The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least


Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac: 12 Lying Signs Ranked Down

Do you know who are the biggest liars of the zodiac and why they lie? We’re going to reveal the lying skills and motivation of each sign!

At some point in our lives, we may find ourselves in a situation where we feel the need to lie to protect ourselves, avoid a disaster, or simply appear more interesting.

However, not all lies are created equal. Some individuals have mastered the art of deception to the point where they seem to have earned a Ph.D. in crafting false stories, often lying even in insignificant situations.

For some people, lying has become such a habit that they may no longer recognize the truth. Perhaps, this inclination to lie can be attributed to the influence of astrological stars, signs, and planetary bodies on human behavior and actions.

So, according to astrology, who are the biggest zodiac liars?

Read African Zodiac Signs: The Most Primitive And Accurate Astrological Guide

Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac Revealed!

Here are the zodiac signs that lie the most ranked from most to least:


What zodiac sign is the biggest liar? As per astrology, Scorpio is often associated with secrecy and a need for control, which can lead to a tendency to withhold or manipulate information.

They can also be fiercely protective of their privacy and emotional vulnerability, leading them to hide certain truths.

Additionally, Scorpios are known for their intuition and perceptiveness, making them skilled at picking up on subtle cues and using that knowledge to their advantage.

Read Deepest Secrets Of Each Zodiac Signs (Things You Will Never Know About Them Otherwise)

2. GEMINI (MAY 21 โ€“ JUNE 20):

Geminis are known for their duality and adaptability, which may make them skilled at adjusting their words and behavior to fit any situation, leading to a reputation for dishonesty.

Moreover, they change their mind often and cannot stick to their commitment. So, it’s not uncommon for them to go back on their words or make clever excuses to get out of sticky situations.


Aquarians are known for their love of intellectual debate and may sometimes use their wit and intelligence to manipulate or deceive others.

Their independent and rebellious nature may also make them inclined to bend the truth to fit their agenda or beliefs. Nonetheless, honesty remains a personal choice and responsibility, regardless of one’s astrological sign.


Sagittarius is known for their love of adventure and excitement, which may lead them to embellish or exaggerate their stories and experiences.

They like to charm others with their people skills and can also be impulsive and may not always consider the consequences of their words before speaking.


Libras are not habitual liars. But, they are often bad at confronting difficult situations. They run away from arguments and conflicts.

So, they might lie to pacify others or keep the peace. Libras don’t like to offend anyone and have a compulsive habit of people-pleasing or trying to make everyone happy. This sometimes compels them to tell white lies or conceal the facts.

biggest liars of the zodiac
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least

6. LEO (JULY 23 โ€“ AUGUST 22):

Leos are known for their desire to be loved. They don’t want to lose their loved ones, so they might sometimes exaggerate or hide information to make themselves look good.

They seek validation, so Leos can also give someone an ego boost to be in their good books. Leos don’t like to feel rejected or snubbed, so if that happens, they might even resort to using their charm to win someone over.

7. CANCER (JUNE 21 โ€“ JULY 22):

Cancer is definitely not a liar. However, you cannot even ignore the fact that Cancer is quite emotional.

So, this is what makes the Cancer narrate any incident according to his or her own version. That is why, due to this one-sided narration, Cancer is often tagged as a liar.

Read The Way Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Their Emotions


The Pisces are usually very creative and imaginative. Their imagination, fantasies, and creativity transport them to a utopian world of their own.

They have their head in the cloud. And when they try to describe their ideal and perfect ways in which they think things should happen, they are unfortunately labeled as liars.

9. TAURUS (APRIL 20 โ€“ MAY 20):

Taurus believes in practicality and securing a stable life for themselves. They value trust, faith, and honesty, and are not likely to lie, especially in relationships. However, they can manipulate anyone if it means profit for their financial or career ventures.


Capricorns know how to confront grave situations without indulging in lying or manipulation. They would never take a shortcut to success.

They believe in hard work and integrity more than anything. They will prefer to hurt you with the truth than comfort you with a lie.

biggest liars of the zodiac
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least


A Virgo could never feel very comfortable wearing the shoes of a liar. They are practical people just like their fellow earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, and would not give much importance to emotions or impulses.

They are straightforward people who call a spade a spade and believe that honesty is the best policy.

12. ARIES (MARCH 21 โ€“ APRIL 19):

The Aries is usually very straightforward too, perhaps to the point of being rude or blunt. So, when you ask Aries something, be ready to get a truthful answer to your question.

Aries never back down from confrontation and they are not one to seek lies or deceit to win. They believe in fighting hard and fighting fair. Aries people never manipulate or sugarcoat facts.

Now that you can identify the zodiac signs who are the biggest liars, know that this doesn’t give you the right to judge others’ integrity based on their zodiac.

  • It is important to recognize that honesty and trustworthiness are traits that come from within.
  • While zodiac signs may offer some insights into a person’s personality, they should not be the sole basis for judging someone’s character.
  • To avoid potential disappointment or heartache, it is recommended that you rely on your instincts more than on astrology.

Trusting your intuition and being observant of others’ actions and behavior can help you make better decisions and avoid unpleasant experiences.

Ultimately, it is your own judgment and discernment that will guide you toward trustworthy individuals and meaningful relationships.

The biggest liars of the zodiac ranked
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least
The biggest liars of the zodiac ranked
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least
biggest liars of the zodiac
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least
biggest liars of the zodiac
The Deceptive Dozen: Ranking The Biggest Liars Of The Zodiac From Most To Least

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  1. Alison Uphill Avatar
    Alison Uphill

    Don’t know. I’m a Sagittarius and must be on page 2 which won’t come up.

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