8 Under-the-Radar Signs You’re Being The Black Sheep Of The Family


Surprising Habits Of Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

Being the black sheep of the family can be as clear-cut as a polka dot amongst a sea of stripes. It feels like while everyone is a part of a synchronized orchestra, you are marching to your own beat.

It could be anything from your unconventional career choices or vibrant tattoo collection to simply being good at stirring the pot at family reunions, being the black sheep of the family is not all doom and gloom.

Instead, it should be something that you look upon with pride because it shows how unique you really are. All right, let’s explore some of the subtle signs you are being the black sheep of the family.

Related: 10 Indicators That Youโ€™re The Outcast In Your Family: An Insight Into Being The Black Sheep In The Family

8 Interesting Habits of Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

1. You struggle with self-confidence and self-worth.

One of the biggest signs of being the black sheep of the family is this. If youโ€™re the black sheep of the family, chances are that you struggle with your self-esteem. However, there’s a reason for this. While growing up, you learned that who you were wasnโ€™t good enough.

Your family members often pushed you away or teased or excluded you making you feel like there was something wrong with you. And this belief lingers even today; it is an emotional scar on your soul and it runs deep.

being the black sheep of the family
8 Under-The-Radar Signs You’re Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

2. You have a habit of living in the past.

No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot get over your past; you keep on brooding over it. The memories keep returning to haunt you, and you let them. You constantly revisit your painful memories, and acknowledge how they made you the person you’re today.

You stay stuck in the past, because you hope that will help you deal with your pain. But the truth is, you cannot change what has already happened, and the only way you will get peace is when you move on and leave your past behind. That’s the only way you will feel free.

3. You choose to go against the grain and take the unconventional path.

Being the black sheep means being different from everyone and everything else.

While everyone around you may hold traditional and unconventional paths dear to them, you are brave enough to venture on the path no one has the guts to take. Itโ€™s not just about being different; you have a true affinity for pursuits and ideologies that deviate from the typical standards.

From choosing to live as a nomad instead of having a steady 9-5 job, to pursuing avant-garde art or embracing alternate philosophies which go against traditional norms, your opinions and choices are often met with confusion and criticism. But being the black sheep of the family, you don’t really care what others think of you.

Related: The Power Of Being The Black Sheep In The Family

4. Your thoughts are refreshingly different from your familyโ€™s.

Another major sign you are being the black sheep of the family is this.

At the dinner table, your family’s remarks generally revolve around tradition and conventional wisdom, however your perspective is completely different from what they are used to hearing.

It does not matter if it is politics, religion or any social issue at hand, your ideas are drawn from multitudes of experiences in life and an urge to challenge the status quo, which is why you have always gone against the grain.

Sometimes this rubs your family members the wrong way and they criticise and ridicule you, but you are happy and content in the way you think. You know that you’re not wrong, it’s their problem that they cannot break out of their centuries old thinking.

Being the black sheep of the family
8 Under-The-Radar Signs You’re Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

5. You find it hard to trust people.

You seem to have some serious trust issues and your heart seems like a ball that people always play with. You feel like getting close to anyone means you are setting yourself up for disappointment, so you prefer to keep your distance from everybody else.

You always think that everyone is going to abandon you, so what’s even the point in getting close to them? So you have stopped allowing people into your heart, and have erected walls so that no one can get in. For you, it’s better to be alone because that way, you will never get hurt.

6. You are always the lone wolf in family gatherings.

You are the black sheep of the family, if you have a habit of doing this. While family gatherings are known to unite everyone, and foster togetherness, more often than not, you find yourself on the periphery instead of mingling along with everyone.

However, this is not due to aloofness, rather you feel slightly off key with what the rest of the family has going on at that time.

Your opinions, likes and dislikes and philosophies may differ from that of everyone else. That’s why you choose to stay away, not as a mark of detachment, but because you want to subtly remind others that whatever you do, you do it on your own terms.

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7. Your personality shines through music.

Your musical playlist is a joker among cards; either completely eccentric or unbelievably weird separating it from other playlists made by country music enthusiasts or fans of rhythm and blues.

Youโ€™re punk rocking while they sway slowly; this makes you feel different amongst everyone, even though you all love music differently. You are not trying to show-off, you are simply embracing your uniqueness without caring what others might think of you.

being the black sheep of the family
8 Under-The-Radar Signs You’re Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

8. Your family always expects you to mess up.

Your family has a way of expecting the worst from you all the time. To them, your uniqueness is more of a negative thing than positive. Do not be surprised if you catch your siblings gossiping about you, as if you have committed a crime.

And forget about getting approval or anything of that sort from your parents either โ€“ they are more likely to give that to your sibling, even if they did something wrong. Your family treats your quirkiness as something that should either be punished or ignored.

Being the black sheep of the family and living as an outsider in your own home can be both poignant and painful because while such experiences can make you feel rejected, they also teach you how to be more resilient and brave.

Related: A Force Of Nature: 10 Signs You Are A Wild Woman And A Free Spirit

Do you think you are the black sheep of the family? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

black sheep of the family
8 Under-The-Radar Signs You’re Being The Black Sheep Of The Family

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