you.
  • Magical Advice: Try the Moon Portals.

4. The Key

alchemical symbol
Choose An Alchemical Symbol Quiz

Keys have always been associated with our perception on our Path of Life. 

The Problem: 

If you chose the Key then your Spirit desperately needs answers. The Path you are walking has made you question everything you once regarded as unquestionable. You may donโ€™t know where to look or you may be tired of searching. At one point, you feel that nothing interests you right now. You may also feel bored. 

The Way Out: 

Now itโ€™s time for the truth to shine like the Sun.  The Key represents your desire to open the Gates of other Realms and paths. Moreover, the Key is your spiritโ€™s manifestation to help you transcend your current Life and look for more thrills and experiences. 

  • Advice: Find a way to travel. It will help you meet and communicate with other people. Reignite your Will for Adventures.
  • Magical Advice: Have you considered Traveling in the Astral Plane? 

Related: Choose An Animal And We Will Reveal The Darkest Aspect Of Your Personality

5. The Hamsa Hand

alchemical symbol
Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For

Hamsa Hand is associated with the Protection from Evil Forces. 

The Problem: 

If you chose the Hamsa Hand, then you are probably targeted by Evil Magic. Your Spirit thirsts for freedom. You may have already noticed some weird signs, trying to warn you about this situation. 

The Way Out: 

Moreover, Hamsa Hand, tells us that freedom, even in the darkest of times, lies in our own hands. Itโ€™s us who got trapped and itโ€™s always up to us to set ourselves free. To do so, we need to embrace and forgive ourselves, for this time of weakness. This will empower the Love towards our Spirit, which frankly it is our Ultimate Power. 

  • Advice: Find time to relax and replenish your energy. 
  • Magical Advice: Try to banish the Evil Eye

This post originally appeared on Magical Recipes Online
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Choose Alchemical Symbol Find Out What Your Soul Needs Pin
Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For
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Pick An Alchemical Symbol And Discover What Your Soul Yearns For

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  1. Ira Avatar

    I choose the hamsa hand. My wife has been saying we are under spiritual attack. My spirit belongs to me and God. So I feel like I’ll be just fine. I almost choose the key. So now I shall read it’s definition.

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