10 Inspirational Mental Health Podcasts That You Must Not Miss At Any Cost


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Mental Health Podcasts Not Miss

Podcasts are more popular now than ever, with almost everyone you come across having at least one favorite podcast in their playlist. And one of the best things about podcasts is that they are not limited to just a few specific topics, podcasts can be about anything and everything, including mental health.

There are so many amazing and informative mental health podcasts out there that help people struggling with mental health issues immensely. And these podcasts are so good, that you will find yourself binging on them more often than you would like. Who said binging is only for Netflix?!

Podcasts about mental health are not just informative and helpful, they can also be inspirational, motivating, and eye-opening. So what are the best mental health podcasts on Spotify right now?

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10 Inspirational Mental Health Podcasts That You Shouldn’t Miss At Any Cost

1. Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown

This is one of the best mental health podcasts on Spotify that you cannot and should not miss. Mayim Bialik is a famous household name, especially if you’re a huge ‘The Big Bang Theory’ fan like me! One of the major reasons why her podcast is so popular is because she knows what she’s talking about, and it’s really not a surprise, since she has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience.

Each of her episodes focuses on a specific topic revolving around mental health, and she even explains the science behind it. For example, suppose she is talking about Generalized Anxiety Disorder; she won’t just speak about it, she will also explain what it really is in great detail and the science behind it.

She will cover everything about it, and by the end of it, you won’t just understand it a lot better, you will also feel braver about dealing with it in a healthy and positive way.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

2. Mental Illness Happy Hour

This mental health podcast is hosted by comedian, Paul Gilmartin and is easily one of the most popular and well-loved podcasts out there. What makes his podcast amazing is the fact that he always invites a diverse group of guest speakers, and occasionally also invites, doctors, and psychologists.

He speaks about mental illness and mental health very openly and honestly, and never holds back. He focuses on subjects like addiction, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and trauma and creates a very safe space for people going through these challenges. The way he speaks about everything further normalizes the way we talk about mental health, and never once does it feel like we are talking about something taboo or difficult.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

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3. Imani State of Mind

Dr. Imani Walker is a psychiatrist who speaks a lot about mental health and the struggles associated with it, alongside her co-host, Kam. She mostly talks about mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, psychopathy, sociopathy, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and beautifully explains the truth and science behind them.

Her episodes also feature a really fun segment called ‘Pop Culture Diagnosis’, where she reviews and analyzes the representation of a fictional character’s mental illness, such as Carrie Mathison on Homeland.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

4. The Hilarious World Of Depression

This is easily one of the best mental health podcasts on Spotify. The most beautiful thing about John Moe’s mental health podcast was that he used to invite all these celebrities and famous people, who talked about their struggles with clinical depression in a really humorous and brutally honest way. And that is exactly what made his podcast truly one of the best and most relatable.

Anybody who heard what he and his guests had to say felt a little less alone in their struggles and felt stronger and braver when it came to dealing with it all. Even though the podcast’s producer, APM broke many hearts when he discontinued the podcast in 2020, you can still find all 96 episodes on Spotify and binge to your heart’s content!

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

5. Terrible, Thanks For Asking with Nora McInerny

Nora McInerny’s main reason for starting this podcast was that she wanted to explore more and find out the real answers to the standard question of “How are you”, instead of always saying “I am fine”. This was her way of talking and getting people to talk about issues that don’t get talked about enough, especially the uncomfortable ones.

This mental health podcast does an amazing job of encouraging people to talk about their uncomfortable feelings without any sort of filter. She does a phenomenal job at tackling difficult issues with a lot of sincerity, humor, and transparency.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

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6. Checking In with Michelle Williams

This is one of my favorite podcasts about mental health, to be honest. Michelle Williams invites celebrities and her friends on the podcast, interviews them, and discusses their mental health struggles and journeys with anxiety, depression, etc. She has had guests like Kelly Rowland and Dr. Oz on her platform and talks about diverse topics, including how politics slowly creeps into our lives, and ultimately our emotions.

Since she started this podcast in December 2020, she speaks a lot about pandemic-induced isolation and how it can take a toll on you. She also talks about different coping strategies for dealing with your mental health struggles and encourages her viewers to focus on their mental and emotional well-being.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

7. Selfwork With Dr. Margaret Rutherford

Dr. Margaret Rutherford has been practicing for more than 25 years, has helped thousands of people to deal with their depression, and is a strong advocate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). She is not just brilliant at guiding her audience through depression, but she ends every episode with an action item that will help you put into practice what you’ve learned from the episode.

One of the reasons why she is so well-loved is her belief that talking to a therapist is not enough, it is equally important to give patients the right tools and teach them ways that will help them overcome their struggles.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

8. The Friend Zone Podcast

best podcasts mental health spotify

Every Wednesday Assante, Francheska, and Dustin Ross come together to talk about mental health, mental wellness, and mental hygiene. Whenever I listen to their podcast, it never feels like they are strangers, they make me feel as if I am sitting with three of my closest friends and speaking my heart out.

Not just mental health, the trio talk about pop culture, relationships, emotional wellbeing, life lessons, and physical health too. Every episode is funny, heartfelt, and very, very relatable. They also give a lot of helpful advice about stuff that is usually not easy to talk about with others.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

Related: 10 Signs Your Mental Health Is Finally Improving

9. Unlocking Us with Brenรฉ Brown

Brenรฉ Brown’s eponymous podcast is a perfect representation of who she is as a person and her beliefs. She is an influential, well-respected, and important person in the field of mental wellness, and has been a driving force behind acknowledging and affirming the parts of being human that are always ignored or silenced.

Her brilliant mental health podcast has helped thousands of people by spreading awareness about mental wellness and mental health. Her podcast has featured eminent guests such as Reese Witherspoon, President Joe Biden, Brett Goldstein, Kerry Washington, Jason Sudeikis, and many more. She is one of the leading figures in the world to discuss accountability, empathy, and shame.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

10. Oprahโ€™s SuperSoul Conversations

mental health podcasts Spotify

How could I not include our very own Oprah Winfrey’s iconic mental health podcast in this list? In her podcast, Oprah invites popular influencers, mental health experts, and thought leaders and sheds light on various important topics such as overcoming trauma, finding your purpose in life, and getting in touch with your inner self.

Her guests never fail to give their own perspectives on topics of mental health, mental illness, and mental wellness, and that’s why her podcast is extremely relatable for everyone. At the end of every episode, you will feel a sense of optimism, enlightenment, and hope, and most importantly, you’ll have a better understanding of how to live your best life.

Watch this podcast on Spotify.

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These podcasts about mental health and mental wellness will not just help you deal with your emotions and struggles better, they will also make you feel less alone. You will realize that you’re not the only one who is struggling, and there are so many people like you who are in the same boat. This feeling of community and togetherness can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life.

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10 Inspirational Mental Health Podcasts That You Must Not Miss At Any Cost

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