Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs


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Chinese New Year Horoscope

Welcome to the Chinese lunar year of the tiger, or better to say, the year of the Water Tiger! In China, the tiger is known as the king of all animals due to its strength and ferocity. Read our Chinese New Year 2022 predictions to know what fortune, the spirit of the royal tiger will bring to you.

This article on Chinese horoscope 2022 is a detailed yearly prediction of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, based on Chinese Astrology. The zodiac natives will get valuable insights about their life path and how destiny will favor them with luck and abundance in the coming year.

But before that, letโ€™s take a look at the meaning and significance behind the year of the tiger.

The Year Of The Tiger

year of the tiger
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

The Chinese Lunar year of the Water Tiger 2022 started on February 1st and will end on January 21st, 2023. According to Chinese Astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs based on 12 animal spirits.  Every year is assigned to one of these spirit animals and the cycle repeats after every twelve years. The Tiger comes at number 3 position, but the year of the Water Tiger comes after every 60 years.

The Water Tiger

Each Chinese animal sign is also linked with one of the 5 elements, namely Metal, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Water. It is believed that the combined energy of the Chinese animal sign and the respective element assigned to it, influences the destiny and personality of the zodiac natives. This sign and element combination recurs every 60 years. According to the Chinese horoscope, if your birth year falls under the element and sign of the Water Tiger, you are likely to be brave, powerful, and capable of warding off evil.

Read: Related: What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Chinese New Year Horoscope 2022

Chinese new year horoscope signs
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Without any further delay, letโ€™s get into your Chinese New Year 2022 predictions, according to your Chinese animal zodiac sign.

1. Chinese New Year Horoscope 2022: Rat

Chinese New Year Horoscope rat
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

This year you must pull up your socks and put some extra effort into your educational and/or professional endeavors. The sky’s the limit when it comes to your potential and you can push yourself a little harder to reach for the stars. Donโ€™t listen to your doubts and insecurities and apply yourself better in all aspects of your life.

2. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Ox

Chinese New Year Horoscope ox
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Your tribe, the people you hang out with and place your trust in, has a far-reaching influence on your destiny and fortune. Be mindful of the people you are allowing into your life, as their energies can either shoot you up or drag you down. You should only vibe with those who are good for your physical, mental, and spiritual development.

3. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Tiger

Chinese New Year Horoscope tiger
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Balance is the key to a fulfilled life and you need to give equal attention to your projects, finances, and your loved ones this coming year. Your plate will be full of new contracts, deals, and work opportunities. As your sign is under focus this year, you will reap a lot of rewards, just ensure that your close ones donโ€™t feel neglected.

4. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Rabbit

Chinese New Year Horoscope rabit
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1987, 1999, 2011

Sometimes opposites do attract and complement each other. If you encounter someone who is the polar opposite to you, donโ€™t be quick to judge them. Have an open mind and try to understand them from their perspective. This empathetic approach might open new doors to a new phase of your life. An unlikely bond can be the answer to your prayers. 

5. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Dragon

Chinese New Year Horoscope dragon
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1988, 2000, 2012

You have had enough drama and negativity in the last year. Now you are striving for some serenity and peace of mind. If you want to maintain a low profile this year, stay away from toxic people, who suck out your positivity. Whenever you find yourself in a negative situation, try to walk away with dignity. Know the importance of healthy boundaries and stick to them wholeheartedly. 

Read: Horoscope 2022: Yearly Astrological Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign

6. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Snake

Chinese New Year Horoscope snake
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1989, 2001, 2013

You will have a lot going on in your life, this year, and will see positive results from your past efforts. It is absolutely okay to bask in your glory and celebrate your accomplishments. However, donโ€™t forget your friends and acquaintances who had supported you in your struggling days. Reach out to them more and show them that you appreciate their presence. This will go a long way and bring you more favors from the universe.

7. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Horse

Chinese New Year Horoscope horse
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1990, 2002, 2014

You have been doing a lot of soul work and manifesting your goals through pure intentions and good Karma. Remember to continue on this path of righteousness and remain aligned with your higher self and the great Spirit. There is no alternative to honesty and hard work, so keep doing your job and donโ€™t pay any attention to the negative people around you.

8. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Goat

Chinese New Year Horoscope goat
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1991, 2003, 2015

When it comes to your dating life, you have been lucky, however, if you find unique chemistry with someone or suddenly feel attracted to a person you just met, listen to your heart. This one could be the real deal. Follow your gut and spend some time with them to know each other better. This year could bring you the love and care that you have always wanted.

9. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Monkey

Chinese New Year Horoscope monkey
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1992, 2004, 2016

Donโ€™t try to fit in due to peer pressure, because you are meant to stand out. Your expansive mind dwells on things that are much higher than the grasp of your friends. This year you will see how the cosmos aligns with your quest for growth and knowledge. You will get a lot of opportunities to make it big. Just donโ€™t limit yourself for the sake of others. Itโ€™s your time to outgrow your past life.

10. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Rooster

Chinese New Year Horoscope rooster
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1993, 2005, 2017

Your academic and/or professional life is getting under the spotlight. Finances are going to improve a lot, and you will receive a lot of praise for your talent and hard work. You will feel that finally you are being acknowledged for who you truly are! You are a natural and your dedication will help you a lot in your line of work. Keep up the good work!

Read: What Karma Has in Store for You in 2022, According to Your Zodiac Sign

11. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Dog

Chinese New Year Horoscope dog
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1994, 2006, 2018

Life has been tough on you but you must realize that your negative attitude and pessimistic thinking will not help your case. Fortune favors the brave and you must face the hardships of life with courage. If you practice mindful gratitude and try to look at the silver lining, you will see a sea change in your challenging circumstances.

12. Chinese Horoscope 2022: Pig

Chinese New Year Horoscope pig
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Most Relevant Birth Years: 1995, 2007, 2019

Your finance and career will be on an all-time high this year and you will not be able to contain your glee. A word of advice would be not to get carried away with your emotions. This would be a time for careful financial planning and investing for a secure future. Enjoy the bounty that you have been blessed with, but also make arrangements for a rainy day.

Read: How Youโ€™ll Find Your Soulmate In 2022, based on Your Zodiac Sign

Want To Know More About Chinese New Year Horoscope Signs?

We hope you find our article on Chinese New Year 2022 and the Year Of The Tiger to be insightful.

Have you noticed how we touched upon the subject of the elements, according to Chinese Astrology?

You did? So please let us know if you want more on the power of the Elements, Chinese Animal Signs, their characteristics, and other such topics from the mysterious oriental culture of China. Comment down below to let us know your thoughts.

Chinese New Year Horoscope pig
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs
Chinese NewYear Horoscope
Chinese New Year 2022 Horoscope: What Does The Year Of The Tiger Has In Store For The 12 Zodiac Signs

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